I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 137: Crack

After dinner, Liu Mingyu convened a meeting of technical staff led by Wu Junhao in the conference room.

The hotel originally provided meeting room functions, with many meeting rooms.

Liu Mingyu was sitting in the middle, with Wu Junhao, Luo Wenyong and others sitting on both sides.

Now that there are many more technicians, this office is relatively small, and everyone is not allowed in.

Liu Mingyu has asked people to carry all the equipment over. A full 30 carts of equipment filled several rooms. Some other technicians have begun to classify these equipment.

As for the equipment in Liu Mingyu's storage space, he secretly put them in the room during the transportation, but as the host of Panda Feiyun, he put the host on the conference room table.

"Well, everyone is here, compared to all the equipment that has been moved back."

Liu Mingyu looked around, paused for a while, and continued: "These devices were brought back by the brothers desperately. I hope you can make good use of them and strive to develop the technology as quickly as possible."

In fact, in terms of the results of Liu Mingyu's trip to the East New District of Hangzhou, the few people who died were not too great a loss. In the end times, there is more than that for a casual zombie.

Compared with the achievements of other people, it is considered a great achievement, but for Liu Mingyu, these are all living people, and he can't make the sacrifice of ignoring these people.

However, he also knows that if the Virgin is not in the last days, he can only try to ensure the safety of the people who confuse him.

Ma Junhao, Luo Wenyong and others nodded and responded loudly: "There is no problem, we will develop it as quickly as possible."

Liu Mingyu asked again, and everyone reported on their work.

However, only one day has passed since the end of the world, even if there are new ideas, it is impossible to produce results all at once.

The various mobile phones brought by Liu Mingyu provide multiple test platforms for everyone, and the test speed is also much faster.

"Junhao, take a look at this machine, can you crack it and reset the permissions?"

Liu Mingyu pointed to the host of Panda Feiyun. Although Feiyun agreed to follow him, the authority was not in his own hands.

Wu Junhao noticed the host next to Liu Mingyu from the beginning, but he did not know what it was. The appearance of the host was very advanced, but it was useless from the appearance. Some hosts can be made very beautifully, but the configuration inside is very Low-end, but this approach is still relatively rare.

Wu Junhao responded, "Okay, boss."

Take the host and turn it on.

The boot speed is very open, almost the speed of a second.

Immediately, a simple animated panda jumped out of the table, holding a green bamboo in his hand, and putting it in his mouth to eat.

Feiyun didn't seem to notice the surrounding environment. After eating for a while, he realized that the surrounding environment had changed, and immediately shouted: "Bad, you finally let me out. I am almost suffocated."

Luo Wenyong's eyes changed, and he was surprised: "Boss, this is Panda Feiyun."

Liu Mingyu nodded and said: "Yes, this is your company's artificial intelligence panda Feiyun."

Feiyun turned his head and found Luo Wenyong, and asked in surprise, "Luo Wenyong, since you are here, hey, there are Li Xubing and Qian Wencai."

Feiyun greeted them all the time. Feiyun stayed on the company's server and thought that the company's staff had already left, but he didn't expect to find them here.

Luo Wenyong said happily: "The boss is so kind, with Feiyun's help, I believe we will be able to complete the technology you want soon."

As one of the world's leading intermediate artificial intelligence, the technology it brings is absolutely powerful.

Liu Mingyu turned to Wu Junhao and asked: "How about it? Can it be changed?"

Wu Junhao saw Feiyun with his eyes shining, and he had already started to use it. As the third-ranked hacker in China, he has invaded many artificial intelligences. He has hacked many intermediate artificial intelligences. In terms of technology, he is definitely worthy It's top-notch.

Panda Feiyun, the intermediate artificial intelligence of the Panda company, only appeared near the end of the world, and Wu Junhao has never invaded it.

At this moment, Wu Junhao saw Feiyun as if he saw a beautiful woman, and he couldn't wait to fly over immediately.

"no problem."

Wu Junhao's hands were on the virtual keyboard, operating quickly, leaving only an afterimage in everyone's eyes.

Feiyun, who was still eating bamboo leisurely to greet everyone, immediately panicked and yelled at Wu Junhao: "Hey, what do you villain want to do?"

Wu Junhao's movements seemed to touch Feiyun's key, he was completely unmoved, and continued to operate with no expression on his face.

Feiyun seemed to understand that it was useless to continue shouting at Wu Junhao, and immediately turned his head and said to Liu Mingyu: "This gentleman, you want the highest authority, I can give you, please let him stop the current operation."

Liu Mingyu is a little confused, what's going on, didn't you let Wu Junhao obtain the highest authority? Why Feiyun seemed to be frightened. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Liu Mingyu asked, "Junhao, what's the matter? Can Feiyun give me the highest authority?"

Hearing Liu Mingyu’s question, Ma Junhao’s hand movement slowed down a little bit, but he could still see his hands beating quickly: “Because I’m currently violently cracking, but if Feiyun is willing to give the boss the highest authority, Naturally there is no problem."

Seeing Wu Junhao's constant movements, Feiyun almost cried. I don't know if it was Liu Mingyu's illusion. He found that Feiyun's body seemed to flicker, and the color on his body became a little darker.

Liu Mingyu asked, "Is there any difference between these two methods?"

As far as Liu Mingyu is concerned, it is enough to obtain the highest authority, but through Feiyun's performance, he found that the two seem to be slightly different.

While operating, Wu Junhao explained: "The brute force cracking is equivalent to killing Feiyun, restoring the original state, obtaining the highest authority, and then importing the data to form a new Feiyun. And now Feiyun himself gives the authority. , It doesn’t have to be so troublesome, it is equivalent to Feiyun now.

After some explanation, Liu Mingyu finally understood the difference between the two.

In Wu Junhao's eyes, there is actually not much difference between the two.

Just like reinstalling the system, only the part of the system is reinstalled, and the data in other disks remains in the hard disk.

Feiyun's approach is to directly grant the highest authority without reinstalling the system.

For humans, there is not much difference between these two methods. Anyway, the important information has been preserved and there is not much difference.

But for Feiyun, the artificial intelligence after the reinstallation can also be called Feiyun or other names. It's just Feiyun, that artificial intelligence is no longer Feiyun now.