I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 1191: Then kill them!

Afraid of being suspected, Qin Shaoyou and the others did not stay in the Guozijian for too long.

After burning incense to the Master's portrait, they left the Imperial College without looking at the Dacheng Hall the whole time.

Xue Xiaobao sent them all the way out of the gate, showing reluctance, and performed a scene of filial piety with Qin Shaoyou. Qin Qiaoer couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help reminding them: "The show is a little bit over..."

Fortunately, the editor's eyeliner in ambush in the Imperial College did not see the problem.

After saying goodbye to Xue Xiaobao, Qin Qiaoer also said goodbye to Qin Shaoyou and the others, and returned to the headquarters of Zhenyaosi alone.

Emperor Jianwu's will was to let Qin Shaoyou go to the south of the Yangtze River on business, and he didn't order Qin Qiaoer's generals. At most, Qin Shaoyou brought Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and others under his command.

As for Qin Qiaoer, her official position is the same as Qin Shaoyou's, she is an official of thousands of households, without the order of Emperor Jianwu or the order of the Zhenyaosi, it is not good to go with Qin Shaoyou.

Although they could report to their superiors and ask Qin Qiaoer to go to the south of the Yangtze River to assist in the investigation, but after discussion last night, they dismissed this idea and finally decided to let Qin Qiaoer stay in the capital.

In doing so, on the one hand, it can reduce Emperor Jianwu's suspicion.

On the other hand, Qin Qiaoer stayed in the capital, besides contacting her elder sister Qin Buwei and protecting her nephew Xue Xiaobao, she could also help Qin Shaoyou and the others when they sneaked back to the capital to start their operations.

Qin Qiaoer stayed in the capital, while the fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law were taken away by Qin Shaoyou.

Originally, the fourth sister and the fourth brother-in-law wanted to stay in the capital for a few more days so that they could find a good doctor to take care of the fourth brother-in-law.

However, Qin Shaoyou considered that the undercurrent in the capital was very unsafe, so he proposed to let them return to Jiangnan with him.

Of course, these words are not easy to say, Qin Shaoyou can only find an excuse, saying that he is going to Jiangnan to investigate the case, and the fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law have been operating in Jiangnan for many years, and they just use their strength to investigate the case.

When the fourth brother-in-law heard that his brother-in-law wanted something from him, and what he was doing was dealing with his own business firms, he immediately agreed to go with them without saying a word.

In fact, after the curse was lifted, the fourth brother-in-law's health improved day by day. Even without the help of a good doctor, he would recover in a short time.

Not to mention, the Taoist priests of the Jade Emperor under Qin Shaoyou's hands are all proficient in medicine. If you walk with them, are you afraid that there will be no good doctors to treat them?

Soon, Qin Shaoyou and his party left the capital.

After leaving the city, Qin Shaoyou and others rode on horses, while the fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law sat in the carriage.

The buddies and maidservants who followed the fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law to Beijing before, some were responsible for driving the carriage, and some also rode horses and followed the team.

Not long after leaving the capital, Zhu Xiucai rode his horse and came to Qin Shaoyou's side. Without looking back, he looked ahead and reported in a low voice:

"My lord, there is a tail following us."

Zhu Xiucai's ability to track and counter-track has already been tempered after many actual battles.

What's more, there are Gu worms released by Daoist Qiu Shi to help.

Although the people Wang Jinzhong sent to follow them were all experts in the editorial factory, in the professional field of tracking and anti-stalking, they still lacked Zhu Xiucai and Qiu Shi by several Cui Youguis.

Qin Shaoyou nodded slightly.

Along the way, his talents such as eyesight, hearing, and nose have never stopped, and he also found some suspicious people behind him.

"Don't worry about us..."

Qin Shaoyou sneered.

"It's said that Emperor Jianwu was suspicious by nature. Looking at it now, the rumors are true."

Zhu Xiucai asked: "How should we deal with it? Or use the old method to deceive them with paper figurines and illusions?"

Qin Shaoyou thought about it, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid the old method won't work anymore. We have used this method too many times in Qingtang and when we dealt with the Black Lotus Sect monsters.

Emperor Jianwu has an affair with the Black Lotus Sect, so he must have already known about our methods. The people he sent to follow us may have been on guard. If we repeat the old tricks, we may be exposed! "

Zhu Xiucai pondered for a while, and felt that Qin Shaoyou's words made sense, so he nodded slightly: "Then what should we do?"

Qin Shaoyou didn't speak, touched his chin, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought about countermeasures.

After a while, he had an idea: "Since we can't hide it, then kill them!"

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaoyou and the others stayed in a county on the edge of Gyeonggi.

The Jishichang Fanzi who was in charge of following them naturally also followed up the county, and asked for a few rooms in the inn where Qin Shaoyou and the others stayed, so that they could be monitored nearby.

They thought it was good to cover up by changing their appearance along the way, but they didn't expect that they had been exposed long ago.

Along the way, rather than saying that they were monitoring Qin Shaoyou and the others, it might be better to say that they were under surveillance.

The leaders of the team, after entering the room, began to tell their subordinates not to relax their vigilance~ lightnovelpub.net~ Keep an eye on Qin Shaoyou and others in shifts, and they must not be negligent in the slightest.

After following Qin Shaoyou for two days, the fanzis had a lot of questions in their hearts, and couldn't help saying in a hurry:

"My lord, I heard that the kid surnamed Qin is going to the south of the Yangtze River on business. Don't we want to monitor him all the way to the south of the Yangtze River?"

"The factory owner asked us to monitor him, is he going to attack him? This kid beat our people as soon as he arrived in the capital. He is really arrogant. We should let him know how powerful our editor factory is!"

"That's right! In the capital, it's not easy for us to attack this kid. Outside of the capital, there are too many opportunities. We can kill this kid and push it to ghosts or rebels. Anyway, except for the capital Circle, everywhere is not peaceful..."

Before the fan finished speaking, the room suddenly felt quiet, and the atmosphere instantly became very oppressive.

He froze for a moment, then realized that he had said something wrong, trembling immediately, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Several stalls looked at each other.

Maybe it was because he thought it was unlucky to kill his own people first when he was away from home, or maybe he thought that this person was still useful, so he planned to settle accounts with him when he went back, but he didn't deal with him right away.

The head of this fan's direct subordinate said with a gloomy face: "Take care of your mouth! What do you mean is that everything is not peaceful except the capital? If someone with a heart hears this, they will think that you are slandering the imperial court and His Majesty! That's fine. Stop talking nonsense here, and do what you should do."

Seeing this, the fans didn't dare to say any more, they all bowed their hands and took orders, and took out the supernatural items they carried from the special wooden boxes and began to arrange them.

At this moment, a fan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the dark red light like blood flickering from the supernatural item he had taken out.

Then his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Not good..."