I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1121: 1 days passed

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Several people exchanged greetings with each other, drinking wine.

The surrounding lights dimmed.

The celebration party officially began.

The lights dimmed and then brightened, and the entire venue seemed to travel through time and space, in a paradise on earth.

There are some fairy beasts walking around, lifelike, making people feel like they are in a fairyland on earth.

Huaxiangniaoyu, everything is so perfect.

"I'm going, is this the holographic projection technology of the Star Group? It is really shocking. If you didn't see this place evolved from an ordinary banquet hall with your own eyes, I'm afraid you can't tell the truth."

"It's too real, it's worthy of the Star Group. No matter what technology it is, it can be far ahead. Compared with this, the previous holographic projection technology is simply scum."

"I once thought that with virtual reality technology, holographic projection technology is not needed. After all, in virtual games, the feeling experienced is more real. It's just that I was wrong. These are two different technologies, one for the real world. It is a completely different technology that acts on the virtual world. If the holographic projection technology is like this, I actually prefer the holographic projection technology."

"Don't care about holographic projection technology or virtual reality technology, just enjoy it. When has the Star Group disappointed?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room felt so shocked when they saw it.

The more than 1,000 spectators on the scene were the most shocking group of people.

Many people were startled when a fairy beast walked past them when they crossed into the fairyland on earth.

Can't help but yell out, but fortunately everyone is in shock now, and doesn't care about the scream.

The fairy music that sounded like in the ear, and the fragrance of flowers rushing to the face, made people immersed in it at that moment.

If there is really a fairyland in this world, it's nothing more than that.


There was a loud noise, and everyone came to their senses, and everyone's eyes returned to the center of the stage.

On the stage, a simple and honest image appeared out of thin air.

When everyone saw this image, they couldn't help but smile.

This image is exactly the mascot of the Xingchen Group. It is the first animal that many people come into contact with when they come into contact with the products of the Xingchen Group, a simple and honest giant panda Feiyun.

When Huang Yu was planning, she had been thinking about who would be more suitable as the host, but she has never decided.

I considered inviting a professional host to host this evening, and I also considered finding a few people from the Star Group to be the host, but they all rejected them one by one.

In the end, Liu Mingyu mentioned that since it was a celebration party for his company, why not let Feiyun host it?

Yes, why not let Feiyun host it?

Before, Huang Yu had always considered hosting by real people, and had never considered hosting by virtual characters.

As soon as I heard it, Feiyun was the best host of the party.

The image of Feiyun is the mascot of Xingchen Group, and it is the first impression of many netizens when they come into contact with the products of Xingchen Group.

It can be said that as long as you see Feiyun, everyone knows that this is a product of the Star Group.

As for hosting skills, there is no doubt about this.

Even elementary artificial intelligence is capable of this task, not to mention the intermediate artificial intelligence Feiyun.

There is no pressure at all.

In this way, Feiyun became the host of this celebration party.

When everyone saw Feiyun appearing on the stage like a fairy, they couldn't help but smile.

After Feiyun played a set of kung fu in the air, a troll stopped at the center of the stage, haha ​​laughed: "Dear audience friends, I miss you all."

Feiyun's simple and honest appearance, with its own laughter function, just a simple sentence caused everyone to burst into laughter.

After some tricks, Feiyun said solemnly: "First of all, on behalf of the Star Group, I warmly welcome everyone to participate in the celebration party. This celebration party will definitely make you feel worthwhile to visit."

Bang bang bang.

There was a thunderous applause from the audience.

"Hey, everyone applauded before the show started. Is this for me? Thank you so much. I haven't received encouragement for a long time." Feiyun pretended to cry.

"This party has no other meaning, just to make everyone happy. After that, I don’t want to say much. Next, Liu Tianwang will sing "The Days We Were Together", because you have accompany the Star Group through these Only a few days ago, the lithography machine appeared. Let us recall how the team worked hard to develop a lithography machine ahead of the world."

After speaking, Feiyun turned into starlight and disappeared in the center of the stage.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tianwang, dressed as an ancient fairy, walked slowly from behind the stage. At the same time, there were a group of fairies dancing behind him, and the last part was showing how the Li Wenhao team worked in the laboratory to develop a photolithography machine. Look like.

Liu Tianwang’s voice came like a fairy sound ~lightnovelpub.net~ and reached everyone's ears.

With Liu Tianwang's singing ability, coupled with today's scene and style, it instantly captured the hearts of many people.

"What kind of scene is this, it's really amazing. Not only is the opening of the host in front of me memorable, but even the first opening makes people can't help but listen to it again."

"The days we passed together originally talked about love. After a simple adaptation, it perfectly fits the Li Wenhao team's hard work in order to develop a lithography machine belonging to Huaxia. This kind of spirit is really too great. It's touching."

"Indeed, this piece was originally a classic piece, and to match today's scene, it makes people feel even more touching."

"It is precisely because of such a person who works hard for a goal that Huaxia becomes better. Not only in terms of lithography machines, but also in other aspects. It is precisely because of the hard work of Huaxia people that Huaxia people are catching up with the world. When you are leading, you can overtake in a corner."

"I believe that not only the lithography machine can achieve corner overtaking, as long as everyone has such a spirit, they can also catch up in other aspects, or even surpass other countries."

The audience at the scene don't know their situation in the live broadcast room, they pay more attention to the experience of the scene.

The voice of King Liu Tian, ​​coupled with the atmosphere of the scene, immediately evoked everyone's memories.

The days passed together.

People think of a lot.

Studying together, living together, working together, these are the days that we have lived together.

Is there such a person that reminds you of the days you used to walk with him.

The song is over.

Liu Tianwang has left the stage, and everyone in the audience is still immersed in the atmosphere just now, unable to come out for a long time.