I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1522: Outstanding Star Group

"About the first anniversary of the Star Group's activities."

"Dear consumers:

Time Ren Ran, like a white horse passing by.

Before you know it, Xingchen Group has been established for nearly a year.

According to the decision of the company headquarters, August 15th is set as our company's anniversary.

During this year, thank you very much for your support to the Star Group.

It is precisely because of your support that the Star Group can thrive.

In this important day, in order to better give back to consumers.

Star Group will gradually provide you with various preferential activities in the next three months.

Ensure that everyone can get the benefits they want.

The following is the first phase of activities in June, please participate actively.

The remaining activities will be released in the follow-up time. Consumers please pay attention to the official Star Group in time.

Star Group.

June 1, 2020. "

This is the title of the announcement issued by the Star Group, in a short period of time, in the context of many media and consumers' tap water.

The news about Star Group’s upcoming one-year anniversary event will occupy the hourly hot list of major social media in a very short time.

Various data are constantly rising, and soon occupy the 24-hour hot list.

Any news about the Star Group develops like a horror, which makes people extremely jealous.

It is also difficult for other people or companies to work hard to get a hit.

The Star Group simply issued an announcement, which is enough to crush other people's hot topics.

The popularity of the Star Group has long been not only in China, but has become popular all over the world.

The products produced by Xingchen Group far exceed those of their peers, and they are all epoch-making products. Why don't those people be tempted?

"Sure enough, there was a big move. The post a few days ago was really good, and the guess was very accurate. In less than a day, the official came out to confirm it personally. This is a very rare thing."

"Haha! It seems that my guess is not wrong. As expected, the Star Group is about to hold an anniversary celebration.

I haven't had time to read the content inside, and I hope that the anniversary celebration of the Star Group is strong enough. "

"It's really strange? Why is the anniversary celebration held in August? Isn't the establishment of the predecessor of the Star Group Star Technology Co., Ltd. in June? It stands to reason that the anniversary celebration should also be in June."

"You said it was the predecessor. Now the group company has been established. Of course, it is based on the establishment time of the group company.

But in other words, when was the official establishment of the Star Group?

Is it August?

Some don't remember. "

"Which month does it matter? The official said August is August.

Regardless of his month, it mainly depends on the intensity of the activity.

The first anniversary of the establishment of Star Group, this is the first anniversary event, and there should be great discounts. "

"Have you seen the specific event rules? It seems to be in August, but in fact, you can participate in the anniversary celebration from today."

"Will this activity process be too long? From June to August, it lasts for three months. This is longer than the activity time of a certain Dong and a certain treasure.

This looks a bit tricky. "

"If you look carefully at the rules inside, you won't say such a thing.

Regardless of whether you participated in the activities in the first two months, it will not affect your activities in August. "

"Isn't it a bad idea? Those who have completed the task in the first two months don't have much advantage?"

"Is the first phase of the mission in June so powerful?

Can you get a virtual helmet as long as you complete simple tasks?

I wanted to buy a virtual helmet a long time ago, but because I was shy in my pocket, I had to give it up temporarily.

Unexpectedly, there is still this opportunity. "

"Xingchen Group is too bold, right? In the first stage, 100,000 virtual helmets were used as rewards for the event.

According to the current price of virtual helmets, the virtual helmets in the first batch of activities are worth as much as 1 billion Chinese currency.

As expected of the Star Group, the shot was bold enough. "

"In contrast, the coupons of a certain treasure, the activities of the Star Group are too great.

This is real money, not like those coupons, which can only be used after a certain amount can be purchased. "

"This is just one of the rewards, and there are many other small rewards.

All together, the investment in this activity is probably not less than 2 billion Chinese currency. "

"The activities in the first stage are so bold, and the intensity of the subsequent activities can be imagined."

Many people are shocked by the outrageous style of the Star Group. The so-called hundreds of millions that other companies issue to consumers are mostly in the form of vouchers and full discounts.

For example, a certain treasure was once issued, and a Rolls-Royce voucher was used to deduct 1,000 yuan.

Many netizens have complained.

Is Lao Tzu the one who lacks that 1,000 yuan? What I lack is money to buy Rolls Royce.

There are countless similar vouchers, and these are all included in the amount they issue.

Anyway, they have distributed it. As for whether it is used or not, it is your own business.

Generally speaking, for such activities, the unconditional fee reduction and exemption can be five yuan or ten yuan, which is already a pretty good discount.

Later, it wasn't just a treasure who did it like this, other e-commerce platforms also did it like this.

Moreover, when they promoted their activities, they all wished to exaggerate their disbursement amounts to tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

Anyway, for them, being able to give a discount of 100 million is already thank God.

You have to say that they falsely promoted, they really gave you vouchers and coupons.

But this amount is a bit uncomfortable to see.

There is no harm without comparison.

When other companies use vouchers or coupons to give benefits to everyone, Star Group directly gives out real money to consumers.

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the Internet.

After seeing the announcement of the Star Group, some people went to the e-commerce customer service platforms such as Dong and Bao to leave messages.

"Xingchen Group gives real discounts, and I don't ask you to offer the same discounts. I just want you to refrain from doing so many fancy things when calculating discounts. Be a little bit more direct discounts."

"The discount rate is bigger. You have an old e-commerce platform, but no new e-commerce platform has come so domineering."

"If you don't make more preferential policies, all the passenger flow will go to the Star Group."

Certain treasure customer service center.

They are very busy today.

Didi's reminder sound has never stopped in the office.

The messages of those consumers on the Internet quickly gathered to the top leaders.

