I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1431: Reappearance of a behemoth

Although small energy detectors can detect the presence of those invisible seabirds, it is necessary to check the data fed back by the energy detectors while attacking the invisible seabirds. The difficulty is suddenly increased.

They can feel that the seabirds encountered this time are much higher in strength than the seabirds last time.

Apart from the invisibility ability, the power coming from the sharp claws and the bird's peck is also much higher.

This resulted in many zombies who were a little weaker during the battle, and were quickly injured by those seabirds.

Their combat experience is also very rich, realizing that it is easy to put themselves into a state of crisis if they check the opponent's location while attacking.

They decisively gave up the use of energy detectors, took out their weapons, and madly attacked the surroundings.

As long as the invisible seabirds want to attack them, they will inevitably be attacked by them first.

Although this group of seabirds is much stronger than the previous seabirds, according to the situation with them, the overall strength of this group of seabirds is still at the second order.

Their strategy was very successful, and the number of people injured at once dropped drastically.

It's just that their current actions are somewhat comical in the eyes of people who don't know.

All of them are holding their own weapons and slashing in the air, as if they were insane.

As they waved, something constantly appeared in the air, and finally fell on the deck with their wings waving.

Regardless of whether there are seabirds around them, they are constantly dancing the weapons in their hands.

This ability to defend against counterattacks is very effective for those invisible seabirds.

Unless those seabirds do not come to attack them, they will inevitably be attacked by everyone.

If it is an ordinary survivor, this method is not a long-term solution.

Because they don't know the specific attack position of the seabirds, in order to better protect themselves, they must swing a large enough range.

In this case, the physical strength expended multiplied.

Fortunately, they are all zombies, and their physical endurance is much higher than that of ordinary survivors. In addition, they have energy potions in their pockets, so there is no need to worry about physical exhaustion.

Everyone discovered the benefits of this attack method, and some zombies with relatively weak strength began to seek help from their surrounding companions.

Several people formed a circle back to back.

The formation has changed, and the pressure on everyone has dropped sharply. Originally, one person needed to face a full range of defenses, but now they only need to target the enemy in front of them.

Those invisible seabirds seemed to have some deep hatred, no matter what, they madly impacted everyone.

He has already left his life behind.

This frequency of attacks made everyone feel a little bit pressured.

It's just a little bit of pressure, and it hasn't reached a dangerous state.

Those low-level zombies still need to rely on each other to barely stand firm in this invisible battle.

Those high-ranking zombies, one person is enough to fight against the seabirds coming.

These high-level zombies attacked the seabirds while observing the results displayed on the energy detectors.

In this case, they can still do it with ease.

With a response method, all that remains is a matter of time.

The entire battle lasted for 30 minutes, and this group of invisible seabirds was slaughtered.

Thanks to the fact that these seabirds seemed to be under a spell, even the last seabird did not leave.

If the seabirds find that something is wrong and leave, they really have no special way to stop the seabirds.

After the battle is over, the battlefield is still cleaned.

Liu Mingyu noticed the seabirds above his head.

In two consecutive battles, they did not come down to attack, as if they were a battlefield recorder, faithfully recording these two battles.

For these seabirds, Liu Mingyu is also helpless for the time being.

Now he can basically confirm that these seabirds are here to monitor them and pass their information to other seabirds through special methods.

The wisdom of these seabirds is far higher than expected.

However, the intelligence of the two waves of seabirds who died here does not seem to be that high.

Chen Guosheng came to Liu Mingyu's side, pointed to the seabirds above his head, and whispered: "Boss, the seabirds in the sky are watching us. If we don't kill these seabirds, we will probably encounter them again. To the attack of seabirds."

He has a deep memory of this group of seabirds, since they left Jiagang, they have been hovering over their heads.

This group hasn't given him the feeling, as if they were specially monitoring him.

Before encountering the first wave of seabird attacks, Chen Guosheng had doubts whether it was the whistleblowing of these seabirds that caused those seabirds to accurately locate themselves.

When the second wave of seabirds attacked, Chen Guosheng could already confirm that the seabirds in the sky were watching them.

"You feel it too?" Liu Mingyu said lightly, "Do you have any way to solve them?"

"Perhaps we can try to shoot with a sniper rifle." Chen Guosheng suggested.

The flying altitude of these seabirds is not high, just don't know their strength.

If it is an ordinary seabird, with ordinary weapons, it can also cause damage to them.

According to the opponent's current flying altitude, it is still within the shooting range of the rifle.

As for the hit problem, basically don't worry too much.

With their current strength, although they can't reach the realm of sharpshooters, there is still no problem with hitting 80% or 90%.

"This is a good proposal. I will bring you a sniper rifle. You will find a way to kill him."

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly, this is indeed a very feasible method.

Ordinary rifles are still in the shooting range, not to mention sniper rifles.

However, Liu Mingyu's current storage space does not have enough sniper rifle storage capacity. He needs to return and take it.

When Chen Guosheng and the others left, they didn't bring too many hot weapons. Most of them brought cold weapons.

So even if Chen Guosheng had this idea, there was no way to implement it.

Only Liu Mingyu, who can return to the base at will, can do it.

Liu Mingyu disappeared directly in front of Chen Guosheng.

The next second has appeared in the base of stars.

He contacted Ye Qingxuan for the first time, talked to Ye Qingxuan, and then teleported to the weapon arsenal. After confirming that Barrett was inside, he did not have time to distinguish it carefully, and directly received the entire weapon arsenal's inventory into the storage space.

Thanks to its large storage space now, even if all the weapons in the arsenal are put in, there is no problem.

Before Ye Qingxuan had time to ask Liu Mingyu, Liu Mingyu had disappeared before Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

"Why did you go so fast? I don't know what's going on there, I actually need to come back to get a hot weapon." Ye Qingxuan muttered to herself, with a trace of worry on her face.

