I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 522: Murder to be punished

Murdering and killing hearts, this is murdering and punishing hearts!

Cui Youkui glared at Qin Shaoyou, gritted his teeth in hatred.

Even if he got it cheap, he still behaved well, and he even apologized to me in a fake way. What is Qin Zongqi's intention to kill or punish? !

Too much hatred!

It's too coercive!

No, I have to write it down quickly.

Brother Cui, who was angrily, immediately took out a small notebook from his arms.

Although he didn't bring a pen, it didn't matter, he had a way.

Senior Brother Cui stretched out his hand and drew a charred branch into his hand.

After blowing out the fire above and breaking off the carbonized part, Senior Brother Cui quickly wrote down the newly learned coercive skills on the small notebook: Killing people must be punished, and this is called cruelty.

Qin Shaoyou probed to see this sentence, and always felt a little awkward.

Is this a record of coercive skills, or is it scolding people secretly?

Brother Cui didn't think about it so much. After writing this sentence, he put away the small notebook and prepared to discuss with Qin Shaoyou the reason for grabbing the head.

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But just opened his mouth, before the words were spoken, a 'dong dong dong' drum sound suddenly sounded.

A drum beat on its own and flew into the Yizhuang.

If others saw this scene, they would definitely be terrified.

But Qin Shaoyou, Cui Youkui, and Su Tingyu were all calm.

No, Senior Brother Cui is not calm.

He scolded angrily: "It's over, what drums are you playing? Why didn't you play when I was on stage and making moves?"

A head with the bride's hair combed and a red veil poked out from the flying drum.

It is Qiu Rong.

She said a little aggrievedly: "You didn't let me knock before."


Cui Yougui was speechless.

He pulled Qiu Rong over, just to let Qiu Rong play the drums and match him with a piece of music for his appearance, so as to improve his style.

But outside the Yizhuang before, Senior Brother Cui noticed that the ghosts in the Yizhuang were trying to harm people, and before he could order Qiurong, he slashed the monsters with his sword and fled in, but he forgot Qiurong outside...

Looking at it like this, it seems that Qiu Rong can't really be blamed.

The embarrassed Cui Youku had no choice but to change his mouth and exhorted, "Remember in the future, when I appear on the stage, I must play the drums for the soundtrack. It doesn't matter whether the drums have a gain or not, but they must be exciting and worthy of the sound. Take my breath."

Qiu Rong timidly replied "Oh".

Seeing her cooperative attitude, Cui Yougui's attitude changed a lot.

"Now that the battle is over, stop your drums."

"Don't stop."

Su Jianqing appeared beside the drum, first motioned Qiurong to continue to play the drum, and then to Cui Youkui and Qin Shaoyu: "I asked Qiurong to play the drum. Her exciting drum sound can enhance combat effectiveness; The sound of the drums can calm the soul and transcend the soul.”

When she said this, she also raised her hand and pointed to the corpses that fell out of the locust tree.

Ordinary people can't see it, but Qin Shaoyou, who used [Bright Eyes], and Cui Youkui, who opened his eyes, can see that there are dead souls floating on the corpses, wandering around.

These dead souls were also imprisoned by the Huai Yao, but they have not yet become its ghosts.

Now that the Huai Yao is dead, these dead souls don't know where to go.

If they are not converted, they will either be blown away by the sun, or they will steal the essence and yang energy of living people and become evil ghosts.

The sound of the drums that Qiu Rong beat at this moment is like the morning and evening drums in the temple, and it is like the wooden fish and golden bowls beaten when chanting the dharma.

The drum sound of 'dong dong' washed away the evil magic that the Huai Yao had imposed on the dead souls, and pointed out the way for them to go to the underworld of Huangquan.

So in the gentle drumbeat, the eyes of these dead souls recovered one after another. After saluting Qiurong and thanking Qin Shaoyou, Cui Youku, Su Jianqing and Su Tingyu, they gradually disappeared and set foot on Huangquan Road. .

