I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 1574: Mutated sea tribe

Remember [new] in one second! This fight took place near the coast. Rather than saying it was a fight, it was better to say it was a one-sided hunt. The ones being hunted were several turtle demons and crab spirits with great cultivation.

Relying on their hard carapace and the shield held up by the demonic energy, they managed to withstand waves of enemy attacks.

Although the shells and shields of these turtle demons and crab demons have very strong defenses, under the continuous attack of the surrounding enemies, many cracks have appeared and may break at any time.

Even on the sea surface next to them, there are still several broken carapace, as well as torn flesh residue and blood foam floating on it.

There are already turtle monsters and crab spirits, whose shields and carapace have been broken through, and they are being eaten.

What attacked these turtle monsters and crab spirits was a group of strange creatures.

These creatures look like fish and shrimps in the sea, but many of them have two or three heads and several tails.

There are even fish and shrimps that not only have multiple heads and tails, but also have human-like arms.

This kind of arm, at first glance, is not something that can be transformed into a human being after reaching a certain level of cultivation.

It's more like after killing someone, he sewed and integrated these people's hands into his own body through some weird and weird ways.

In addition to their strange and strange appearance, Qin Shaoyou and others also noticed an aura of chaos in these creatures.

This kind of chaotic aura is not the same as the chaos brought by the mad god, but it is a bit like the aura of Fuso Onmyoji who practiced the wrong spells.

At that time, a patrolling Yaksha recognized the turtle demon and crab spirit that were being beaten up, and said hurriedly: "Duke, this is the turtle man and my friend, and he is one of yours."

Hearing those words, he gave Uncle Zhao's orders. Cui Wuwei immediately took up his four-turn flying talisman gun, used the Water Legacy Technique, and rushed out without hesitation.

"Go help us!" Monk Ma, Marshal Puppet and others, as well as Su Jianpu and Su Tingyu, all followed.

Among us, none of us know the water escape technique, and no one has the water escape talisman. Even if we have those things, we can still ride the sea monk to rush towards the fight.

Even Qiurong once again took out the human skin drum from your body and made a loud bang.

The calm drumbeat not only boosted the morale of the turtles and other sea monsters, it also restored the monster energy we had consumed, and gave us a weakening aura that cracked our damaged shields and carapace. Got restored.

At the same time, the sound of the drums also interfered with this group of weird and strange looking sea monsters, allowing their monster energy to circulate smoothly, thereby strengthening their combat power.

This group of strange and strange sea monsters were surprised and also noticed the arrival of Liao Lianya and others.

But they are not lost.

The chaotic aura beneath them made them lose their minds. They simply knew what fear was. When they encountered an enemy, it was not just a word: reckless!

It's a pity that they chose the wrong target that time.

Although those sea monsters don't have many weird abilities, they can even turn blood into poison, disintegrate and let their organs fly out and hurt people.

But despite the absolute disparity in strength, their weird abilities are all impressive.

They all required Uncle Zhao to take action, and Cui Wuwei, Monk Ma and the other demigods killed them all with their hands.

I originally thought about keeping him alive for interrogation.

As a result, it was discovered that those sea monsters only had weird bodies and chaotic minds, and were not bloodthirsty lunatics at all.

No matter whether it was Zhao Shuda's enchanting eyes or Taoist Qiu Shi's tricks and punishments, they were all useless.

They only know how to kill, kill, eat, eat, eat, and don't even know what kind of useless information they are producing.

When the rescued turtle man came to express his gratitude to Uncle Zhao, he told the story of those strange creatures:

"Qin Shaoyou, those are sea monsters contaminated by Fuso Onmyoji's random arrangement of practice waste. Their bodies have only become monsters, and their minds have become completely confused and crazy. They are unable to answer their interrogations." 3

Uncle Zhao's attempts were fruitful, but to hear what it said, it was just a waste of time under those polluted monsters.

Blood energy gushes out and immediately crushes all the struggling and roaring sea monsters. Amidst the muffled sound of "anvil", all those sea monsters exploded into **** of rotten flesh and blood mist.

The mysterious recipe was kept quiet, and no new dishes were created just because those monsters were killed, and no new ingredients were included.

It seems that the fish and shrimp mutated by fusang's random discharge are not poisonous, and even the mysterious recipes are disgusting.

Immediately afterwards, Liao Lianya asked Lingguiweng: "Those sea tribes that were mutated by pollution, why did they attack them7"

"They were probably driven here by Fuso's onmyojis." Lingguiweng told Zhao Shuda that Fuso's onmyojis didn't have a secret method to control those mutated sea tribes.

And those sea tribes, under the orders of Zhao Ge, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, were waiting for the arrival of Zhao Shuda in that sea area to lead the way.

It is estimated that during the waiting process, Fuso's onmyoji discovered it, so they sent the mutated sea monsters over, hoping to kill them all to avoid future troubles.

The Spirit Turtle Weng also told the reason why it believed so: "When you led Xiao Wang to meet up with Mr. Liao Lian, you were attacked by Fuso Onmyoji, pirates and mutant sea tribes for the first time. We wanted to When you meet up, you naturally want Qin Shaoyou to come over. "

Uncle Zhao nodded slightly. Lingguiweng's guess and judgment were reasonable. We also speculate that the Fusang people should have no dealings with the mad god.

Nan Qian, it has no impact on our sacrifice to the mad god, so let’s just say

The leader is weak and strong. The trap we set in Xia Kingdom was discovered by Chief Qin and the altar was under Fuso Island.

;D Zuojiadu Li Jiaoxiu "leads the rice" to preface Tinghui

The chief of the mountain led him down to the island, to the far side of the altar, and with the help of the power of the altar

In such a situation, the Fuso people naturally wanted to take another surprise.

Especially if people like Liao Lian and Liao Lianya, who don't have the power of a true god, come and mess up our plans, we naturally have to do our best to stop them. UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.com

That's why Uncle Zhao and we met the breath of the mad god's stomach halfway down the road. Then I fell into a maze and almost lost my direction. Although Zhao Ge did not encounter those attacks and interference, it also covered other obstacles.

The bad thing is that Zhao Ge only has the strength of a demigod, let alone the authority of a sea god.

Under that small sea, no matter whether it was the Fuso people or the tricks played by the mad god's broken body, I was trapped.

Lingguiweng followed Zhao Ge all the way outside, and naturally knew that all the events on the road were now being revealed to Zhao Shuda's questioning.


At the end, it also told Zhao Shuda:

"Xiao Wang hadn't taken anyone off the island yet, so he met up with Mr. Ao Chou, and together they went to the southwest of Fuso Sishu Island, Gui Shimazu's territory.

According to the clues found by Mr. Liao Lian, the altar to sacrifice the mad **** is hidden outside.

Xiao Wang ordered you to stay here, and I will inform Qin Shaoyou of the situation and lead the way for them. "