I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 123: good news

In the courtyard behind the Lingguan Building, there is a large group of dogs.

They are all human hands and feet, with a strange appearance of a dog's head and a dog's body.

Some of them lie on the ground to bask in the sun, some get together in twos and threes to play together, and some are holding books.

Although their hands and feet have returned to human form, they can't stand upright and walk, and they still crawl like dogs. Even if they can stand, it's only temporary and won't last long.

It is estimated that their body is still dog-shaped.

And the half-human, half-dog who shouted was lying on the steps behind the Lingguan Building and looked out of the mountain gate, so he was the first to spot Qin Shaoyou and others.

He is in charge of letting out the wind.

If an ordinary person came to watch the incense, he would tell his friends to hide in advance, so as not to scare the pilgrims.

I had caused trouble before, stunned a pilgrim directly, but fortunately there was nothing serious.

As he opened his mouth, the half-human, half-dog in the courtyard also saw Qin Shaoyou and the others, and began to shout.

It's all human speech, occasionally mixed with a bark or two.

"Two sisters Su, come out quickly."

"Tianyou didn't lie, it's really the group of people you always talk about here."

"If you don't come out soon, you'll be sad and lost when you leave."

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and the others couldn't help but whisper.

"Are these children who were turned into dogs by the Black Lotus Sect demon?"

"Definitely, haven't you seen them all starting to recover? Not only have their hands and feet turned into human figures, but they have also regained their ability to speak. Before, they could only bark, neither could they understand or speak."

"It's good if there is a change, it means that they are starting to recover. It's just that their current appearance is so weird and scary. I don't know when they will fully recover."

Indeed, the children's half-human, half-dog appearance is very ordinary. If ordinary people see it, they must think it is a monster.

However, Qin Shaoyou was quite used to it.

After all, in his last life, the kobolds, Skaven, and the like he had seen were much uglier and weirder than this.

The half-human, half-dog appearance the children have recovered is already very pleasing to the eye.

Amidst the shouting of the children, two figures, one large and one small, flew out of the Jade Emperor Temple.

Seeing Qin Shaoyou standing in the courtyard from a distance, a smile appeared on the faces of Su Jianqing and Su Tingyu.

After we parted, I knew more about this man's goodness.

Not only did he take good care of the two of them along the way, but he was also hospitable and warm, and he also told all kinds of interesting stories and spoke nicely.

Speaking of which, the fairy story he told before is not over yet.

I don't know if the domineering Immortal Emperor that the female fairy loves is warmed by her love? And the handsome Demon Venerable who has always liked female fairies, has it been because of this love that he gave up the identity and status of Demon Venerable and joined the righteous path?

Although Su Jianqing and Su Tingyu occasionally wonder, why do these immortals who have cultivated for thousands of years do everything they do every day to talk about love? But they can't help but they haven't heard such a story, they just can't help wanting to hear it.

Compared with this man, the brothers and sisters in the Jade Emperor Temple who can't tell stories are too boring.

The meeting was not to talk about cultivation, but to discuss the contents of alchemy, crafting, and various experiments.

In the past, they would not think there was any problem with these.

But after following Qin Shaoyou for a while, he always felt that there was something missing from this kind of life.

However, after meeting Qin Shaoyou, Su Jianqing and Su Tingyu unanimously slowed down.

Su Jianqing reprimanded the child who took the lead in coaxing: "God bless, don't lead them to coax blindly. When did we talk about him?"

Although he was trained, this child named Tianyou was not afraid at all.

A smile appeared on his long dog face, and after barking twice, he turned into a human voice, actually joking Su Jianqing: "Sister Dasu, I'm talking about them, not him. You Who is he referring to?"

"Wang Wang, who are you referring to?" A group of half-human, half-dog children followed suit.

A blush appeared on Su Jianqing's translucent face.

She glared at Tianyou and hummed, "You heard it wrong, I'm talking about them."

"But I can hear it very clearly. You are clearly talking about him..."

"Shut up, or I'll beat you up."

Su Jianqing waved her small fist to threaten.

It can be seen that she has a good relationship with these children.

After all, she was still a child when she died.

Although so many years have passed, her pure heart has not changed, so it is easy to get along with the children and become the eldest sister among them.

It is precisely because of the good relationship that Tianyou is not afraid of her, and even wants to argue.

Qin Shaoyou looked straight and shook his head.

Although this child is precocious and mature, he doesn't understand women's hearts after all.

At this time, what are you fighting for? Can you fight?

So he interrupted Tianyou's words, and also helped to clear the siege.

"Your name is Tianyou? Where's your sister? Is she okay?"

When he was talking, Qin Shaoyou crouched down, so that Tianyou and the children in the courtyard could look at him, without having to lift their heads to look at him.

The reason why he asked Tianyou's sister was because Qin Shaoyou recognized him through his voice as the big yellow dog who begged the demon of the Black Lotus Sect to let his sister go the night before the rescue operation.

"My sister is fine, thank you uncle for your concern." Tianyou turned his head and barked towards the courtyard, and saw a black dog with hands and feet running over.

"My name is brother." Qin Shaoyou corrected himself, and couldn't help muttering in his heart: Am I that old? you call me uncle?

"Pfft." Zhu Xiucai, who was behind him, couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Qin Shaoyou was about to turn his head and stare at him when Tianyou asked curiously, "Grandpa, what are you laughing at?"


Zhu Xiucai's mouth twitched, covering his chest, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

You call me grandpa? Am I that old?

Now it was Qin Shaoyou's turn to laugh.

But after laughing twice, he felt something was wrong again.

Why do you have the feeling of being downgraded and being taken advantage of?

Fortunately, Tianyou's younger sister ran over quickly, spit out words, and thanked Qin Shaoyou and others.

In the past few days, after the children recovered their language skills, they heard the whole process of their rescue from the Su family sisters.

Coupled with the scenes they witnessed with their own eyes, they knew that it was the night watchmen of the Demon Suppression Division in front of them who discovered that they had been turned into dogs by demons.

Then he brought the army ~lightnovelpub.net~ to rescue them from the demons, and took great pains to send them to the Jade Emperor Temple, asking the Taoist priest to help them treat them.

So after Tianyou's sister thanked, all these half-human, half-dog-like children in the courtyard gathered around, each and everyone talking and expressing their thanks.

In such a situation, let alone Qin Shaoyou, Zhu Xiucai, Monk Ma and others have not experienced much.

For a while, they were all at a loss.

I can only say that I don't need to thank you, and at the same time I tell these children to be obedient, not afraid of pain or pain, actively cooperate with the treatment, and strive to restore their human form as soon as possible.

The two sisters, Su Jianqing and Su Tingyu, deliberately stood in the distance for a while.

They didn't come up until the children's words of thanks were almost finished.

He introduced to Qin Shaoyou and others: "The children are brave and obedient.

At present, the dog skin on their limbs has been removed smoothly, and their speech ability has also been restored.

What we need to do next is to find a way to remove the dog skin from them. This is very troublesome, but my master and my uncles already have a plan.

I believe that it won't be long before they can fully recover their human form and go back to reunite with their families. "


Qin Shaoyou and others said sincerely that they are happy for the recovery of the children.

Zhu Xiucai even sighed: "This is the best news I have heard in recent days."

Immediately afterwards, he corrected himself: "No, it should be one of the best news."

Promotion is also the best news.

After talking about the children's situation, Su Tingyu looked at the big Changxiang held in the arms of Zhu Xiucai and others, feeling a little dazed and confused.

"What's the matter with you coming today?"
