I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1464: Kill

There is such a handy free labor force, so there is no need to use it for nothing.

Chen Guosheng has always paid attention to those who follow behind.

"Find a few people to watch them, wait for them to dig out the energy spar, and then take it back." Liu Mingyu nodded slightly.

"Yes, I will arrange it right away."

Chen Guosheng nodded in response, and then left ten people to guard them.

Although the number of opponents is large, it is enough to dispatch ten people.

The trailing behind.

They frantically dig the energy spar on the ground.

From their heavy pockets, it can be seen that they have gained a lot this time.

Almost everyone has dug enough energy spar.

If you sell these energy spars, if they have lived for a long time.

It can even be exchanged for genetic evolution potions, thus becoming as brave as those fighters of the Star Group.

They are still immersed in their own fantasy, and they don't want to think about it. If they want to redeem the genetic evolution potion, they must redeem the contribution value.

Holding the energy spar of the Xingchen Group and going to exchange it with the Xingchen Group, isn't that funny?

That is simply looking for death.

It's just that when they saw the energy spar everywhere, those worries had already been abandoned by them.

As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food.

Those energy spars had already blinded their eyes.

If not in front of them, there are still a large number of zombies waiting for them to dig.

I'm afraid they have already started fighting with each other.

The ten people dispatched by Chen Guosheng did not hide their identities and stayed at the crossroads.

It's just that they were all busy digging the energy spar, and they didn't find a group of people watching them not far away.

It is estimated that they regard this group of people as "companions" who are just like them.

However, some people have discovered this group of people.

These people are the survivors who did not join the excavation army and searched for supplies in nearby residential areas.

The main reason is that they set their sights on the residential areas, which are relatively high, and they can easily be spotted by looking down.

"Those people are probably going to be unlucky." A survivor who was searching for supplies upstairs suddenly gloated.

Seeing that they were pretending to be full of pouches, and only found a little gold jewelry on my side, my heart was extremely unbalanced, and I even wanted to join the team below.

But he also knows that even if he joins now, he won't get any benefits, and he has to bear great risks.

Now suddenly I saw that the people of the Star Group were standing not far away from the group of people, how could he not please him.

"What's the matter?" Another companion, who was rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the room, asked when he heard his partner's words.

"They were targeted by people from the Star Group." The man gloated.

Several other companions, hearing his voice, hurried to the side to check.

Following the direction of his companion's finger, he finally found the members of the Star Group, standing not far in front of them, quietly watching them dig energy spar.

"I said long ago that this method is undesirable. Digging so many energy spars is not a dowry for others in the end."

"We are still reliable. Although we don't get many materials, it's better than nothing."

"Guess how long it will take them to find them?"

"How long? I'm afraid that no one will find it until the digging is complete."

"I'm sitting in the bank. Everyone make a bet. When will they find the stars of the Star Group? Don't bet that big. Everyone can put a maximum contribution of 10 points. I can't afford to lose any more."

The partner who first discovered the presence of everyone in the Star Group initiated a bet on everyone.

"A big bet hurts the body, a small bet is happy, you can search for materials at any time, anyway, it's not too short of time.

I pressed 10 points and found out after two minutes of betting. "

"10 points contribution value, five minutes."

"10 points contribution value, ten minutes."

"10 points contribution value, fifteen minutes."

For them, 10 contribution points are not particularly large, and they can still afford it.

It was just to let everyone live up to the depressed atmosphere. Before, they watched their bags full of pouches and said that it was false not to envy them, but now they are not envied, and some are just gloating.

This team has a total of no more than five people. Except for the banker, even if it loses all, it will only have 40 points of contribution. This point of contribution, he can still afford to lose.

"Okay, I'll leave my hand, and now it's time to start."

Several people came to the window sill, staring at the people below carefully to see when they would be able to react.

While they were staring, the zombies downstairs had already spotted them.

"A few survivors appeared upstairs, do you want to deal with it?"

"Don't worry, these people don't have energy crystals in their hands, don't have extra branches, we can be optimistic about these people."

After a while of conversation, he fell into a brief silence.

Time slowly passed, and the excavation of the energy spar basically came to an end.

The survivors tossed back and forth among the corpses of the zombies. This is a very scary scene in front of ordinary people, and there is no wave in their eyes.

They just want to find more energy spars and see if they can find some fish that slip through the net.

Some people gave up here, ready to move on to the next place.

This is not the first time they have done things like this.

Just as they were about to go to the next place, they suddenly stopped moving.

They finally discovered that on the way forward, a group of people were looking at them coldly.

They are very clear about the identities of these people, the survivors who killed these zombies not long ago.

Upstairs not far away.

A temporary gambling game has reached the settlement stage.

The person who initiated the gambling game was full of complacency and laughed loudly: "Brothers, I'm sorry, but finally found out that the time was 21 minutes. Kill."

"I'm going, are they blind? Haven't seen it for so long?"

"I gave them enough time. I pressed it for 15 minutes, but I didn't even notice it.

If those were zombies, I'm afraid they would have already been killed. "

"It can only be said that they are too greedy, all their minds are placed on the energy spar, and they are not aware of the surrounding environment."

They don't think that losing 10 points of contribution is a very big thing.

But they felt that if they had also chosen to be below, I am afraid it would be no different from them.

Desire will blind people's eyes, and only when they are cleansed can they be ignored.


The survivors who followed finally found something wrong.

