I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1139: Quotations from all parties

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Feidian Group has a wide range of business, and the chips it produces are used in many fields.

What is the main business of Feidian Group?

It is a manufacturer of a semiconductor design company.

And it can be made into the current scale, relying on high cost performance and top manufacturing technology.

The lithography machine developed by Xingchen Group far exceeds the existing lithography machine, and it must be the mainstream in the future. Feidian must follow closely to maintain its leading position.

"Let me make a statement first. The price of one billion US dollars is indeed very expensive, but for the future of the company, in order to prevent the company from withdrawing from the stage of history, it must be bought. Now the other party does not embarrass us. This is the best opportunity. I think You can buy a few more, and then ask the other party for a discount." Zhang Zhongmou knew that if he did not make a statement, others would not make a statement.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Other directors continued to speak up, but they could not agree.

Even if the market value of Feidian is as high as more than 200 billion US dollars, it is only the market value. If one is not careful, the market value will fall sharply.

At that time, will their shares still be valuable?

In order to keep the value of their shares, they must also agree with this opinion.

"Deutsche Bank, you can send someone to talk about it. You can order a few more lithography machines. I think you can book ten sets with the other party. It is best to negotiate the price. The price of one billion US dollars is still too high, but The other party’s lithography machine must be taken. If you can get the other party’s first batch of lithography machines, there is no problem even if you increase the price."

Zhang Zhongmou suggested that the first batch of lithography machines is very important. Whoever owns the most advanced lithography machine means that he has the top core technology. If there is a chance to get the first batch of lithography machines, even one is good. That is the best result.

"Okay, I will make arrangements right away. Directors, please keep the call open. If there is new news at that time, I will report to the directors."

Liu Deyin nodded and nodded. For him, as long as the major shareholders approve the plan.

This temporary shareholders meeting was held very urgently, but not much time was wasted. A decision was made in less than half an hour.

Such speed is absolutely rare in previous shareholder meetings.

After getting the authorization, the commercial manager got in touch with Star Group as soon as possible.

And inform the other party of Feidian Group's reply.

"I hope to be able to buy ten lithography machines at a unit price of US$500 million. If Star Group can provide the first batch of lithography machines, they can buy them at a premium of 50%, which is US$750 million each."

This news was quickly fed back to Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu looked at Feidian's purchasing opinions and smiled.

One billion US dollars is the sky-high asking price of the Star Group, waiting for them to pay back.

His original price was 500 million US dollars a unit, which can be known from the announcement of the cooperation with Huawei Group.

Unexpectedly, in order to get the first batch of lithography machines, Feidian Group raised the price to 750 million U.S. dollars, and it was ten units.

It is worthy of Feidian Group, and it is really willing to work hard in the lithography machine.

It is also reasonable for the other party to be able to make Feidian Group so large.

However, it is definitely impossible to win this price.

US$500 million is the price that companies that have a good foundation for cooperation with Star Group can get.

Obviously, Feidian Group is not among them.

The first batch is definitely not the first batch, and it is more kind to be able to deliver them a year later.

Naturally, the price cannot be only US$500 million. The compromise price of US$750 million is quite appropriate.

After all, the other party ordered 10 lithography machines at a time, and there was no discount, so it seemed impossible.

However, Liu Mingyu was not prepared to reply to them so quickly.

Let them dry for a few days before talking.

In addition to Feidian Group, Bangziguo's Four-Star Group also issued a purchase list to Xingchen Group.

"Willing to buy 10 lithography machines at a price of 550 million US dollars. If Star Group is willing to give priority to the four-star group, the unit price is willing to increase to 800 million US dollars."

Liu Mingyu smiled slightly. It seems that the Four Star Group and Feidian Group have the same idea, but in terms of price, the Four Star Group has a relatively large advantage.

It's a pity that they all think too much. It is impossible to win the Star Group's lithography machine at this price.

In addition to Feidian Group and Four Star Group, Liu Mingyu also saw an unexpected name.

Ito Group.

Ito Group is worthy of being the backbone of the Neon Country. There are countless industries involved. Unexpectedly, the other party still has research on chip manufacturing.

As the economic backbone of the Neon Country, even if the Ito Manor tragedy occurred some time ago, the government of the Neon Country did not allow the Ito Group to disintegrate for the sake of social stability.

However, the Ito Group at this time is no longer the Ito Group at that time.

The Ito Group was swallowed up by many large consortia. Fortunately, Fumtai Ito rose up, and UU Read www.uukanshu.com regained control of the Ito Group.

Since Fumtai Ito took over the Ito Group, the chaotic situation of the Ito Group has gradually stabilized.

The recent act of acting as a general-purpose drug for cancer treatment has caused the shares of the Ito Group to rise sharply, returning to the plunge caused by the tragedy at Ito Manor.

"Ito Group is willing to purchase 20 lithography machines at a time of 1 billion US dollars. If Star Group is willing to provide priority, it is willing to pay an additional 1 billion US dollars as a priority supply fee."

Ito Group’s quotation made Liu Mingyu also very excited. If the other party is not a company in the Neon Country, maybe he might give them priority.

Fumtai Ito can quickly stabilize the chaotic situation of the Ito Group and indeed has two brushes.

If the first batch of lithography machines are really purchased by Ito Group, Ito Group is afraid that it will enter the stage of rapid development again.

In addition to opening these three group companies, Star Group has also received quotations from many companies.

However, most companies offer very low prices, most of which are around US$500 million.

Ito Group should be the highest quotation received by Star Group.

In the quotations of many companies, Liu Mingyu unexpectedly discovered that someone offered a low price of 100 million US dollars.

For companies like this, Liu Mingyu directly blacklisted the other party's company.

It's really whimsical.

Do you think that the lithography machine of the Star Group is the lithography machine of Asmer?

We must know that the latest 3nm lithography machine developed by Asmer has been sold to Feidian Group for 200 million US dollars.

Who are you insulting when you quote $100 million?

If you are not pulled into the blacklist at this time, when?

Waiting to eat fart?

Do you really think that the announcement of the cooperation price with Huawei Group is purely furnishing?