I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1125: Incomplete version?

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Mr. Ren was sitting aside and almost exploded.

I just said that this was just a concept machine, and dozens of them were delivered in an instant.

I don’t know how much the lottery will be drawn.

Mr. Ren doubts that Star Group has already started mass production.

After the celebration party is over, it is necessary to negotiate with the Star Group as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ren quietly used his mobile phone to send a message to the following generals, asking them to come to Hangzhou as soon as possible.

After sending the message, Mr. Ren returned to his calmness.

Liu Mingyu could see clearly the small movements of President Ren just now.

In fact, President Ren really guessed wrong. The smartphones distributed by Liu Mingyu have not yet entered the mass production stage.

These mobile phones are all produced in the apocalyptic world, mainly used for prototypes and gifts.

There are so many things that need to be produced in the apocalyptic world, and it is temporarily impossible to supply them in large quantities in a short time.

Only some core things can be produced, such as chips.

As for other spare parts, Liu Mingyu carried out in the real world.

Liu Mingyu is not incapable of producing smartphones from start to finish. However, some small accessories are not worth the loss of self-produced. By releasing some unimportant parts, it can speed up the production of mobile phones and make good friends with some people. Happy but not for it.

It was a celebration party at this time, and it was not convenient for in-depth conversation. After a few people probably set a frame, everyone's sights returned to the stage.

At this moment, Feiyun seemed to have just introduced the Xingchen mobile phone, as if a clown was possessed, and smiled with an extremely exaggerated expression: "Presumably everyone knows Xingchen Assistant? I guess probably, maybe, maybe no one does not know Xingchen Assistant. ?"

After several months of development, Xingchen Assistant has occupied almost all smartphones except those old phones, and almost everyone will download a Xingchen Assistant.

No one will reject a software that can improve the performance of their mobile phones and extend the service life of their phones.

Even if you don't recharge a member and just be a prostitute player, you can experience the convenience that Xingchen Assistant brings to them.

Because Xingchen Assistant is not only able to maximize the performance of mobile phones, but also a mobile phone helper for many people.

After getting acquainted with Assistant Xingchen, they found that they could no longer do without Assistant Xingchen.

No matter what kind of mobile phone you change, Star Assistant will be downloaded the first time.

Xingchen Assistant has become a fashion for people.

Therefore, even though Feiyun was using rhetorical questioning, no one thought it was an exaggeration. Instead, they felt that Feiyun was deliberately funny, and couldn't help but laugh.

Some audience members even responded very cooperatively: "Yes."

Feiyun nodded with a simple smile: "Since everyone knows the Star Assistant, I will not introduce more about the convenience of the Star Assistant. Today we are mainly introducing this star mobile phone, but before the introduction, I actually have a little I want to tell everyone a little secret."

Just as everyone was waiting for Feiyun’s revelation with full expectation, Feiyun’s words changed: “I’m ready to share a little secret with you, why there’s no applause? Where’s the applause? Is Feiyun not cute enough or small The secret is not enough to get everyone's applause?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of thunderous applause from the audience.

"Well, that's it. I love to hear this applause." Feiyun smiled, "Actually, the secret is that the Xingchen Assistant in your hand is not a real artificial intelligence."

"What? Isn't it a real artificial intelligence? Why do I feel like my assistant wizard has life, and I can't see it at all."

"Impossible, Feiyun must be joking, but I did a Turing test with my elf and passed the Turing test perfectly. In a sense, is this artificial intelligence?"

"No matter whether it is artificial intelligence or not, I have already regarded the cutie in the phone as my family."

As soon as Feiyun's voice fell, a voice of doubt suddenly sounded from the audience.

Not only the audience, but also the netizens in front of the major webcasting rooms also stood up, saying that their mobile phone is the real intelligent life in the assistant wizard.

Seeing the indignant people, Feiyun quickly explained: "Don’t get excited. I have my reason to say this. It’s a bit arbitrary to say that it’s not artificial intelligence. After all, many people secretly use their assistant elves. The Turing test, and it passed perfectly. According to the previous definition, a robot that can pass the Turing test can be called an intelligent life."

Everyone nodded.

"Yes, they have all passed the Turing test. Why are they not intelligent beings?"

"That is, if only an assistant wizard passes, it can be said to be an accident, but now almost everyone who goes to the test has passed the Turing test. Doesn't it mean anything?"

"Feiyun, don't play, is this a joke?"

Everyone suddenly forgot the Xingchen mobile phone introduced by Feiyun~lightnovelpub.net~ Most people's eyes suddenly focused on the assistant elves who had been with them for a long time, whether they were on intelligent life.

The reason why Xingchen Assistant can sweep the entire mobile phone world at such a fast speed, in addition to the two functions described above, is the people's curiosity about Xingchen Assistant.

Feiyun said calmly: "Well, if it is the full version of Assistant Star, it can indeed be called a true intelligent life."

"What do you mean? What do you mean if it is the full version of Xingchen Assistant?"

"I don't know how simple it is, it means literally, it means that we are using the incomplete version of the Star Assistant?" The person was talking, and suddenly reacted, "What, the Star Assistant I am using now turns out to be incomplete. The version? Star Group, hurry up and open the full version of the Star Assistant, a broken version of the Star Assistant, the function is so powerful, then the full version of the Star Assistant will be what kind of performance is expected."

"I ask the Star Group to open the full version of the Star Assistant. The price is not a problem. I just want to have a full version of the Star Assistant."

"Yes, please open the full version of Assistant Xingchen. Assistant Xingchen has become a partner in my life. I can't bear that my partner is a broken version."

"Request to open the full version of Xingchen Assistant +1."

"Request to open the full version of Xingchen Assistant +10086."

When everyone was surprised that the Xingchen Assistant in their hands turned out to be an incomplete version, everyone immediately thought of letting the Xingchen Group release the full version. After a long time, it turned out that the Xingchen Assistant that they were using turned out to be an incomplete version.

When everyone made suggestions to the Star Group through various methods, the big guys sitting in the front row were surprised.