I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1471: The new look of stars

"Let us work together to complete the core energy mission as quickly as possible."

Wu Jinghao stretched out his fist towards Dong Jianping. Upon seeing Dong Jianping, he immediately stretched out his fist and leaned forward.

"It must be possible, as the so-called brothers are united, it is profitable to cut money."

Regarding Dong Jianping's words, Wu Jinghao gave a dry smile and did not speak.

Dong Jianping also knew that his previous actions made Wu Jinghao very bad for his senses. If both of them were not resurrected by Liu Mingyu, and they were still carrying the core energy needed for the new headquarters, it is estimated that Wu Jinghao would not give him a good face.

This is also a very normal thing. If you encounter such a thing, I am afraid that it will be more intense than the other party.

Dong Jianping also knew that when he said that, it was not so easy to pass this incident. It mainly depends on how he will do it in the future.

Although Wu Jinghao was not very good with his senses, there was no need to worry that the other party would make trouble in this mission.

Next, Dong Jianping invited Wu Jinghao to start building the Spirit Gathering Array.

In the past, Wu Jinghao first input the data of the two cornerstones, and then it was handed over to Dong Jianping to input the remaining data.

Now, Wu Jinghao stood beside him generously, watching where Dong Jianping was fiddling.

He had promised to make the correct data public, and Dong Jianping didn't care about Wu Jinghao, who was on the sidelines, and directly entered the correct data.

Wu Jinghao's brows frowned when he saw him, good guy, there was less than 0.01% of the energy input from the data he had originally given.

But just because of this 0.01% energy input, the final result is very different.

No wonder I have studied so many times and failed to succeed. This is largely due to Dong Jianping's relationship.

Dong Jianping didn't explain anything, and quickly entered the remaining data.

With an order, five devices were activated at the same time.

As before, it emits colorful energy rays, converging in the middle.

The whole process lasted one minute.

The green indicator light of the central device lights up, and at the same time, everyone in the institute feels a very comfortable feeling.

They are very familiar with this feeling, and they could experience this kind of comfortable feeling when they were at the headquarters of the Illuminati.

This is the effect of the Spirit Gathering Array. As soon as it is turned on, you can feel the energy from all directions gathering in the middle, and at the same time the energy in the foundation stone is also radiating outward.

From the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, a perfect circle is formed.

The spirit gathering array mainly absorbs the energy in the surrounding air, and then spit out higher quality energy through the array.

In theory, the overall consumption of cornerstones is not particularly large.

If someone observes outside the Cornerstone Research Institute, they can see that the air outside the Cornerstone Research Institute is distorted.

It looks like the high temperature is burning the air.

As the Spirit Gathering Array moves, more and more energy is absorbed.

As a large amount of energy in the air is absorbed, the energy of the air near the research institute has been greatly reduced, and the energy in the rest of the place begins to flow to this place.

A gust of wind has gradually formed, and it feels a little bigger and bigger.

At this moment, Dong Jianping ordered that the Spirit Gathering Array be turned off.

Because he still needs to show Wu Jinghao several other formations.

Now that it has been agreed, it must be done.

In addition, this is also related to the core energy of the new headquarters.

Subsequently, under Wu Jinghao's gaze, Dong Jianping showed the correct data of several other formations one by one.

At the time of the last transformation of the body of the god, Dong Jianping did not continue and explained: "Old Wu, your qi should also be gone. The energy required by the body of the **** is really too much, and it has caused it. The movement is very loud and it is not convenient to show it here."

"Okay, so be it." Wu Jinghao nodded and replied.

Although Dong Jianping made a fake about the energy input data, he did not lie elsewhere.

Wu Jinghao felt that he could still believe this.

"I hope you will never lie to me again, and hope that we can cooperate happily in the next cooperation." Wu Jinghao held out his right hand towards Dong Jianping blankly.

"Don't worry, it won't be anymore."

