I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1215: stalker

This time I went to the settlement of Sioux City to gain a great deal and returned with a rewarding experience.

In addition to the harvest this time, the most important point is to reach a trading partner with Liang Zixuan.

This is a good partner for Liu Mingyu.

There are many survivor bases, and it is impossible for Liu Mingyu to conquer them everywhere.

Conquering them is a small matter, and the focus is on what comes after the conquest.

He doesn't have so much energy to take care of these settlements, it is better to set up an agent, tell the other party what he needs, and then make a transaction.

Of course, Liu Mingyu didn't completely believe the other party. In secret, he arranged some zombies to keep abreast of the situation of the settlement.

If the other party makes a good deal, then everything is fine and everything is fine.

If the other party wants to do some small actions, then they can only replace them.

Although Liu Mingyu didn't like to conquer directly, he still had to do what he had to do when he had to.

Because Liu Mingyu's motorcade had cleared the road when he came, the speed was much faster when he returned.

Fortunately, the way back was in the wilderness, and there were not too many zombies. Occasionally, one or two zombies were encountered, and they were killed before the other party came to the car.

Liu Mingyu was lying comfortably in the car, while Zhang Yunfei was driving as his driver.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunfei said: "Boss, there seems to be a vehicle following us behind."

Liu Mingyu opened his eyes and asked softly: "How do you know that a vehicle is following us behind?"

Liu Mingyu already knew about the vehicles that were following.

The group of people thought they were very concealed, and, hanging from a distance, it would be difficult to spot them if they were simply viewed from the rearview mirror of the car.

Unfortunately, this group of people met a group of zombies.

The nose of the zombie is the most inspiring, even if it is a very long distance, you can still find the human breath.

At first, they thought it might just be people passing by.

But since entering the highway, they can still smell their breath, then it is no coincidence that can explain it.

Maybe someone wants to go hunting far away after finding that the road has been cleaned up, but this situation is minimal.

The only explanation is that the other party is following.

However, Liu Mingyu didn't startle the snake. He probably guessed who was following.

If they want to follow, let them follow, which is not a big deal. Since they want to reach a trade with the Sioux City settlement in the future, this road will be the only way to go in the future.

However, Liu Mingyu was very curious, how did Zhang Yunfei discover that there was a vehicle following him?

It is said that Zhang Yunfei's nose is better than that of a zombie. Liu Mingyu doesn't believe it, so there is only one explanation. The other party discovered this situation from other sources.

Zhang Yunfei explained: "Boss, you know, my previous job was to find survivors who were alone."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yunfei was slightly embarrassed, after all, his previous career was really not appropriate.

Zhang Yunfei looked at Liu Mingyu subconsciously, and found that the other person’s complexion had not changed much, and his heart was much calmer. He continued to explain: “Generally speaking, when a person or a few people hunt in the wild, they will pay special attention to their surroundings. After all, the environment is outside. Except for their own people, no one can guarantee that the other survivors are safe, so they will try to avoid places they pass by and attract the attention of others.

The stalkers behind us seem to be trying their best to prevent their whereabouts from being discovered by others. However, because of their actions, it is easy for people to find their presence. What they think is hidden is actually In my eyes, it is full of loopholes.

In addition, we can also observe and confirm from other aspects..."

When Zhang Yunfei talked about his profession, he was very excited. He wanted to give Liu Mingyu a little bit of analysis of how he found the vehicles that were being followed.

Liu Mingyu nodded repeatedly when he heard from the side, and finally gave a thumbs up in praise: "Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such skills. It would be a waste not to be a scout."

Zhang Yunfei said in embarrassment, "Boss, in fact, I used to be a scout."

He really couldn't say anything. The former scouts were reduced to house and robbery to survive.

Liu Mingyu's tone was stagnant, and he never thought that the other party's identity would be so embarrassing. After a while, he said: "You kid, after returning to the company, work hard."

Zhang Yunfei said excitedly: "Thank you boss."

Zhang Yunfei is indeed an individual talent. If he cultivates well, perhaps he can really make a difference in investigation.

Zhang Yunfei asked, "Boss, what about the group of people behind?"

Liu Mingyu waved his hand and said, "No need to deal with it, you can just drive your car."


Zhang Yunfei cast his eyes forward and drove seriously.

Finally, after a long journey, finally returned to the Star Group.

Looking at the familiar city wall, Zhang Yunfei sighed slightly, he felt as if he had returned to his hometown.

Obviously only stayed a few days, but here made him feel the warmth of home.

The news of Liu Mingyu's return, as if he had wings on his body, spread throughout the entire Star Group in an instant.

For a time, all the free people ran to all the warehouses behind to watch.

Because they know that all the materials will be counted here, and then will be received in the company's warehouse.

As long as you stay in this place, you can see all the supplies.

After the convoy entered the city, not far away, there was a car using a telescope to observe the situation here.

What they didn't know was that their every move was clearly seen by the drone monitoring of the Star Group. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Had it not been for Liu Mingyu’s notice in advance, I am afraid this group would have already been killed.

You know, in order to avoid another zombie siege, the Star Group has conducted a large-scale drone surveillance around it.

Therefore, with Xingchen Group as the center, all within a radius of five kilometers are included in the monitoring range.

In the direction of Hangzhou and Suzhou, the monitoring range is farther, reaching ten kilometers.

"This should be the place where Mr. Liu lives. It seems that there is nothing special?"

"Have the video records been recorded? We just need to make the records and hand them to the boss, and we don't need to worry about the others."

"Don't worry, it's already recorded."

"After recording, we retreat."

This car followed Liu Mingyu's motorcade from the Sucheng settlement to the edge of the Star Group. After recording a video, it returned directly.