I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1176: New Year's Day Benefits (Part 1)

I don't panic when I have surplus food at home.

This is the psychological state of most Chinese people, especially in special times.

No way, the Chinese people have been starving and afraid since ancient times.

Huaxia people not only live in the present, but also look forward to the future.

Always be prepared for the future, never just eat and drink just because you are rich now.

This is even more so for people now than before. The end of the world has come for five years.

If it weren't for the fact that you would be attacked by zombies when farming in the wild, with the talents of the Chinese people in farming, I'm afraid I would be able to feed myself again.

Then because of the zombies, only a small portion of green food can be grown, and only those with a relatively short growth period can be selected.

After all, growing these foods can't fully meet the demand, which is why before Liu Mingyu arrived, most of the people I saw were hungry.

Now because of Liu Mingyu, they can finally eat such a meal.

However, it is precisely because Huaxia people have the habit of storing food, so even after exchanging a large amount of food, they dare not let go of eating, they still need to consider for the future.

Regardless of the current living conditions are pretty good, but who knows what will happen later.

You can't go wrong with thinking about the future.

So most people have never eaten a full meal in a real sense.

"Husband, will this be too wasteful?" Ye Qingxuan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I can bring some food from my world at any time." Liu Mingyu smiled slightly.

"Is there any danger in this? In fact, our lives are already very good now. There is no need to waste food to celebrate this New Year's Day."

Ye Qingxuan looked worried, she was in charge of the logistics of the entire Star Group.

Now, although there is no need to worry too much about the food problem, especially after the capture of the Jiacheng city center, there are a lot of food sources, but the food given by Liu Mingyu is high-end food, and these foods mainly rely on Liu Mingyu, so they are used up all at once. Too much food, she is afraid that it will be difficult to make.

Liu Mingyu squeezed Ye Qingxuan's cheek gently. Since the food got better, her face has returned to its previous appearance, her face is full of collagen, and she can't help but feel it when she sees him.

Liu Mingyu chuckled softly: "Don't worry, compared with those weapons, food is not a big problem."

Now Xingchen Group has established a farmer's trade company, and the former Youde Trading Co., Ltd. has been acquired and received its affiliated company.

With the support of more than 100,000 employees of the Star Group, not to mention such a small amount of food, it is no problem to double it a few times.

Hearing Liu Mingyu's words, Ye Qingxuan showed an excited smile on her face: "Great, everyone will be grateful."

In fact, she also knows that these foods are not particularly valuable for Liu Mingyu, who is in a peaceful era.

But in this apocalyptic world of zombies, the physical objects are extremely precious.

It is unique that Liu Mingyu gives one catty of pork and one catty of rice for free.

Liu Mingyu still knows the truth about Dou Mien's revenge.

But today is an important day, and giving everyone a wave of benefits is justified.

That is to say, the survivors have been incorporated into the Star Group, otherwise, Liu Mingyu would not be able to give this benefit.

Liu Mingyu is quite generous to his own people.

Moreover, the contributions made to Liu Mingyu by those survivors are not worth mentioning.

They deserve Liu Mingyu to do this.

Ye Qingxuan immediately issued a new announcement on the company's intranet.

"Dear employees:


Today is January 1, 2116. It is the beginning of a new year. Here, I wish you all a happy new year!

I hope that in the new year, our Star Group can do better and better, and everyone can live a stable life.

On this important day, every survivor can go to the logistics department to receive one catty of pork and one catty of rice.

Regardless of men, women, young or old, mainly employees of the Star Group can receive this request.

In the end, I wish you all a happy new year again!

Liu Mingyu.

January 1, 2116. "

At this point in time, most people have rested, but there are still a small number of people on night shifts.

Don't look at the Jiacheng city center that has been captured, but in this world of zombies, the ghost knows which direction will suddenly burst out a batch of zombies.

In order for others to rest at ease, patrols must be done well.

When there are important notices, there will be some information prompts.

However, during the break, in addition to emergency information, other information will be blocked.

They are the first people to see this announcement.

"Old Li, am I dazzled?"

Inside the guard tower of the city wall, a man poked the person who was resting next to him.

The person called Lao Li was awakened by his teammates. A Ji Ling stood up and suddenly asked, "What's the matter, are there zombies?"

Embarrassingly said: "There are no zombies, everything is fine."

Old Li suddenly looked at him with an angry expression: "No zombies, why are you poking me up? I just fell asleep, and finally dreamed of a beautiful dream, so you poked it awake."

Anyone who is poked up when he dreams of a good dream will have a temper.

"I'm sorry, Lao Li, but I have good news for you."

The man who poked him quickly apologized.

"Good news? Tell me about it. If it's not good news, you'll take an extra hour for me."

Old Li smiled.

When on duty at night, two people take turns to rest. Today you are in the middle of the night, he is in the middle of the night, tomorrow he will work the night, and you are in the middle of the night.

"Then if it is good news, are you going to replace me for an hour shift?"

The other party laughed~lightnovelpub.net~ No problem, just say it. "Lao Li still doesn't care, because he has made up his mind. No matter what the other party says, he will say that this is not good news. Anyway, it is not good news in his hands, and there is no other person to testify, so he has to rest for an hour. Not for it?

"Come on, take a look at the company's announcement just now, how about it? Is this good news?"

The man turned on the holographic projection and posted the company's latest announcement.

Lao Li took a quick look at the company's new announcement, and it was indeed just recently issued.

"How about it, isn't it good news?" The man said with a smile on his face, and when he got an hour off, the deal was too profitable.

Suddenly, he saw Lao Li's wandering eyes and teased: "No way, Lao Li, do you want to regret it?"

Although Lao Li wanted to deny that this is not good news, but if this is not good news, what else can be called good news?