Looking at the disappeared soul, and at Qiu Rong who was beating drums, Cui Youku sighed inwardly, and said to himself, "I can save others, but I can't save myself... But most people in the world are So it is."

At this time, the flaming flying sword slowly flew to Cui Youkui, and was about to drill into the sword box.

Cui Youkui was angry when he saw it.

If it wasn't for its "passive sabotage" just now, who would have snatched Huai Yao's head, not sure.

Thinking of this, Senior Brother Cui couldn't help but teach him a few words about the Flame Magic Sword. He didn't expect that the Flame Magic Sword would give him no face at all. Turn around and change the owner' means.

Cui Youkui wanted to be counseled, but he felt that admitting counseling to a sword would lose his reputation as a true monarch.

One person and one sword, it became a stalemate like this, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Fortunately, Qin Shaoyou opened his mouth to help ease the atmosphere: "Senior Brother Cui, you are also out of the limelight this time, so let me give you your head, doesn't it seem that you have a big bearing and a wide chest, not to mention that you can have new dishes to eat, which is good... …”

"New dish?"

Cui Yougui's eyes lit up.

I don't know if he really wants to eat new dishes, or if he wants to find a way to go down the stairs, but he really doesn't get angry with Rie Yan Feijian anymore, and hurriedly asks: "Where is it? Where is the new dish?"

Qin Shaoyou raised his hand and pointed at the locust tree that had been split in half: "The leaves of the locust demon are the raw materials for new dishes. If you can't put out the fire in the Yizhuang quickly and burn up the locust leaves, there will be no I ate a new dish... oh yes, don't say I didn't remind you, this new dish is very helpful for the condensing of your yin spirit."

This is the truth. Qin Shaoyou glanced at the contents of the mysterious recipe just now, and learned that the name of the new dish is locust leaf cake. It is cooked with ghostly locust leaves and the ghosts of ghosts, which can enhance the strength of ghost cultivators. , which helps to condense the yin spirit.

For a martial artist who does not have a yin god, eating this new dish can also strengthen the soul, which is of great benefit to the follow-up practice!

When Cui Youkui heard that the new dish is good for Yin Shen, he drooled.

The Flame Magic Sword was aware of this situation~lightnovelpub.net~ and didn't bother to be angry with him any more, flew back into the sword box with a 'swish', and closed the box with a 'click'.

Luckily it wasn't locked.

Cui Yougui didn't care.

To eat, not shabby.

He hurriedly chanted spells, cast spells to call rain, and extinguished the flames in the Yizhuang.

At the same time, the wind blows off the locust leaves on the branches and gathers them together for easy removal.

He didn't forget to complain: "Why didn't you say it earlier? We knew that these locust leaves were ingredients, we should have avoided it just now..." Then he felt distressed, saying that there were a lot of locust leaves that were burnt just now, at least one can be eaten. two meals?

Qin Shaoyou laughed dumbly and spread his hands:

"I didn't know that these locust leaves can be cooked just now."

Qin Shaoyou meant that before he killed the Huai Yao, he didn't know whether the Huai Yao could create a new recipe, nor did he know which parts of the Huai Yao could cook.

But Brother Cui misunderstood.

He remembered the snake commander that flew out of Qin Shaoyou's arms just now.

So he thought that it was the snake general who, after killing the soul of the Huai Yao, let Jiutian Dangmo Patriarch know the specific situation of the Huai Yao, which part of the Huai Yao can be eaten, how to eat it, and what effect it can have. Then he taught Qin Shaoyou the 'Royal Chef'.

After all, Qin Shaoyou has always declared to the public that the ghosts and spirits he knows are all learned from the ancestors of Jiutian Dangmo.

The ancestor of Jiutian Dangmo has never refuted this matter.

Cui Youkui didn't dare to complain about the ancestors of Jiutian Dangmo.

After all, they have suffered losses, been cleaned up, and paid the price of blood and tears.

So he closed his mouth and just worked hard to collect the locust leaves. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!