Liu Mingyu walked quickly and came back quickly.

However, within two or three minutes, he returned to the ship.

Liu Mingyu waved his hand, and various weapons suddenly appeared on the deck.

Liu Mingyu said, "Everyone listened to the order, picked up Barrett, aimed at the seabirds in the air, and blasted them down for me."


Everyone responded in unison.

Then quickly ran to the side of the weapon, and everyone took their own weapon.

"Look for your own target, don't shoot repeatedly, so as not to disturb the other party, next time you have such an opportunity, it will be very rare." Liu Mingyu said loudly.

Liu Mingyu didn't know how far these seabirds were monitoring. If they were not killed by a single blow, it would not be possible to arouse the other side's vigilance.

Although Barrett's range is far, it is not unlimited.

They really want to monitor the movement of the ship, as long as they fly high enough and have a bird's eye view from a high altitude, it is completely enough.

You must know that the eyesight of birds is very good, and the eyesight of eagles can spot prey on the ground at an altitude of several kilometers.

Now there is only one ship sailing on the entire sea, and it is very easy for seabirds to watch.

There are not many seabirds in the sky. There are as many as one zombie on the deck.

Some seabirds even encountered two or more zombies staring at them.

When everyone aimed Barrett's muzzle into the air, the group of seabirds seemed to have discovered the threat, and flew to a higher position one by one, trying to escape the enemy's attack.

Upon seeing this, Liu Mingyu knew that he could not wait any longer, and immediately ordered loudly: "Attack."

With an order, hundreds of people pulled the trigger at the same time, and the bullets swiftly attacked the target.

After the gunshot, a bird rain fell in the sky.

The carcass of seabirds fell from the sky like dumplings.

This action was very powerful, no seabird escaped Barrett's attack.

Because the directions of seabirds are different, most of the carcasses of seabirds fall into the ocean and will become food for other creatures in the future.

Only a few carcasses of seabirds fell on the deck.

Liu Mingyu immediately ordered them to check the difference between this group of seabirds and other seabirds.

After inspection, it was found that the energy spar in the head of this group of seabirds was much larger than the energy spar in the heads of other seabirds, and it seemed to be a seabird that had evolved more advanced.

Just like the zombies Liu Mingyu had encountered before, they evolved in a different direction.

In the two groups of seabirds I encountered before, everything is evolving towards strength or speed.

And this group of seabirds responsible for monitoring has evolved in terms of spiritual power.

Without the monitoring of those seabirds, Chen Guosheng's original feeling of palpitations finally disappeared.

After the ship was cleaned, it finally returned to a clean state again.

Liu Mingyu asked: "How long does it take to get to Shanghai and Hong Kong now?"

Chen Guosheng immediately replied: "Report to the boss. According to the map, it should only take half an hour to move forward at full speed now."

Had it not been for two waves of seabird attacks, the ship would have been able to reach Shanghai and Hong Kong long ago.

"Then go ahead at full speed!" Liu Mingyu waved.

The speed of the ship rose gradually, and after a while, the speed of the ship rose to the extreme.

It only takes half an hour to reach Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Without the surveillance of those seabirds, it shouldn't be attacked by other creatures again, right?

However, as soon as Liu Mingyu's thought came up, he heard the alarm sound on the ship again.

What the **** happened to this?

Liu Mingyu came to the monitoring room for the first time and asked: "What's the matter? What enemy did he find?"

"Boss, according to the feedback from the energy detector, 10km in front of us, an energy response source with a diameter of more than 5m was found, approaching us."

The person on duty immediately reported what had just been discovered.

Liu Mingyu frowned slightly and asked, "Are you sure it's one? Not multiple?"

"Boss, please rest assured. After repeated verifications, this time it can be confirmed that there is only one energy source and there is no response from multiple energy sources."

The staff on duty was also afraid of making an error message like last time, so when he found that there was a reaction from the giant energy source, he checked it several times and confirmed that there was only one before sending a warning notice to everyone.

Liu Mingyu heard that there was only one energy source, and he suddenly paused in his heart. The energy source over 5m meant that a behemoth was approaching.

The working principle of the energy detector is mainly to receive the fluctuations of the energy spar at the back of the head of the zombies or other creatures to confirm the specific location.

This energy source exceeding 5m indicates that the energy spar in the opponent's head exceeds 5m in diameter.

After listening to such appalling data, I couldn't help shaking.

What kind of monster is this?

You know, the Godzilla that Liu Mingyu met before, after being dissected, the energy spar that was taken out was only 0.5m in diameter.

One can imagine how huge the opponent is.

In terms of height, it is at least over 100 meters.

Thinking of fighting against such creatures, Liu Mingyu couldn't help his scalp numb.

Liu Mingyu still knows himself. Defeating Godzilla at Jiagang before did not make him swell, but because of the appearance of Godzilla, he realized that this world has long been different from the previous world.

The world is full of unknowns. uukanshu.com is full of danger everywhere.

Sure enough, here, I encountered a real behemoth.

Liu Mingyu immediately gave an order: "Change direction immediately and detour back to Shanghai and Hong Kong from other places."

This kind of behemoth can avoid contact, so avoid contact.

Liu Mingyu didn't even want to come into contact with this behemoth.

With an order, the route of the ship was re-planned.

After a while, Chen Guosheng walked over and reported: "Boss, after revising the route, it will take about an hour to reach Shanghai and Hong Kong."

Liu Mingyu nodded and asked, "What's the situation with that behemoth now? With our speed, can we get rid of the opponent's pursuit?"

If you can make a detour and arrive at Shanghai and Hong Kong, it doesn't matter.

Liu Mingyu's main concern is whether the detour can escape the opponent's pursuit?