I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1270: To no avail

The fifth batch of drones continues to operate.

This time, instead of heading to the location of the incident, head to the city center.

Since those zombies are all moving in one direction, they only need to find the source, and don't need to follow the zombies.

What might be the source of this zombie riot?

Lu Haipeng opened the map of Hangzhou and analyzed the possible source.

"Immediately send drones to explore these three places, and send another batch of drones to continue searching for the incident."

Lu Haipeng pointed out that there may be abnormal locations on the map, but the location where the drone crashed cannot be just given up.

As mentioned before, the cost of drones is low, even if it is damaged more than one, it is not distressed. As long as the cause of the zombie riot can be found, it is a profit.


The middle-aged man nodded in response and immediately arranged.

There are too many drone images to view, and only three people are too late.

Lu Haipeng immediately called his subordinates.

After a while, a group of people rushed over.

"Minister, what happened?"

"Your task is to keep an eye on the surveillance pictures of these drones to see if there are any abnormalities."

Lu Haipeng has divided a monitoring screen for everyone, so that it is not easy to miss some key information during monitoring.

This time the drone approached the incident and did not crash, as if the previous crash was due to an accident.

what happened?

Lu Haipeng was confused, could it be that his previous speculation was wrong?

The attack encountered by the drone is not a biological electromagnetic pulse attack?

The drone did not crash, and Lu Haipeng immediately let them continue along the route they lost.

However, the drone traveled less than 1 km, and the drone's surveillance picture went black again.

"Minister, I didn't find any special circumstances. The drone's monitoring screen went black."

The person in charge of the monitoring screen immediately reported to Lu Haipeng.

Lu Haipeng frowned. Judging from these several strikes, apart from biological electromagnetic pulse attacks, there should be no other attacks that can directly destroy the drone without knowing it.

The drones destroyed these few times made Lu Haipeng feel like that among the zombie riot team, there are zombies that can release electromagnetic pulse attacks.

And it's the kind of zombies that can continuously release electromagnetic pulse attacks.

It was precisely because of this indiscriminate electromagnetic pulse attack that all drones close to the zombie crashed.

Why does the electromagnetic pulse affect the range move? It's actually very easy to explain, because the zombies don't stay in place all the time, but follow the team of the riots.

Wanting to understand this, Lu Haipeng finally no longer entangled the cause of the drone crash.

However, the situation of this zombie riot has not been investigated.

Need to continue to dispatch drones for reconnaissance.

"Has the other three batches of drones reached the designated location?"

Lu Haipeng can only expect that there are no zombies capable of releasing electromagnetic pulse attacks in the three places he needs to investigate.

"I expect to arrive at point C in three minutes, point B in five minutes, and point A in ten minutes."

The middle-aged man responded immediately.

The three locations have different distances and different arrival times.

So far, these three batches of drones have not found any abnormalities for the time being, and they are still moving steadily towards the designated target.

Three minutes later, the drone arrived at point c designated by Lu Haipeng.

A dozen drones turned on the searchlights.

Instantly took a picture of the following situation clearly.

However, similar to before, the drone only worked for less than five seconds from turning on the searchlight to crashing.

But these five seconds are enough to send back key information.

Lu Haipeng watched the five-second screen repeatedly.

As before, only countless zombies can be seen, moving forward.

"What's wrong with these zombies? If you don't figure out the movements of these zombies, you will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Lu Haipeng closed his eyes and kept playing back those few seconds of footage in his mind, but unfortunately he was nothing.

No, it cannot be said that there is no gain.

At least I know, this point c is not the source.

Lu Haipeng can only place his expectations in the other two places.

Soon, the drone arrived at point b.

The drone carried out the same operation, however, it only persisted for five seconds, and the screen went black.

In these five seconds, the pictures taken are similar to those taken by the previous batch of drones.

Basically, nothing special can be found.

But this place was also excluded, not the source.

"Have you seen anything special?" Lu Haipeng asked the people around him.

Everyone shook their heads.

Five seconds seemed to give a lot of information, but it was all irrelevant information.

Apart from seeing these zombies and running, no other abnormalities were found.

Or in other words, the actions of these zombies are abnormal in themselves.

Most of the main action time of the zombies is at night, but it is not like today, every zombies are like doping.

If you say there is nothing unusual, no one can believe it.

But so far, no abnormal situation has been found.

This made Lu Haipeng and the others very uncomfortable.

"Continue to observe, you must observe carefully, and you must not miss any details. Other people who have not monitored the target should carefully observe the pictures of the previous drone crash, and must find out the potential hidden information."

In fact, Lu Haipeng didn't know if he could find relevant information.

After all, he didn't know what he needed to find.

They can only check and think about the information that may have caused this zombie riot.

As the saying goes, three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang.

Although Lu Haipeng did not find any abnormal information, it is possible that other people could discover key information from it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The atmosphere in the monitoring room is very dull, and everyone is concentrating on the monitoring screens they are responsible for.

Soon, the drone arrived at point a.

Lu Haipeng secretly said: "I hope I can find useful information here."

Start the searchlight, continue to shoot video, the drone monitoring screen is black, all in one go, just like a long-rehearsed operation.

No, still not.

The marching team of zombies, as if there is no end, is no different from the picture seen by the drone before.

It's strange, what other place might be the source of this zombie riot?

Without finding out the cause of this zombie riot, Lu Haipeng felt uncomfortable.

The Star Base is too close to Hangzhou. If the zombies make any big moves, the Star Base will be the first to bear the brunt.

Therefore, no matter what the reason, it must be found.