Dong Jianping also extended his right hand and held it tightly.

"Then let's start, the boss is still waiting for us to create core energy." Wu Jinghao burst into a bright smile.

"let's start."

Dong Jianping also responded with a smile.

The two looked at each other, and the little lump left in their hearts disappeared under Dong Jianping's apology.

The two once again worked together to contribute to the new headquarters in core energy.

The construction of the new headquarters is expected to take some time.

The Star Base has entered a stable development stage.

However, Liu Mingyu still had some worries about the group of zombies in Jingdezhen City.

Fortunately, during this period, not only communication satellites were launched, but satellites with other functions were also launched into space one by one.

Through the celestial eye system composed of satellites, the Star Group can monitor most of the world.

For this reason, the monitoring department of the Star Group has more tasks.

In addition to monitoring the group of zombies in Jingdezhen City, they also have an important task, which is to find possible survivors in other places.

At the same time, they are also given a new task, which is to draw a brand new distribution map of zombies as much as possible.

Although there are exploration teams exploring various places, their number is limited, and the places to explore are after all limited, and there are still many places that cannot be observed one by one.

With the Sky Eye system, you can see everything on the ground very easily.

If you want to go to a certain place in the future, you can use the Skyeye system to check the situation there in advance, so as to make the best preparation.

Although the Sky Eye system cannot help them directly attack the zombies, it provides the survivors with the best vision assistance.

Although the celestial eye system cannot see the zombies inside the building, it is enough to see the zombies outside.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and one another can survive a hundred battles.

Able to understand the movements of zombies in advance, are they still afraid of zombies when they are operating in the wild?

In addition to these tasks, Liu Mingyu also deliberately made people pay attention to marine life.

According to the seabirds and ocean monsters encountered in the port before, the creatures in the ocean are not weaker than the zombies on the land, and can even be said to be much stronger than the zombies on the land.

At least, Liu Mingyu has not seen a giant more than three hundred meters long on land.

The only people I have seen are the two Godzillas, which are only a few tens of meters tall.

Strictly speaking, these two Godzillas also seem to come from overseas.

The places where these two Godzillas appeared were all near the city of Shanghai.

If the two Godzillas are from the same place, they are probably on an island in the East China Sea.

The reason why he thought it was an island in the East China Sea was because Liu Mingyu remembered that when the group of seabirds called for an assistant, it didn't take long before Godzilla appeared.

According to this situation, the opponent is not very far from Jiagang.

Of course, this is only Liu Mingyu's guess. The specific situation remains to be determined.

As long as they are still on the earth, they will always be found.

In the case of the Sky Eye system and artificial intelligence, it is estimated that it will not take long to find the information Liu Mingyu needs.

The development of science and technology is very rapid, especially Liu Mingyu's large-scale lighting of basic technology, and a large number of survivors in order to join the Star Group, the technical staff has been greatly enhanced.

Although there are many technologies, for these people in the apocalyptic world, they have long ago, but they are not professionals after all. Relearn these technologies and let these technologies benefit mankind again.

After this period of time, the recruitment has been continuously expanded, and Liu Mingyu has continued to create zombies.

As of May 1, 2116, the total population of Star Group exceeded 50,000.

Among them, nearly 30,000 are normal ordinary survivors, and the other 20,000 are zombies created by Liu Mingyu.

If it weren't for Liu Mingyu to get some people into the real world, I am afraid that the proportion of zombies in the Star Group would be even higher.

The two zombie conversion plants work 24 hours a day without interruption, and the number of zombies produced is definitely an appalling number.

This is mainly related to the low level of the zombies created by Liu Mingyu.

Because the level is low, the time required for manufacturing is short, and the number of people will naturally increase.

If it were to create high-level zombies, I am afraid there would be no such number.

However, even if Liu Mingyu wants to create all high-level zombies, it is unlikely.

The points required to make high-level zombies are too high.

