I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 541: The Origin of the Abandoned Baby Tower

"Sir, your idea is very good, but I am afraid that the residents of Lingjie Town will not be able to accept Hong Gongliang and Niu Er for a while..."

When Sun Xianzong said this, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Hong Gongliang and Niu Er.

I saw these two people, although they were imitating Peng Sheng and the others, they were enthusiastically asking the common people if they had any grievances and cases to report.

But because their previous image was deeply ingrained in the minds of the people of Lingjie Town, not only did no one file a complaint against them, but they dispersed when they saw them coming, and shut up when they heard them speak.

Even if Hong Gongliang and Niu Er patted their chests and told the elders and villagers in Lingjie Town that they had abandoned the dark and changed their minds and changed their minds, everyone was still skeptical.

Unlike Hong Gongliang and Niu Er who encountered difficulties, the work of Peng Sheng and others will be much smoother.

In these days, the storytellers have not neglected to tell the stories of the Yaosi of Mianyuan County, which made the people of Lingjie Town have a good impression of Qin Shaoyou and the others early on.

As soon as Qin Shaoyou and the others came, they killed Wu Bufan and the ghost, and gave everyone a bad breath.

In addition, everyone heard that Qin Shaoyou and the others also solved the murder case yesterday. Such an efficient ability to solve the case makes people more confident in Qin Shaoyou and the others.

Along with that, he also trusts Peng Sheng very much.

Although some people still took a wait-and-see attitude, many people found Peng Sheng and the others and complained about their grievances.

And Qin Shaoyou had seen this scene long ago.

After hearing Sun Xianzong's words, he smiled and said in a low voice: "I deliberately made them suffer this embarrassment, so that they could see clearly their image in the eyes of the common people, so as to arouse their shame and courage. Heart."

"It turns out that this is all the arrangement of the adults, that's why I worry too much." When Sun Xianzong said this, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "If you say insidiousness, you have to be..."

Qin Shaoyou smiled and did not continue the topic.

Sun Xianzong didn't say any more, and began to dispatch people to the nests of several ghosts outside the town to check if there were any people who were killed and needed to be rescued.

Qin Shaoyou called Zhu Xiucai to him and instructed him: "When Wu Bufan was alive, he made a lot of money, but he hid it all. See if you can find the money."

When Zhu Xiucai heard that Qin Shaoyou asked him to look for money, his big eyes suddenly lit up, and the moustache at the corner of his mouth shook with excitement.

He said confidently: "Don't worry, my lord, I am good at finding money! Look at it, I will find out all the stolen money that Wu Bufan has hidden!"

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After saying these words, Zhu Xiucai couldn't wait to call two people and went straight to Wu Bufan's house.

Qin Shaoyou waited for a while, seeing that Hong Gongliang and Niu Er were so embarrassed that they could dig out a courtyard with their toes, so he called the two of them in front of him and asked them, "How did you feel just now?"

Hong Gongliang and Niu Er thought that Qin Shaoyou was making fun of them, but they didn't dare to get angry, they just buried their heads and sighed.

"Thinking about the things you've done before, it's normal for the villagers to fear you and doubt you. But the more you do, the more you can't give up, and the more you use your performance to win back their trust. I believe You will definitely be able to do it, and I look forward to this day coming soon.”

Qin Shaoyou's words, with the use of [Qiao Tong], immediately made the frustrated Hong Gongliang and Niu Er, as if they were beaten with chicken blood, immediately became excited and excited, and said repeatedly:

"What the lord said is that we have done too many bad things and hurt too many people in the past, and we really need good performance to atone for our sins!"

"No matter what the villagers' attitude towards us is now, we must be positive to win back their trust!"

"We will definitely be able to do it, and we will never live up to the adults' expectations for us!"

After saying these words, Hong Gongliang and Niu Er were about to go back, and with more fiery enthusiasm, they went to let the villagers in Lingjie Town see their attitude and ask them to complain about their grievances.

Seeing this, Qin Shaoyou hurriedly stopped them.

