I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1458: Electromagnetic pulse field

The harsh alarm sounded again in the monitoring room.

It means that the carrier rocket launched for the second time encountered the same problem again.

"Perform the domain B plan."

Wang Minghai was not bothered by the sudden siren, and gave orders very calmly.

With the first failure, he did more preparations for the second launch.

Especially for this kind of loss of contact, several plans have been made.

Under Wang Minghai's order, all the staff became busy, flashing a series of codes on their computers.

This makes Liu Mingyu feel as if he is watching a science fiction movie.

There has been an emergency plan for a long time, so everyone seems to be busy, but they are doing well.

Wang Minghai seemed to be worried that Liu Mingyu would be a little impatient while waiting, and proactively explained: "The boss doesn't need to worry too much. As long as the hardware is not damaged, there is absolutely no problem this time."

Liu Mingyu asked, "Then if the hardware is damaged, does it mean that the launch has failed again?"

Wang Minghai snorted in his heart, and then smiled: "There will be no hardware damage. Before the launch, we have gone through more than four rounds of inspections to ensure that there is nothing wrong before proceeding with this launch mission."

"Professor Wang, you worry too much. I didn't say that your work was not done well.

Since you just proposed a possibility, if the hardware is damaged, does it declare the failure of this mission?

Is there any way to save it back? "

Liu Mingyu always feels that those satellites and space stations in space have lost their functions. It is very likely that they have encountered an electromagnetic pulse attack.

No, it should be an electromagnetic pulse field.

An electromagnetic pulse field that covers the entire outer space area of ​​the earth.

This electromagnetic pulse field can continuously release electromagnetic pulse attacks. Any electronic device entering the area will be instantly destroyed.

Based on what happened to the launch vehicle last time, Liu Mingyu thinks this possibility is very high.

"As long as the malfunctioning hardware does not involve critical equipment, there is no major problem.

We still have a backup plan for processing.

But if it involves a failure of key equipment, there is no way to repair it.

The most important method now is to obtain control from the launch vehicle to find out the cause of the failure. "

Wang Minghai explained.

Suddenly, Wang Minghai glanced at the display next to him, and said with a serious expression: "Boss, you should take a break next to you. I will deal with things first."

Without waiting for Liu Mingyu's answer, Wang Minghai shouted: "Abandon plan b and implement plan c immediately."


Everyone responded in unison, and the staff of the entire monitoring center entered a busy state again.

They are constantly trying to get in touch with the launch vehicle, however, all the interfaces show the state of disconnection.

Ten minutes passed.

The launch vehicle has already exceeded the specified altitude and flew in a further direction.

The monitoring center is full of sorrows.

Everyone is downcast, since they have failed again.

However, some people did not give up, and continued to execute the exercise according to the previous exercise plan.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I failed again."

Wang Minghai walked up to Liu Mingyu dejectedly, lowered his head, and did not dare to look up at Liu Mingyu.

I just boasted to my boss that there was no problem with this launch mission, but the reality was very face-smashing.

One mistake can be forgiven, but this is the second time the same mistake, he himself dare not forgive himself.

My own years of experience have no effect at all here.

I have never encountered a similar situation before.

In fact, Wang Minghai has made a number of emergency plans, but none of them work. All emergency plans have lost their due role.

Liu Mingyu looked at Wang Minghai who was downcast, and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, you will fail if you fail.

We now need to find the reason for the failure is the most correct approach.

Instead of being downcast here. "

"Boss, why not change, I feel that I am no longer qualified for this task."

Wang Minghai felt that he had fallen behind, and he failed to launch a simple communication satellite twice in a row.

For the third launch, Wang Minghai had no hope of success.

Liu Mingyu comforted from the sidelines. "Professor Wang, don't think too much. Failure is the mother of success. As long as we find the reason for failure, we will succeed.

Let's ask Professor Gao to come over and discuss it together, and see if we can find the reason for the mission failure. "

One hour later.

Gao Honglin rushed over from the underground manufacturing factory with many technicians.