Even if Liu Mingyu has the exploration team to collect points for him now, there are too many places to use points, and Liu Mingyu can't help squandering at will.

Therefore, except for a few high-level zombies, most of the zombies are low-level zombies.

But fortunately, even though they are low-level zombies, they can still evolve in other ways, and there is no need to worry too much about their strength.

If you really want to encounter problems that cannot be solved, even if you spend more points, you have to create high-level zombies.

The addition of a large number of people means that a large amount of food needs to be consumed.

Fortunately, Liu Mingyu doesn't have to worry about crossing now. Otherwise, it would be a huge problem for so many people to eat.

It seems that there are a lot of people now, but Liu Mingyu needs to develop a lot of majors.

After being scattered to all walks of life, there are not too many.

The increase in personnel also means the acceleration of technological development.

Because when these people joined the Star Group, they were all people who passed the assessment.

They have a very thorough understanding of the basic technologies. Under the derivation of these basic technologies, and with their previous understanding of the world, soon, those technologies that they do not understand, or technologies that have never been known before, are all taken by them one by one. Research it out.

Huaxia people have always been at the master level in imitating this aspect.

When it comes to technologies that are more advanced than their own, Huaxia people have their own set, imitating first, then surpassing, even more advanced than their own products.

Liu Mingyu never doubted this aspect.

At the same time, after the release of intelligent robots, with the addition of these intelligent robots, various infrastructure constructions have been developed at a rapid pace.

The design drawings of the city fortress that Liu Mingyu took out were because of the addition of these intelligent engineering robots, which made the overall project progress far beyond the previous plan.

If it is not because the core energy has not been finally resolved, if you work harder, I am afraid that the construction has been completed.

But it is still good to wait.

No, the core energy issue of the new headquarters has finally been resolved.

With cornerstone as the core energy source, the defensive capabilities of urban fortresses have been greatly improved, several times stronger than nuclear fusion energy.

The new headquarters has been greatly strengthened, and the production capacity of other products has also been greatly improved.

For example, chip manufacturing plants and virtual helmet manufacturing plants, which are the basis of the real world, have developed rapidly.

Not only the output has been greatly improved, but also the performance has also been greatly improved.

In terms of real-world Xingchen Group’s customized chips, the same level of chips has lower cost and a higher level of computing power.

However, Liu Mingyu did not let them produce chips of this level.

Even the previously customized chips are high-end chips for the real world.

Sometimes it’s not good to update chips too quickly.

It takes a certain period of time to release new chips, and the effect is better.

If the replacement is too fast, it will make the previous generation chip users feel that they have suffered a big loss.

Obviously spending the same price, or even a higher price, can only enjoy lower service than others.

This kind of thing will be very uncomfortable on anyone.

In fact, to be honest, in terms of chips, in addition to high-end technology equipment requires high-end chips.

Ordinary chips, in the hands of ordinary consumers, they won't feel much at all.

Unless the gap between the two chips is quite large, consumers will feel a significant difference.

The head of the chip manufacturing plant Lu Ziliang heard Liu Mingyu's order, but Zhang Er's monk was puzzled.

But since it was the boss's order, he could only obey UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

Although Liu Mingyu did not let them produce high-end chips, he did not let them stop their research on high-end chips.

No need to use it now does not mean it won't be needed in the future.

In terms of science and technology, research cannot be stopped, especially with regard to chips.

The same is true for virtual helmet manufacturers. They are clearly able to produce higher-end virtual helmets, but they are forced to produce only low-end virtual helmets.

They didn't know what was going on either, only that the order was issued directly by the boss.

Like the chip industry, although low-end products are produced, research on high-end products has not stopped.

At the virtual helmet manufacturing plant, Liu Mingyu also gave them a new order.

That is to continue to develop the nutritional biological cabin, this nutritional biological cabin is not only applied in virtual reality technology, in fact, it can also be used in interstellar travel.