"Leader, after checking the promotion of Star Group's activities, many consumers demand that our activities be intensified, do you think?"

"Strengthen it? No money? All the event planning has already been prepared in advance. How could it be possible to change the company's event rules for such a reason?"

"Then how to deal with those messages on the Internet?"

"What else can I do? Just do it as usual."

A similar situation appeared on several other e-commerce platforms.

However, those e-commerce platforms are very tacit and have not changed their own rules of activity.

One is because the preferential model of the activity is the result of simulation measures. Any slight change may cause great consequences.

Secondly, the activities of the Star Group have just begun, and maybe the prizes of the Star Group are similar to them.

It seems that they are giving real money, but as long as the odds of winning are controlled, it is not up to them to decide.

It's just a change of form.

This is the best strategy currently.

Having said that, the senior leaders of several platforms worked overtime for meetings overnight.

Prepare a backup plan.

The unique event planning of Star Group has made the event planning of many e-commerce platforms a headache.

Some time ago, I just didn’t know how many day and night activities were created in a row, but now I have to work hard again!

As a large company, there can never be only one plan for holding an event.

Behind the successful plan, there are many alternatives.

Once something really goes wrong, it can be corrected in time.

Although everyone did not agree with the activities of the Star Group, they did not dare to reduce the preparations they had to make.

Regarding the total value of the benefits issued by the Star Group in the first phase of June.

Someone has done statistics.

All together, the total value exceeds 2.5 billion Chinese coins.

This amount is a lot more, because there are still some intangible things that cannot be counted in a quantitative mode for the time being.

For these people, I have to sigh for their toughness and leisure.

Through public information, accurate data can be found.

If calculated according to the price sold by the Star Group, it is indeed the same as the amount counted in that post.

However, in fact, the real cost of Star Group is much lower than this price.

In total, it is almost equal to 700 or 800 million.

It seems to be a lot, but in fact it is less than 13.

But this kind of welfare is delivered to consumers in real earnest.

This wave of operations of the Star Group has aroused the support of the vast majority of consumers.

Without him.

They were disgusted by the kind of full reduction and other types of consumer coupons. Now suddenly, there is a direct welfare activity, so why not make them excited.

In fact, the Star Group is not really direct delivery, and you still need to purchase more than 5 yuan to participate in the event.

5 yuan goods, buy anything at random, more than this price.

After purchasing goods greater than 5 yuan, there is a chance to draw a lottery.

In this way, Star Group seems to be no different from other e-commerce platforms.

However, there is an important point.

That is the principle of must-zhong.

As long as there is a lottery, there is at least 1 Huaxia coin returned, not to mention that there are a large number of products produced by the Star Group in the lottery pool.

For example, products such as fully automatic driverless electric vehicles, virtual helmets, Xingchen Assistant Annual Card, Xingchen Yunyue Card, and body-building drinks.

It can be said to have everything.

Even according to the minimum lottery, it is equivalent to a 20% discount.

"With such a big counter-prize effort, will the chances of winning the prize be so small?"

Some people also questioned and felt that even if the lottery was drawn, most of them could only get a cash reward of 1 yuan.

In fact, similar activities have appeared long ago.

The products in the reward pool are just displays that are used to attract consumers' consumption. The real awards will not be issued at all.

"If other companies are engaged in such activities, it is normal to be suspicious.

However, the organizer of this event is Star Group.

Do you think the Star Group will be stingy with this little activity fee?

Anyway, I believe in the Star Group. "

"It just so happens that I need to buy some products recently.

Let me test how high the odds of winning are. "

For this event, some people are skeptical, but most people are more willing to believe in the Star Group.

This is not unrelated to the actions taken by the Star Group after its establishment.

The Star Fund established by Star Group has helped more than one million people in less than a year.

Most of them are people who are in urgent need of treatment like critically ill patients, but because they do not have enough money for treatment.

It is precisely because of the responsible and socially responsible attitude of the Star Group that more people choose to believe in the Star Group.

Many times, if there is a choice of the same product, they will subconsciously choose the products produced by the Star Group.

This is the power of the brand, which is imperceptibly attracting consumers' choices.

On the day of the announcement, the sales of major merchants within Second World increased significantly. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com

The events held by the Star Group are not just for purchasing events produced by the Star Group. Merchants under the Second World platform can also participate in the event.

After those merchants settled in the second world, their sales continued to rise.

Now that the Star Group is holding an event, of course they are also actively participating.

For these businessmen, nothing compares to interests, and interests are the most reliable.

The emergence of the second world has transformed offline physical stores into online physical stores, allowing consumers to enjoy shopping and the convenience of online payment.

Although the second world has been online for a short time, the achievements it has achieved are exceptionally brilliant.

Many merchants have gradually withdrawn from e-commerce platforms such as Moubao and Moudong, gradually moving closer to the second world.

Because of the development of virtual reality technology, it is basically predictable that the second world is the trend of future development.

They naturally know how to choose.

With the influx of a large number of consumers, the just-launched lottery and the support of big data have reduced various prizes at a rapid rate.

"The probability of winning this time is a bit unexpected? I thought that most of them could only return 1 yuan in cash, but I didn't expect that a virtual helmet worth 10,000 yuan was drawn in the first lottery.

It's really cool. I was about to buy a virtual helmet after graduation, but I didn't expect it to happen here. "

"The odds of winning the lottery are indeed high. When you spend 300 yuan on shopping, the value of the prize in the lottery exceeds 500 yuan.

This is equivalent to this 300 yuan for white prostitution. "

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