In the conference room next to the launch monitoring center, Wang Minghai, as the host, began to introduce the reasons for the failure of the two launches.

Wang Minghai said in a loud voice: "Dear colleagues, the above is the process of two failed missions. Please help me to find out what went wrong?"

Liu Mingyu opened his mouth and said, "Before the discussion, let me mention my opinion first.

As we discussed before, why those artificial satellites and space stations in space lose contact.

A possibility has been raised before, that is, it is very likely that the sky will encounter an electromagnetic pulse attack, which causes all the above electronic devices to lose their function.

The reason for the failure of these two launch vehicles was probably due to the electromagnetic pulse attack, which caused damage to the equipment on the launch vehicle, which made the store unable to contact the launch vehicle. "

Gao Honglin questioned, "If those satellites in the sky have been attacked by electromagnetic pulses, it is indeed possible.

But according to Professor Wang's description of the two carrier rockets' missing connection, and the height of the missing connection is very uniform.

It's impossible. In space, someone or creatures are specifically staring at something launched from the earth, right?

Then calculate the exact time and conduct electromagnetic pulse strikes at the specified altitude.

As we all know, electromagnetic pulse attacks generate strong electromagnetic pulses to damage electronic equipment.

The energy released is instant, the duration is very short, it is impossible to maintain the electromagnetic pulse state for a long time.

Taking a step back, if there is such a weapon, the energy consumed is very huge.

I don’t know if there are any in other places, but in terms of the current technology of the earth, this level is not yet reached. "

Wang Minghai opened the mouth and said: "I personally stand on Professor Gao's side. During the second launch, I also considered electromagnetic pulse attacks and did a certain degree of protection.

But the final result is still lost contact.

The reason for the failure should be other circumstances, but we have not found the real reason for the failure. "

Faced with the two people's doubts, Liu Mingyu did not feel uncomfortable and was able to raise questions, indicating that everyone was sincerely looking for the reason for the failure.

Liu Mingyu laughed softly: "Professor Gao, Professor Wang, I have no problem with the opinions of both of you.

If it is only in terms of earth technology, it is indeed as the two professors said.

Electromagnetic pulse weapons release high-power, high-energy electromagnetic pulses in an instant when they attack enemy equipment.

It is generally a one-time blow.

In this regard, there is no problem at all.

You joined the Star Group later, and there may be some things that are not clear.

We have encountered the continuous release of electromagnetic pulses.

Any electronic equipment entering this area will be instantly destroyed.

This feeling is like an electromagnetic pulse field, capable of continuous destructive work.

The electromagnetic pulse field encountered at that time was relatively small, probably only tens of thousands of square meters.

But it is somewhat similar to the situation encountered by launch vehicles today.

It's just that the area of ​​action is much larger. "

"Is there such a thing? I have never encountered it. If it weren't for the boss to tell it, I would not believe it."

After the two listened, they were amazed again and again. If it weren't for Liu Mingyu, they would never believe that something like this happened.

This is really against the scientific knowledge they have learned.

But since the zombie virus came to the world, everything has changed.

There seems to be nothing incomprehensible with such an electromagnetic pulse field.

Liu Mingyu asked, "Besides this possibility, do you think there are any other possibilities?"

Gao Honglin raised his hands and voted: "I think the possibility of what the boss said is still relatively high.

Although up to now, I still don't know how the other party controls the electromagnetic pulse attack in the outer space area of ​​the earth.

If there is such an electromagnetic pulse field that envelopes the entire earth, it still makes sense.

But now, this will only happen if you reach a certain height.

As for us on the ground, it doesn't affect us.

This kind of ability is really unimaginable. "

Wang Minghai swept away the previous haze and laughed loudly: "Then the third time we launch the launch vehicle, we will continue to attack the electromagnetic pulse field for manufacturing.

I don't believe it anymore. Launching a communications satellite can still stump me. "

Liu Mingyu said loudly: "Yes, just to have such confidence.

Failure is not terrible, brave, not afraid of difficulties!