"You guys are in this situation, don't go over there to cause trouble. Show me the way first, and lead me to pick up the abandoned baby tower outside the town. If you want to win back the trust of the villagers, you still have a long way to go. Enthusiasm is not enough."

Hong Gongliang and Niu Er nodded, and they were about to lead the way.

Qin Shaoyou called Cui Youkui, Su Jianqing, and Su Tingyu again, and asked them to go with him.

In the Abandoned Baby Pagoda, it is very likely that a very strong Yin Sha resentment has accumulated.

This is not something that can be solved by tearing down and demolishing a tower. Professionals from Jade Emperor Temple should provide technical guidance.

Wen Zhu did not follow.

In the previous battle, several night watchmen were injured and needed her help.

In addition, after seeing Wenzhu's ability to cast a spell to cure her disease, many residents in the town came to beg her, making her the busiest person at the moment, unable to leave at all.

In this regard, Qin Shaoyou not only did not stop him, but also asked several military doctors taught by Shan Daonian to assist Wenzhu.

Treating diseases and applying medicines, no matter what dynasty they are in, is a good thing to accumulate merit and people's wishes.

Therefore, although Daoist Wenzhu was tired, he was also very active.

Soon, the news that Qin Shaoyou and the others were going to pick up the Abandoned Infant Pagoda spread in Lingjie Town.

When they just walked out of the town, many people followed.

Qin Shaoyou originally thought that these people were here to stop them.

When it turned out, these people were either carrying hoes or shovels, and some people were carrying sledgehammers.

Qin Shaoyou heard that since the Baby Abandoning Tower in Lingjie Town was built, people often abandoned babies.

He originally thought that the demolition of the baby tower would be opposed by many people here, and he prepared many words of persuasion, but now the situation is completely different from what he expected.

After some inquiries, I learned that the reason why the people in Lingjie Town abandoned the baby was completely helpless.

They abandoned the baby, not because they couldn't raise it.

Although the miscellaneous taxes here in Lingjie Town are as high as other places, due to the fact that natural disasters are rarely encountered, the common people are barely able to eat enough to feed their children.

They abandoned the baby because of the disease.

Before the Abandoned Baby Pagoda was built, a strange disease suddenly spread in Lingjie Town.

This disease, which often appears in children, is highly contagious.

Anyone who is infected with this disease will soon be festering all over and going mad.

The doctors here in Lingjie Town tried their best to cure this disease.

Some people took their sick children and went to other places to seek medical treatment, but the disease was not cured, and they were also infected with this strange disease. Finally, the whole family lay neatly in the coffin board.

At the beginning, Wu Bufan said that the epidemic was caused by demons~lightnovelpub.net~ After extorting a large amount of 'opening fee', he led someone to investigate.

Not long after, there was a result, and it was said that it was not a ghost, but a special epidemic.

There is no cure for this disease for the time being, and there is only one way to deal with it, that is, at the beginning of the disease, people who are infected with the disease should be thrown away to a place where no one is around, so as to avoid infecting and harming others.

Because most of the people infected with this disease are infants, Wu Bufan asked everyone to contribute money to build an abandoned baby tower outside the town.

Originally, everyone had no doubts about the epidemic.

But after hearing that Wu Bufan actually colluded with demons and did a lot of things, he felt that this matter was also full of doubts.

And just now, someone in the town found Wenzhu and brought a child infected with the disease.

The child contracted the disease a few days ago. His parents couldn't bear to abandon him, so they kept hiding at home and quietly trying to find a way to treat him.

Hearing that there was a goddess who rescued the dead and wounded, they quickly brought the child out to try their luck.

As a result, Wen Zhu said that the child was not infected with the epidemic, but was poisoned by the poisonous rat.

Only then did the people of Lingjie Town realize that the epidemic disease that had made them anxious for several years was completely fake!

It was Wu Bufan who colluded with the demons to create an accident!

The purpose is to use the children of Lingjie Town to raise the ghosts, in exchange for the ghosts' support for Wu Bufan.

So the people of Lingjie Town were boiling and angry.

When they heard that Qin Shaoyou and the others were going to smash the Abandoned Infant Tower, they all chased after them to smash the tower to vent their hatred. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!