Soon, more and more people discovered the people of the Star Group.

The zombies sent by Chen Guosheng are Shadow Stingers, and their strength is beyond doubt. With them, there is no need to worry about someone who can escape them.

The squad leader stood up, pointed to the bag in their hands, and said softly: "Put down the things in your hands, and then where do you come from? Go back to me."

The voice is very light, but the meaning is very clear and determined.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, no one put down the bag in his hand.

This is the energy spar that they dug up after working for several hours. How can they just let it go.

Although the other party is a member of the Star Group, these are the fruits of their labor.

They also didn't want to think about it, if it wasn't for the people of the Star Group to kill these zombies, where would it be their turn to dig these energy spars.

"I'll say the second time, put down the bag in my hand, don't let me say the third time." The team leader threatened coldly.

The air fell into a dignified state, and no one wanted to let it go.

The survivors froze in place, no one dared to make any movements.

I don't know how long it took, as if it was a moment, and it seemed that a long time had passed.

The team leader opened his mouth and was about to speak, when someone in the crowd yelled, "There are only ten of them. Let's go together."

This sentence seemed to speak their aspirations, they subconsciously forgot, there are still many of their companions in front of them.

Some people heard this sound and rushed towards the ten people, as if as long as they were killed, they would be able to retreat safely.

But most people are not idiots. Seeing someone rushing forward, most people retreat back.

They hate to have a few pairs of legs long, which can make them run faster.

Although the other party has few people, but after seeing the tragic death of the zombies, you know that those people are not kind people.

Looking at the survivors who rushed up, the team leader showed disdain and shouted: "No piece of armor left."

Give them a chance, they don't want to cherish it, it's their own business.

Now that you have chosen to draw your swords and face each other, be prepared to be slaughtered.

Ten streamers rushed to the crowd.

too fast.

The speed is too fast.

The survivors had already expected it, but they didn't expect the other side to be so fast.

Soon they could not catch each other's movements with their eyes.

In their eyes, they only felt that the other party seemed to be teleporting, disappearing into this area in an instant.


Roads of cold light flashed by.

In preparation for entering the group, they kept running forward. After a while, their heads gradually separated from their bodies due to inertia.


The head eventually fell to the ground because there was no support from it.

It has been studied before that if a person is beheaded instantly, they will not die immediately, and there will be a period of consciousness.

The same is true for these people. For the first time in their lives, they have seen their bodies from far away.

This is also their last chance.

More than two hundred people flew away in all directions.

This did cause a little bit of difficulty for the Shadowstabers, but it was only a little bit difficult.

For the Shadow Stingers, the speed of these survivors is too slow.

The entire killing process took less than 10 seconds in total.

After they killed the last survivor, the first survivor to be killed began to separate the corpses.


The pillars of blood on their bodies are like fountains, gushing out from the sky, spraying high and high.

The five survivors upstairs were stunned when they saw this terrifying scene.

The horror is really horrible!

They had seen the scene of killing zombies before, but at that time they just regarded zombies as a kind of monster, and for a long time, they had already resisted in their hearts.

But what they saw in their eyes now was that their kind had no power to fight back in the opponent's hands.

They took a step back in an instant, for fear that their figure would be seen by the other party.

Can not help but secretly rejoice in my heart.

Fortunately, they didn't dig out the energy spar like them, otherwise, these people would be their fate.

"You said did they see us? I just seemed to see them look over here."

"No, there shouldn't be."

"You have to leave here quickly. I have said that you can't have this kind of thinking. If you want to take advantage, you have to see who the other party is.

"Don't say so much, let's wait here for a while, and then we will go back as soon as they leave."

This proposal was approved by everyone, and the five survivors hid in the room for fear of being discovered.

The team leader did not pay attention to the survivors upstairs. Their task was to collect these energy crystals. The opponent did not do this work, and there was no regular meeting.

After checking that they were indeed all dead, someone trot back and reported to Chen Guoshenghui: "Captain, it's all done."

Chen Guosheng nodded and informed Liu Mingyu of the news again.

Soon they transported all the energy spar that had not been dug by the survivors to the designated location.

In a short while, the energy spar was piled up like a hill.

Looking at this small mountain of energy spar, Liu Mingyu laughed loudly and said: "It is very good to have someone help, and it saves a lot of effort."

"Indeed, with their help, there is no need to worry about omissions." Chen Guosheng echoed.

Liu Mingyu said loudly: "Has the zombies in Ningbo Port been cleaned up?"

Chen Guosheng nodded and replied: "Boss! Not yet, it will probably take about half an hour."

"It's all faster, don't dawdle!"

Liu Mingyu urged.

In fact, the overall clearance speed is not slow. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is mainly because the port of Ningbo Port is relatively large, and the range of locations that need to be cleared is relatively large, so the time will naturally take longer.

"Okay, no problem, I will urge them immediately."

Chen Guosheng fully agreed.

No matter what the boss's order is, just nod and execute it.

After half an hour.

Finally, the zombies in Ningbo Port were cleaned up.

Fortunately, in this port, I did not encounter those annoying seabirds.

They are all ordinary zombies, but those zombies are mostly hidden in corners, so it took some time.

Those annoying seabirds seemed to hate it, so I didn't find it.

Or maybe it was due to other reasons, it didn't appear in this port.

Chen Guosheng didn't think much about it, as long as it was cleaned up, the rest was left to the cleanup team.