I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1472: learn, learn and learn

The nutritional biological cabin can keep people in it for a long time without eating to ensure the body's nutritional needs.

The original intention of the nutritional biological cabin is to allow players to log in to the virtual game for a long time without being offline.

But in fact, it can also be applied to interstellar travel.

However, the nutritional biological cabin is specially built to increase the online time of virtual games.

If you want to use it in interstellar travel, a mere nutritional biological cabin is absolutely not enough.

Upgrade the nutritional biological cabin to a dormant cabin, which is the kind of dormant cabin seen in many science fiction movies.

However, before the zombie virus arrived, the nutritional biological cabin had just achieved certain results, and it was far from reaching maturity.

Belongs to the product under test.

The development of the nutritional biological cabin is not only to be able to bring this product to the real world for sale, but also to prepare for a rainy day.

Liu Mingyu always felt that the weird electromagnetic pulse field in space should be man-made, or caused by other creatures.

Although so far, there are no signs of other creatures found in outer space.

However, things like electromagnetic pulse fields are absolutely impossible to be formed naturally. There must be unknown creatures hiding in the dark, seeming to be peeping at the development of the earth.

It's definitely not a shocking speculation.

After this period of time, Liu Mingyu even suspected that the original "demon" comet might also be the result of "man-made" exploration of the surrounding zombies.

Such suspicion is not without reason.

One is that the infection rate of zombie viruses is too fast. From the time the "demon" comet crashed into the earth, it infected 99% of the world's humans in less than a few days.

This speed of infection is not as simple as a zombie virus brought by "demon" comet fragments.

Although Liu Mingyu did not know the circumstances of the "demon" comet hitting the earth at the time, according to the introduction of other survivors and the reports he had seen in some media.

When a comet hits the earth, even if it is a huge comet, the final damage may only be limited to a certain area, and it is impossible for everyone to be infected with the zombie virus in an instant.

Liu Mingyu doubted whether someone took the opportunity to spread more zombie viruses by taking advantage of the "demon" comet's whereabouts. This allowed the vast majority of humans to be infected with zombie viruses in just a few days, thus becoming unconscious walking corpses. .

The only survivors, in order to survive, they will not think about this issue.

Taking a step back, even if you know, what can you do?

When the global power is at its peak, it can't be stopped. What's more, they are the only remaining survivors?

In addition to this reason, there is actually another reason, that is, in the devil fragments picked up by Dong Jianping and Wu Jinghao, there is a knowledge inheritance that is completely different from that of the zombie virus.

These all seem to illustrate the unusualness of the "demon" comet.

However, these are all Liu Mingyu's guesses, and have not been substantively confirmed.

Liu Mingyu also hoped that he would just think more.

In any case, there is always nothing wrong with taking precautions and making preparations.

In fact, regarding the dormant capsule used in interstellar travel, the F-class spacecraft acquired by Liu Mingyu already has comprehensive technology.

The nutrient biological cabin and the dormant cabin are not the same thing, but they have something in common and are theoretically connected.

With the technology of the dormant cabin, it is much less technically difficult to manufacture the nutrient biological cabin.

However, technical personnel are still needed to overcome technical problems.

There are a large number of technicians joining, and Liu Mingyu will light up some basic technologies from time to time. I believe it will not be long before a brand new nutritional biological cabin appears.

One more thing worth mentioning is that the output of energy spar has again been greatly increased.

In order to increase the output of the energy spar, Liu Mingyu has worked hard.

When the biotechnology skill book tree appeared, Liu Mingyu spent huge points to upgrade all the technologies related to the production of root energy spars to the extreme.

In this case, the output of energy spar has indeed been greatly improved.

When Liu Mingyu thought that he could no longer continue to increase the output of energy spar, Professor Huang Yi led their students and submitted a satisfactory answer.

Huang Yi is worthy of being a true professor. Under his leadership, he discovered a new kind of microorganism that can produce energy spar.

This microorganism is more than ten times larger than the previous probiotics. Although the output has not increased by more than ten times, the overall output has increased by more than three times.

The increase in the output of the energy spar this time is entirely dependent on Huang Yi's own strength, not the technology that Liu Mingyu obtained through points.

It's not that the technology gained through points is not good, but all walks of life have various intractable diseases. The points are limited and must be used on the blade to improve their strength as much as possible.

If everyone has Huang Yi's strength, even if Liu Mingyu does not light up any technology tree, the overall strength can be greatly improved.

But there are too few top big guys like Huang Yi.

The number of survivors who can survive is very small, and even if they happen to be a big-time figure in a certain industry, the odds are even smaller.

Even if Liu Mingyu has the ability to resurrect survivors, the resurrected people are random, and it is too difficult to resurrect a specified character among thousands.

Just like before Liu Mingyu wanted to resurrect Dong Jianping, he continued to create thousands of zombies at the place where he knew the other party died, but he failed to resurrect Dong Jianping.

Until recently, luck was overwhelming, and it happened to be resurrected to the person Liu Mingyu needed.

It is conceivable that there are so few technical experts in a certain industry.

The influence brought by the technology giant cannot be ignored.

It is said that it is less, but in fact, there are still many technical experts among the employees in the company.

Huang Yi specializes in biotechnology. Originally, Huang Yi was too old to experiment for a long time when doing experiments, which caused his desire to pursue experiments to diminish a lot.

After becoming a zombie, Huang Yi no longer has to worry about his physical problems. With the help of the energy potion, he can continue to work 24 hours a day.

This kind of horrible working attitude is really shameful.

Gao Honglin, a big cow in aerospace technology, currently mainly specializes in the manufacture of F-class spacecraft.

