I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 279: Notice written by Zhu Xiucai

Although Qin Shaoyou promised to teach An Ziling to set traps, he did not start the class immediately.

Because An Ziling is a complete layman when it comes to traps.

Qin Shaoyou planned to go to the library at work today to find an introductory book on traps and bring it back to An Ziling to read.

After this girl has learned how to make some basic traps, she will teach her more advanced content and practical experience.

After all, Qin Shaoyou's knowledge of traps is more practical. Although he understands some theoretical content, he definitely does not have the professional books in the library to explain it in detail.

In addition, there is another reason why the class did not start immediately, but Qin Daoren ran to the kitchen and saw that Yaoxuewang hadn't come out of the pot, so he turned back and asked Qin Shaoyou when this medicinal meal would be cooked and when it could be eaten.

Seeing Qin Daoren's impatience and his drooling appearance, Qin Shaoyou could only hold back his laughter and went to the kitchen with him.

After checking the situation of Yaoxuewang, Qin Shaoyou greeted: "It's cooked, take a bowl and scoop it."

"Eh." Qin Daoren nodded again and again, took out a large bowl from the cabinet, and found the pot and spoon.

Qin Shaoyou, while he was not paying attention, sprinkled some thirteen incense into the pot.

I didn't dare to sprinkle too much, because I was afraid that if the effect was suddenly improved, Qin Daoren would overdo it and bleed his nose.

"It's so fragrant." Qin Daoren sucked his saliva while scooping up the demon blood.

There is no way not to suck, otherwise the saliva will flow out.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled, and whispered: "Strange, how come this fragrance seems to have been smelled somewhere?"

Qin Shaoyou held back his laughter.

Where did you smell it? Of course in a dream.

Qin Daoren poured himself a large bowl of ghost juice after scooping up a bowl full of demon blood.

He didn't rush to eat Yaoxuewang, but took a sip of the ghost juice first, and after exhaling a sigh of satisfaction, he sighed: "This soup really needs to be boiled before it is delicious."

He was so happy that he didn't notice that at the door of the kitchen, An Zizhan was looking at him with an expression of shock and admiration.

An Zizhan came here after smelling the fragrance of the thirteen incense.

As soon as he came here, he saw Qin Daoren pouring a bowl of ghost juice and smelled the unique swill smell of ghost juice.

An Zizhan's young mind was deeply shocked by this: "My grandfather dares to drink swill? No... He not only dares to drink it, but also likes it very much."

In the school before, a classmate once bragged to him that his brother dared to eat shit.

An Zizhan didn't know if that classmate's brother really dared to eat shit.

But his grandfather really dared to drink swill!

In the future in the school, he can use this matter to compete with his classmates.

If there are classmates who don't believe him, they will bring them to Grandpa's house and let Grandpa drink a bowl of swill in front of the classmates.

It's just that from now on, I can't let my grandfather kiss me anymore, after all, my grandfather's mouth has drunk swill...

Qin Daoren didn't know that drinking a ghost juice by himself actually left a deep impression in the childhood memories of the baby's grandson.

At this moment, while drinking ghost juice and eating demon blood, he suddenly felt that his life was complete.

Qin Shaoyou warmed up a bowl of Duhua tea, ate a few pieces of oil ghost cake, and then said goodbye to his parents and second sister, and went to Zhen Yaosi.

Although the case of committing a crime has been solved, there are still many follow-up matters to be dealt with, so he can't take a vacation.

Not to mention, she had to find An Ziling's introductory book on traps.

Qin Daoren is also going to the government office to be on duty, and An Mutong plans to go to the government office with him to meet the prefect and get in touch with each other.

Qin Shaoyou didn't wait for the two of them, and went out the door first.

When he walked to the intersection, he found a lot of people around the road.

Take a closer look, these people are all around the notice board.

Because there is a big new notice posted on the notice board, it's hard for people not to notice.

However, most of the neighbors are not very literate, or not very literate enough to read the entire notice.

So in the crowd, a thin middle-aged man in a patched green shirt became the focus.

The people around here asked him one after another:

"Kong Xiucai, what is written on this notice?"

"It must be very important to post such a large notice early in the morning. Brother Yiji, you know a lot of words, so read it for us quickly."

"I saw the notice posted on the night watchman. Could it have something to do with the murder case of the night watchman two days ago?"

"What kind of murder case, it's all nonsense. I heard people in the know say that this is a murder case for money!"

Hearing these people's words, Qin Shaoyou felt that it was a wise decision for Zhu Xiucai to post a notice all over the city.

Otherwise, what kind of rumors will these rumors spread?

In the end, not only Zhu Xiucai will die, but the reputation and prestige of Luocheng Town Yaosi will definitely be greatly affected and drop a lot.

Kong Xiucai didn't give in to the inquiries from the neighbors.

He first squinted his eyes, leaned in and read the contents of the notice in general, and then shook his head: "The level of the person who wrote this notice is really poor. , and there is no scripture reference, you can see this word, it clearly has several ways of writing, but only one is used on the notice..."

Kong Xiucai shook his head and said a lot.

Neighbors around the neighborhood gave up and said, "Kong Xiucai, don't say these things that we don't understand, hurry up and read what is written on the notice."

Someone even threatened: "Kong Xiucai, if you don't read the notice, give me the drink money on credit!"

"Don't worry, I will read it now, I will read it now."

Kong Xiucai sighed, only to feel that no one knew how talented he was.

After shaking his head, he began to read the contents of the notice.

Qin Shaoyou also read the notice written by Zhu Xiucai at this moment.

To be honest, this notice written by Zhu Xiucai did not show off his literary talent.

Because he knew that the notice was written for ordinary people to read, and if he really had to cite scriptures and make some jerky words and phrases, even if someone like Kong Xiucai helped read the notice, the common people could not understand the content.

Therefore, all his notices are written in an easy-to-understand manner.

At the same time, he not only wrote clearly the reason, process, results, etc. of the case, but also wrote the ups and downs, not only suspense, but also climax, and finally sublimated the theme, praising the night watchmen of Luocheng Town Yaosi , how he worked tirelessly, was not afraid of ghosts, and used his enthusiasm and blood to protect the safety of the people.

Zhu Xiucai, who often goes to Goulan to listen to books, obviously knows what kind of content can be liked by ordinary people and spread by word of mouth.

Of course, in this notice, Zhu Xiucai also entrained some private goods.

He wrote the story of himself and Xiang Piao Piao like a genius and a beautiful woman.

He said that he was so talented that Xiang Piao Piao fell in love with him, and even wanted to change his mind and stop trying to make money and kill his life, just to spend the rest of his life with him.

It's a pity that although Xiang Piao Piao has changed her mind, the ghost did not let her go, and sentenced her to the head of the owl.

Qin Shaoyou read the contents of the notice, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "What a good Zhu Xiucai, he really dares to put gold on his face, and actually said that Xiang Piao Piao admires his talent? I think Caihua is more or less the same."

But Zhu Xiucai still didn't dare to blow it too far, at least he didn't say that Xiang Piao Piao was attracted to his beauty.

Although in this notice, Zhu Xiucai added a little bit of jokes.

But don't say, the neighbors obviously love to watch these.

Even after listening to Kong Xiucai read the contents of the notice, they also made up a lot of content that was not written on the notice, such as how talented Zhu Xiucai is, and how Xiang Piao Piao fell in love at first sight.

These contents are very gossip, and to some extent they are helpful for the dissemination of the truth of the case.

At least no one said anymore that Xiang Piao Piao's death was the result of the night watchman's murder for money, or murder for love.