I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1272: Reward doubled

"Before announcing the good news, let's review the rewards at each level.

Grand Prize: A bottle of three-level genetic evolution potion or 30,000 points contribution.

First prize: a bottle of third-level genetic evolution potion or 30,000 points contribution.

Second prize: a bottle of secondary genetic evolution potion or 10,000 points contribution.

Third prize: a bottle of first-level genetic evolution potion or two thousand points contribution.

Participation Award (unlimited): 100 points contribution.

This is the previously announced reward.

Some people may ask, what is the good news?

Now that the rewards of each level are announced, is it related to this reward?

I believe many people have guessed it, yes, this good news is related to rewards.

After receiving the boss's special instructions, the number of winners doubled this time and the rewards also doubled.

In other words, this Spring Festival Gala will produce two special prizes, two first prizes, four second prizes, and six third prizes, for a total of 14 prizes.

The corresponding rewards will also be doubled. Brothers and sisters, this is a benefit the boss gives to everyone. Let us thank the generous boss again before the awards.

Long live the boss! "

The host didn't sell it, and announced the good news impassionedly. At the end, the host's voice became hoarse.

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

Deafening cheers rang out from the entire playground and plunged into a carnival atmosphere.

monitoring room.

The cheers from the square reached the monitoring room.

Hearing these cheers, the original depressive atmosphere in the monitoring room was reduced a lot.

Lu Haipeng stood up, looked at the square, and said lightly: "We must find out the cause as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to hear the laughter anymore. We finally came out of the suffering and couldn't step into it again. The endless abyss. If you really have to step into the terrifying abyss, let us go forward first."

Hearing Lu Haipeng's words, everyone was silent, but the burden in their hearts suddenly increased.

Yes, I finally got out of the suffering and couldn't let the laughter disappear.

Come on!

Everyone secretly cheered for themselves in their hearts.

In an instant, everyone was engaged in intense work again. Before waiting for the arrival of a new batch of drones, they kept watching those pictures, frame by frame, hoping to find any helpful news.

They are digging the ground three feet to investigate, not missing any details that might be hidden.

Wasn’t it because of hard work to discover what was wrong before?

The ambition of everyone is high and they are tirelessly carrying out the review work.


What Liu Mingyu did is absolutely generous.

Liang Zixuan doesn't know how effective the genetic evolution potion is, but she knows that the purchasing power contributed by 30,000 points is calculated on the basis of rice. For a catty of old rice, the exchange price given by the Star Group is 50 points for a catty.

With a contribution of 30,000 points, you can buy 600 jin of old rice. If you save some food, you can eat it for more than a year.

From this we can see Liu Mingyu's generosity, and he was shocked by Liu Mingyu's financial resources.

In fact, what Liang Zixuan doesn't know is that the price of the Star Group has increased tenfold. If someone tells her the exchange price of the internal employees of the Star Group, only 5 points of contribution value per catty of Chen rice, I am afraid Liang Zixuan will go crazy.

The contribution of 30,000 points can be exchanged for more than half a ton of old rice. The effect of that level 3 genetic evolution potion is comparable to the contribution of 30,000 points.

Liang Zixuan's eyes flickered, thinking of the new humans under Liu Mingyu's command. Is the genetic evolution potion the medicine to turn survivors into new humans?

I have to say that Liang Zixuan is very sensitive, and her guess is almost exactly the same as the fact.

Liang Zixuan suppressed the shock in her heart and praised her with a thumbs up: "Boss Liu, I really admire him for being generous to his employees."

"You're welcome." Liu Mingyu smiled with folded hands.

"Boss Liu, I wonder if the genetic evolution potion in your prize can be sold?" Liang Zixuan asked tentatively.

"Sorry, Ms. Liang, the genetic evolution potion is a confidential item of our company. It is still in the development process and has considerable side effects. It cannot be sold temporarily. After the side effects are eliminated and confirmed that there are no problems, we will consider selling it."

Liu Mingyu explained with a smile.

Liang Zixuan poked secretly, but there are side effects. Really there are side effects. Is it possible to reward the genetic evolution potion to employees? Almost instantly, her blood pressure soared.

She doesn't believe it, but whether she believes it or not, Liu Mingyu said there are side effects, and you can believe it if you don't believe it.

Squeezing the air in her heart, Liang Zixuan thought she was showing a charming smile, and blinked at Liu Mingyu: "Boss Liu, when it is officially sold to the outside world, can you consider selling it to me first?"

No matter what, she must find the opportunity to buy a bottle of genetic evolution potion. Liang Zixuan increases her concentration and prepares to find opportunities to target those who have won awards.

Liu Mingyu laughed loudly and said: "Ms. Liang, please rest assured, if you finish this medicine, we will definitely contact you as soon as possible."

Liu Mingyu currently has no idea to provide genetic evolution potion to others unless the other party becomes his own.

Liang Zixuan smiled: "Thank you Boss Liu first."

"Brothers and sisters, let's pause for a moment."

Seeing such a crazy scene, the host had to stand up and call to stop, otherwise, the award would not be announced.

With the host's shout, the whole scene finally recovered calm.

The host wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed loudly: "The enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters is obvious to all. Then, let us reveal the lucky ones who have won these awards.

The first is to announce the six third prizes. These six lucky winners will receive two bottles of the first-level genetic evolution potion or 4000 points of contribution ~ lightnovelpub.net~ everyone is intently looking at the big screen behind the host.


Zhang Yunfei watched nervously. Behind him, there were brothers with him.

Liu Xiaoli stretched out her hand to gently hold Zhang Yunfei's hand, and comforted: "Don't worry, you will definitely get good results."

Perhaps with Liu Xiaoli's comfort, Zhang Yunfei's nervousness was immediately let go, with a relaxed expression: "It's okay, even if you get the participation award, you will have two hundred contribution points."

It used to be a contribution of 100 points, but now it has been doubled to a contribution of 200 points.

Two hundred points of contribution value, if other conditions are matched, are enough to buy the first-level genetic evolution potion.

Zhang Yunfei is not Zhang Yunfei who has just joined the Star Group.

He knew the effects of the first-level genetic evolution potion, no matter what, there was a bottle of the first-level genetic evolution potion, and his mood became less nervous.