I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1363: 1 foot horizontally

   Chapter 1355

  The remaining four people are, No. 4, No. 8, No. 55, and No. 125.

  Among them, No. 4 attracts the most attention.

  No. 4 from beginning to end, almost every auction item has participated in the auction.

  Although not all were taken away by No. 4, more than half of this auction was taken away by No. 4.

  Especially the last star stone with a contribution value of 220,000, let everyone see the boldness of the 4th.

  "This number four is too proud, right? From the beginning to the present, at least 500,000 points have been spent, right? With this auction, the net worth is probably no less than 2 million points."

  "The other companies should not be underestimated. Those who can still participate in the auction at this time are all characters that should not be underestimated. Which boss is so majestic."

   "If you don't participate in an auction, you don't know that there are so many big bosses in the settlement. I really admire it."

  Compared to the appreciation and discussion on-site at offline auctions, the discussion at online auctions is more intense.

  This is also related to the number of people.

  At the offline auction site, there are at most three or four hundred people.

  Online auctions almost involve most people in the Sioux City settlement.

  The two are incomparable.

  On-line auction scene.

   "Oh my God! This group of people are too proud, right? I'm still struggling for more than a dozen points of contribution. Others have already spent a lot of money."

   "Can't be compared, can't be compared, people are more popular than people."

  "The people at the offline auction are worthy of the people who have gathered more than 90% of the wealth of the settlement. They have spent such a high price for a piece of life stone."

  "This rough life stone looks so powerful, why does the Star Group put it up for auction? Is it good for you to use it?"

   "I don't know who will be the final winner. I support No. 4."

   "Let's pull it down. Although the financial resources of No. 4 look good, too much money has been used up in the previous auction items. At this final critical moment, it is very likely that it will lag behind others."

"That's not necessarily. I feel that the eighth has a great opportunity. You can see that the price of the eighth is higher than the price increase of other people every time. From this, it can be seen that his strength is far stronger than the others. "

   "I am optimistic about number 125."


   "No reason, intuitive."

   "I'm going, still intuition? Do you think you are a magic stick? If you can pinch it, it will count."

  In the attention of the whole people, the price of life stone has risen to 2.25 million points contribution value.

  The original four competitors, now only three are left.

   No. 55 competitor, was the first to be eliminated, and when the price reached 2 million points contribution value, it did not participate again.

  Of course, just not participating does not mean that you are really eliminated.

  As long as the countdown is not over, and accounts with sufficient contribution value can be auctioned.

  When the price of the raw life stone reached 2.5 million points contribution value, the 125th bidder also gave up the bid.

  Only two competitors, No. 4 and No. 8, were left on the scene to participate in the final competition.

  Although there are only two competitors left, the intensity of their competition is not weak at all.

  Almost once a second changes.

  2.8 million.

  2.9 million.

  The final bidding time for the rough life stone is less than five minutes.

  Shi Wentao frowned as he watched the price getting closer and closer to his bottom line.

  Who is robbing yourself of this rough stone of life?

   Chen Liujun approached and whispered: "Minister, I still have some contribution points here, do I need to transfer it to you?"

  Shi Wentao waved his hand and said: "No, if you can't get 3 million, then give up."

"Give up? Minister, isn't this something that meets our requirements very well? Why did I give up like this? I still have about 100,000 or so. I will borrow more from the other brothers, not to mention too much, and then make another one. 1 million is still no problem."

  Chen Liujun was full of surprise, as if she didn't expect Shi Wentao to give up the rough life stone like this.

  Shi Wentao showed a weird smile: "Who said I would give up?"

  Chen Liujun asked puzzledly: “Minister, didn’t you just say that you don’t want more than 3 million? The final price is already very close to 3 million, and there are five minutes to go, and it will soon exceed 3 million.”

  Shi Wentao faintly smiled and said: "If he wants it, give it to him."

  Chen Liujun condensed his eyebrows and thought, after a long while, he suddenly realized, he said: "Minister, I will tell them to prepare now."

  Shi Wentao showed a satisfied smile, and patted Chen Liujun's shoulder gently: "Russ can be taught."