Wang Minghai, a big cow in communications satellites, currently focuses on communications and contributes to the company's communications business.

Wu Junhao, a big cow in network technology, was once the third place in the Chinese hacker rankings. Although not the first, his technology can be said to be the highest existence among survivors.

Li Wenhai, a big cow in agricultural technology, most of the green vegetables currently consumed by the Star Group are produced under the leadership of Li Wenhai. Because of his appearance, the company's employees have eaten green vegetables again.

Han Yuanhua, a big cow in virtual reality technology, is currently leading the technical team to develop the sixth generation of virtual reality technology. He is also a rare talent.

Zhao Yulong, a genius in robotics research and development, the engineering intelligent robots used in the construction of the new headquarters, the therapeutic intelligent robots used in the medical field, and the combat intelligent robots are all from Zhao Yulong's hands.

There are many more similar leaders.

It turned out that Liu Mingyu had gathered a large number of talents before he knew it.

For talent, there is no too much.

In such an exciting learning atmosphere, with the brand-new technology provided by Liu Mingyu, plus various rewards, it is estimated that more leaders will appear in the near future.

Regarding this situation, Liu Mingyu is happy to comment.

He is not afraid that there is nothing to reward them, as long as you dare to develop useful technology, you can get a lot of rewards.

With a world as support, Liu Mingyu dare not let it go.

I am not afraid that you will be rewarded, but I am afraid that you will not study hard.

The Star Group even provided basic food for them to calm down and learn new technologies.

In other words, as long as you can pass the external assessment and join the Star Group, you will be able to get a basic food.

Although basic food can't make you feast, it is still problematic to maintain the most basic living condition.

If you want to get better food, then you can only work hard to learn the materials issued by the company.

As long as the internal assessment is completed, it will also have a rich contribution value.

Many survivors feel that they were not so serious when they were in school.

In order to survive, we must be serious.

This is already a very benevolent act. For most survivors, the food here is much better and safer than the food they used to eat outside.

You know, the survivors who did not join the Star Group, in order to obtain a little bit of food, are really desperate to find supplies among the zombies.

A full meal, a hungry meal.

This is normal operation.

If you are not lucky, you won't even be able to find a bit of food for several days.

Without food, people are weaker, more in need, and less able to find supplies.

This is in a dead cycle, and many survivors starve to death in a certain corner in this way, or become rations for zombies, and eventually become one of the zombies.

Now that there is such a loose opportunity, we must seize it.

In fact, when many people are faced with learning a new thing, their heart is resisting, resisting to learn new food.

But in order to survive, they bite the bullet and have to learn related techniques.

With the propaganda of the people in front, more and more people join the Star Group.

Xingchen Group also did not refuse to come, as long as you meet the conditions, all of them will be accepted.

Of course, in order to avoid some people deliberately eating and drinking, a technical assessment will be conducted every once in a while.

The technical content of the assessment is the profession chosen by each person.

As long as you study the materials issued by the company carefully, you will be able to pass the relevant assessments.

Everyone has three chances. If they fail the assessment last time, then this person will never be hired.

After experiencing the food provided by the Star Group, even those who had a bad heart before would not waste three opportunities.

I'm really going to be kicked out. Isn't this having trouble with myself?

Ordinary survivors who are new to the company, their main task is to learn, learn, and learn again.

Before graduating at all, their task is to study desperately.

The zombies created by Liu Mingyu followed the major exploration teams to explore the situation of the zombies in all directions and look for the whereabouts of other survivors.

Since there were communication satellites, the communication between them has been resolved.

The headquarters of Star Group can easily know the specific situation of each exploratory team.

In order to be able to strengthen the zombies, after some zombies have successfully advanced, this is to replace another group of zombies.

Let more zombies evolve to a higher level.

The number of zombies is too much, even if Liu Mingyu continues to create more zombies, the personnel assigned to each exploration team is not particularly large.

The exploration progress of the exploration team is mainly limited by the number of explorers.

With the addition of new zombies, the exploration progress has been greatly improved.

It only takes 2 to 3 days for almost every exploration team to conquer a new city.

This speed of conquering is simply appalling.

This benefited from newly developed energy weapons and also benefited from the addition of a large number of zombies.

Because the zombies themselves are zombies, they only need to pay special attention when fighting, and they will not attract the attention of other zombies.

Under this natural protection, killing zombies has become very easy.

In the exploration process of the exploration team, unless you encounter high-level zombies, it is impossible to be discovered.

However, in many cases, the exploratory team deliberately creates big movements in order to train the newly added zombie companions to make them feel the feeling of crisis and oppression.

Keeping them in this feeling for a long time can help them break through themselves better.

Although the zombies will not find them without taking the initiative, but in the case of actively causing noise, it will attract a large number of zombies to execute and attack them. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

When zombies encounter danger, if they can withstand the danger, they can break through to a higher level.

Generally speaking, they will not cause too much damage to zombies. After all, they are the same as zombies, as long as they are not talking about fatal injuries, they can recover on their own.

However, there are always exceptions. There are some people who are not very lucky. In the battle with the zombies, they were accidentally attacked by the zombies to a fatal place. In the end, they lost their lives.

After losing his life this time, he can no longer be resurrected.

However, the probability of this kind of thing happening is relatively small after all.

Overall, because of this situation, the number of people in their lives does not exceed 100.

If you want to become stronger, you can put it to death and live.

Like now, there are high-level zombies grazing the formation next to it, which is considered a very good treatment.

The improvement of the exploration team's progress not only provided Liu Mingyu with a large number of points, but also provided a large number of energy spars.