I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1290: doubt

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The head of the mysterious man looked at this scene with some embarrassment.

How many times has he simulated this welcome screen?

But when he really stood here, hearing the faith and congratulations of the younger brothers below, it became so harsh at the moment.

They were all the **** mutant zombies. If it weren't for the mutant zombies, he would have become the body of a god, and finally stood here, enjoying the faith of his brothers.

However, at this moment, I cannot quietly enjoy these congratulations.

The head of the mysterious man intended to say that the plan had failed, but he gave up again.

If you really leak the news of your plan's failure, I am afraid your prestige will plummet.

Although prestige is not very useful to myself.

But at a critical moment, it is still useful.

Since they all mistakenly believe that they have achieved the body of God, then they recognize the body of God.

Anyway, they don't know what the final body of God looks like?

They don't know if the plan is successful.

However, some people knew that the plan had failed.

Thinking of this, the head of the mysterious man turned his head and looked at the scientists who followed him.

The scientists who originally followed were preparing to go out with the leader, but now suddenly they heard the congratulations from outside, and they felt bad.

Seeing the fierce gaze from the leader, I immediately knew what the leader thought.

A group of people stopped moving forward, hid behind, and quickly begged for mercy: "Leader, please let us go. We will definitely not tell the truth. We are still useful."

Although the people's begging for mercy was very small, the mysterious leader heard them.

The failure of this plan does not mean that future tasks will also fail.

As the saying goes, if you leave the green hills, you are not afraid that there will be no firewood.

If you really kill them, then you will really stop your back.

Not achieving the body of God now does not mean that there will be no chance in the future.

After finding a more suitable place in the future, we will implement the change plan.

Now the whole world is ravaged by zombies, it is relatively easy to find places with high energy levels.

Thinking of this, the original fierce gaze of the mysterious man suddenly softened, turned his head and showed a faint smile, waving at the person in front of him.

When everyone saw the mysterious leader waving his hand, there was a violent scream.

It was as if a loyal fan saw his idol.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes in the red coat standing in the front.

The leader in front of him did not seem to have changed much from before.

Doesn't it mean that the body of God will transform into an energy state?

How does it look?

It seems to be in a physical state?

The head of the mysterious man walked over and held the hand of the red coat tightly.

The red coat once again suppressed the doubts in his heart, filled his face with a smile, and congratulated again: "Congratulations to the leader, the leader of Hexi, he finally became the body of a god."

The head of the mysterious man smiled slightly: "Thanks to my brother praying for me here."

The cardinal smiled slightly. Others didn't know the function of the prayer ceremony. Didn't he know?

The so-called prayer ritual is just a ritual to deceive the little brothers, and has no real effect.

The reason why those monks can feel their bodies are gradually becoming stronger is because they are now in a powerful formation.

As long as you are in this formation, you will become stronger even if you don’t pray.

This is the mysterious object that he and the leader found somewhere.

In the congratulations of the group, the mysterious leader brought the cardinal to the church.

The red coat said: "Chief, I wonder if you can show us the body of God?"

Walking along the way, the doubts in the heart of the red coat did not abate at all, but became deeper.

The head of the mysterious man took a deep look at the red coat. He knew that if he wanted to deceive everyone, the first thing he had to fool was the red coat, this former brother.

As long as the red coat believes that he has achieved the body of God, then other people will naturally not doubt.

In fact, to be honest, as of now, I know that his fine red coat has doubts, and no one else has doubted.

Fortunately, this time out was not for nothing. In this plan, he barely completed the energy body transformation of his right hand.

In other words, the plan to become a **** is to completely transform his body into an energy state.

Because the plan was interrupted, the mysterious man leader just changed his right hand.

"Of course, let you see what the body of a **** is."

The mysterious leader took off his right hand glove, revealing his fully energized right hand.

The fully energized right hand is a transparent hand, and the red coat can see the signs of energy flow through this energized right hand.

When the red coat saw the completely energized right hand of the mysterious man leader, the original suspicion completely disappeared, replaced by intense excitement and excitement. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The head of the mysterious man was afraid that the red coat had been seen for too long, revealing the flaws, took the gloves back, and smiled slightly: "Brother, how about it, have you seen the body of God?"

The red coat hurriedly nodded and said: "The leader is mighty, worthy of being the body of a god, and looks like a work of art."

The head of the mysterious man smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you have your share, and when we find a suitable place again, you can also complete the transformation of the body of God."

"Great! I immediately order people to find such a place."

The red coat was full of excitement, and he couldn't wait to find a suitable place for him to complete the transformation of the body of God.

The mysterious leader lightly pressed his hand and said, "Brother, don't worry, the energy converter can only be used once a month, and the next time you have to wait a month later."

The red coat cracked his mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll find a good place first, and when the time comes, I can put the energy converter down."

He certainly knows that the energy converter can only be used once a month, but it does not prevent him from finding a place for energy collection.

The energy required to transform the body of a **** is huge.

It is necessary to find an energy-rich place as a place for energy collection.

This place seems to be many, but in fact, not many meet the conditions.

The West Lake where the mysterious leader went this time was the place chosen after careful selection and inspection.

In order to find this place, it took nearly a year from the beginning of the preparation to the execution of the mission by the mysterious leader.

Although the mystery leader has been used, the second use can reduce a lot of preparation work, but there is still a lot of work to be prepared.

Therefore, in order to find a suitable place for the red coat, it is not too early to start searching now.