  Chen Liujun nodded, took out the smart bracelet, and began to contact the subordinates below.

  The bidding time is less than two minutes. Shi Wentao’s last bid, 3 million points contribution value.

  When the price rose to 2.9 million, the rate of increase became extremely slow, and every time a bid was made, it became cautious.

  But when the price suddenly rose to 3 million points contribution value, the audience was in an uproar.

  From the initial contribution value of 100,000 points to the current contribution value of 3 million points, the price is 30 times the starting price.

  This is not the final price yet, and there are still great expectations for the final transaction price.

  Everyone is looking forward to the counterattack from the eighth bidder.

   is 3.001 million?

   or a bigger price?

  Time is passing slowly.

  Since the price of 3 million contribution points was offered on the 4th.

  Everyone seemed to freeze, and stopped bidding.

   Could it be that No.4 got the rough life stone like this?

   There are only ten seconds left.

  Shi Wentao, who was sitting at the forefront, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  If you can buy this rough life stone with a contribution value of 3 million points, it is also a very cost-effective business.

  With only five seconds left, everyone thought the dust had settled.

  At the last second, a brand new price appears.

  No. 125 bidder gave a price of 3.001 million points of contribution value.


   Killed No. 8 at a price of 10 thousand contribution points.

  Everyone did not expect that the 125th competitor, who had been eliminated, would offer such a price at this critical moment.

  The audience was in an uproar.

  "This No. 125 bidder is too insidious. I waited until the last moment to bid, and it was still only 10 thousand higher than the No. 4 bidder. This kind of hit the face of the No. 4 bidder."

  "Lore, the 125th bidder's strategy is perfectly used. It retreats as its advancement, pretending to have no money and is forced to withdraw. In fact, at the final critical moment, it will give the most deadly blow."

   "If the role of this rough life stone is real, then the 125th bidder will definitely make a lot of money."

  "Instead of being happy to get a rough life stone here, it is recommended that the 125th bidder should hire top-notch bodyguards to protect themselves, otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult tonight."

"The 3 million point contribution value is something that is absolutely crazy to everyone, and I don’t know who won it. Thanks to the anonymous bidding of the Star Group, otherwise, the 125th bidder may suffer Coveted by many people."

   "I'm afraid that being anonymous can't stop those people, unless you never get the raw life stone, otherwise, it will definitely attract the attention of others."

  Shi Wentao's face was even greener, sitting in his own position without saying a word.

  Ma Yifeng saw from the backstage that the last person who photographed the life stone was not the group of people that he had been monitoring for a long time.

  In other words, I originally wanted to send out this rough life stone, but in the end it was not delivered to the opponent.

  I can only say that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

  The auction will continue.

  Ma Yifeng exclaimed excitedly: “Let’s congratulate the No. 125 bidder for successfully obtaining a life stone with a contribution of 3.001 million points.”

  There was cheers on the bidding scene, and thunderous applause sounded.

  Ma Yifeng shouted: "The last auction item has been auctioned successfully. I declare that this auction will be a complete success.

  In the coming days, we will continue to hold more auctions and hope that everyone will continue to support.

Thank you all.

  In the last time, I put an advertisement for our company.

  If there are people who need to purchase bodyguard services, they can purchase them online.

   definitely makes you feel the value for money. "

  At the end, Ma Yifeng showed a weird smile.

  Everyone knows that these last words are actually addressed to the 125th bidder.

  Everyone knows that the strength of the Star Group is the strongest in the settlement of Suzhou City.

Although    did not appear to be the ruler of the Sioux City settlement, it has actually become the ruler of the Sioux City settlement.

  If you can hire people from the Star Group as bodyguards, you will definitely be the safest bodyguard.

  Shi Wentao sat in a chair with a very ugly face. If the other party really hired someone from the Star Group, it would be a bit difficult to handle.

  But it’s just a little difficult to handle. It’s impossible to let him retreat.

  The rough life stone is related to the plan of the headquarters, and it is related to his plan to go to the headquarters to receive baptism.

  How could Shi Wentao just give up like this?