Not the third time, just the fourth time, the fifth time.

I believe we will be able to launch communications satellites one day. "

In the following meeting time, everyone had a heated discussion on the materials for the construction of new launch vehicles and communication satellites.

Although the possible reasons for the failure are known, it is still quite difficult to make a device that can withstand the continuous attack of electromagnetic pulses.

At present, there are mainly several methods to protect against electromagnetic pulse attacks.

First, shielding.

Building the carrier on which the electronic information equipment is installed into an electromagnetic shield is greatly weakened when the electromagnetic pulse energy is transmitted from the shield body to the electronic information equipment.

However, this method is more useful for geostationary equipment, and does not have much effect on launch vehicles and communication satellites.

Because they also need to control communication satellites and launch vehicles.

The second type is filtering.

Various filters are added to the path of electromagnetic pulses entering the electronic information equipment to allow only signals in the working frequency band of the electronic information equipment to pass, thereby suppressing the interference of electromagnetic pulses of other frequencies.

This method is relatively feasible for this launch of the launch vehicle.

Only the designated band is reserved, and other bands are filtered out directly.

There are also grounding methods, using electronic devices and optical cables with strong electromagnetic pulse resistance, and millimeter wave electronic information equipment and optoelectronic equipment.

In fact, there are many ways to protect against electromagnetic pulse attacks.

In this world, electronic devices are everywhere.

There is still a strong sense of protection against such devastating attacks as electromagnetic pulse attacks.

However, the difficulty this time is that the electromagnetic pulse attack is a continuous attack, rather than attacking once and stopping twice.

If communication satellites need to work continuously, they will inevitably encounter continuous electromagnetic pulse attacks in space.

For communication satellites to work normally, I am afraid that we have to find manufacturing materials that can continue to resist electromagnetic pulse attacks.

Materials that resist electromagnetic pulse attacks are easy to find.

However, materials that can continue to resist electromagnetic pulse attacks and materials that ensure the normal operation of their own equipment are quite difficult to find.

Everyone filtered the material in their minds, but they didn't find any material that fits the current situation.

As a last resort, I can only delegate this arduous task to everyone in the Institute, hoping that they can develop this material.

The original long-distance communication plan was temporarily shelved.

Liu Mingyu has already seen Wang Minghai's technology.

The two launches of the carrier rocket failed, but it did not affect Wang Minghai's status as a technology leader on artificial satellites.

Because before this, no one has encountered an electromagnetic pulse field that can continuously release electromagnetic pulse attacks.

Moreover, Wang Minghai's expertise is mainly in manufacturing artificial satellites, not in searching for materials.

Long-distance communication, this plan is very critical.

For Liu Mingyu's external expansion and exploration, he played a very important role.

It would be very difficult to research this kind of material by relying solely on the people of the research institute.

It's time to help them.

Liu Mingyu opened the science and technology tree and found an artificial satellite.

Sure enough, as he thought, among the manufacturing technologies of artificial satellites, there is a technology on how to manufacture materials that resist electromagnetic pulse attacks.

Liu Mingyu took a look, and it took 1.6 million points to light up this technology.

Good guy, this is the technology that Liu Mingyu has encountered that requires the most points.

In other words, this technology is divided into five levels in the system classification.

It is the highest level technology Liu Mingyu has ever seen.

Isn't it just 1.6 million points? I have so many points.


Liu Mingyu directly chooses the passive learning type.

With this kind of difficult technique, Liu Mingyu didn't want to spend more time in order to save the 800,000 points.

For some simple basic technologies, it doesn't matter if you choose a complete set of materials.

But for some difficult techniques, the best way is to spend points so that they can learn passively and directly master related techniques.

The technology mastered by this method is simply hard to forget even if they want to forget.

Liu Mingyu not only illuminates the material technology to resist electromagnetic pulse attacks, but also illuminates the related technology of communication satellites.

Liu Mingyu spent a total of 3 million points to directly fill up the technical points of communication satellites.