  Chen Liujun has been in secret contact. Hearing Ma Yifeng’s words, he subconsciously asked Shi Wentao, "Minister, what should I do? Continue?"

  "Go on, align the crew at the fastest speed, we must grab the rough life stone!" Shi Wentao said coldly.

   "Minister, I am afraid that you have to face the people of the Star Group? We may not have enough people."

  Chen Liujun frowned slightly, and their people were not opponents at all.

  This is not something that can be solved with more people.

  Before the Liang Mansion had a large number of people, it was not solved by the people of the Star Group all at once.

  Although Chen Liujun felt that his subordinates were much stronger than those in the Liang Mansion, he also had self-knowledge, and he didn't go too far. He had no confidence in letting them fight against the people of the Star Group.

  "The other party must apply for protection. It will take some time, and the time we can use is during this time, so the action must be quick."

  Shi Wentao naturally knew that his strength could not compete with the people of the Xingchen Group, but he didn't need to fight the people of the Xingchen Group. What he needed was the original stone of life.

  You only need to grab the life stone before the other party proposes protection.

  In a house not far from the auspicious hotel, a group of people dressed in black are waiting for orders.

  This group of people is the one dispatched by Chen Liujun.

   Outside the auspicious hotel, people have left one after another.

  The number of people at the auction site has gradually decreased.

  Shi Wentao came to the indicated place, provided the auction confirmation sheet to Xingchen Group, and finally received the items he had photographed.

Although Shi Wentao did not photograph the final life stone, the items he photographed accounted for more than half of this auction.

  Enough to have a large truck.

The staff checked the basis provided by Shi Wentao and said very intimately: "Hello, sir, because you auctioned too many items, our company provides free shipping services, Mr. Trouble provides the address, we will help you deliver the items to the designated location."

After Shi Wentao reported an address, he looked around, trying to find out who was the No. 125 bidder, but he did not see the other person, or that he was hidden in the surrounding crowd.

  Around Shi Wentao, there are other people also picking up their auction items here.

  After hearing what the staff said, other people looked at Shi Wentao one after another, and then saw Shi Wentao's appearance, and they all gathered around.

   "It turns out that Boss Shi is number four, no wonder he is so domineering."

   "When the auction was on, I was thinking about which boss was so majestic. Then I thought about it carefully, except Boss Shi, I am afraid that no one can bid for so many items."

   "Deserving of Shi Boss, mighty and domineering, not me can be compared with him."

  Shi Wentao smiled and said: "I have passed the prize, I have passed the prize. The bids are all small items, not comparable to No. 125. The talent is the real big boss, and the contribution value of 3.001 million points is not in the eyes."

  Seeing Shi Wentao put forward this, other people also started to discuss it.

   "Who is the No. 125 bidder? It seems that no one has received the rough life stone."

   "Which dear friend actually competed with Boss Shi, and the last resort is too dirty."

   "I came here early in the morning, and I didn't see number 125, maybe I haven't come here yet."

   "Impossible, there has been no one at the auction site for a long time, and the people here are the last ones."

   "Boss Shi is really a pity, it's only ten thousand."

   "Perhaps the rough life stone is just a cover. If you failed to buy it, you might still make a profit."

  Some people are comforting Shi Wentao, while others are belittling the No. 125 bidder.

  Shi Wentao's eyes were always on the people around him, as if he wanted to see through them.

  As a result, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not satisfactory.

  Perhaps they pretend to be too good.

  Shi Wentao did not see any trace of bidder No. 125 on their faces.

  Everyone successively took away what they had actually photographed.

  Shi Wentao has not left, and sits silently waiting.

  Waiting for the appearance of the No. 125 bidder.

  But, he waited left and right.

  Even the last person took away his belongings, but he still didn’t see anyone coming to claim the original life stone.

  Did the other party give up taking life stone?

  Suddenly, Shi Wentao thought of a possibility. The other party might hire a bodyguard from Xingchen Group first, so he didn't show up.

  The thought flashed past, and I felt a little bad at once.

  'S own plan is to take advantage of this handover time to take the opportunity to steal the life stone.

  Do you really want to face up with people from the Star Group?

  (End of this chapter)