I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1534: What is the price?

Since Wang Weihua broke an exclusive news in the live broadcast room last time, he has attracted many water friends to come to the live broadcast room to observe and worship.


   Most of these friends are attracted by Wang Weihua’s precise and exclusive revelations.


   In the next few days, apart from the first revelation, no new revelations appeared, and a lot of audiences were lost.


   But there are also some viewers who are attracted by Wang Weihua's unique live broadcast style and survive.


   There are even some media who stay in the live broadcast room all year round in order to get useful information the first time.


   Especially after the official website of the Star Group announced the configuration table of the Star Mobile on July 10, the number of online users in Wang Weihua’s live broadcast room skyrocketed.


   Although Wang Weihua’s previous exclusive revelations have proved its authenticity, some people are always skeptical before final confirmation.


   When the configuration table came out, all the doubts disappeared without a trace.


   "Viagra, is there any news on the price of the Star mobile phone?"


   "Viagra, if you have it, let's break the news quickly so that we can be mentally prepared."


   "I started saving money as early as the prototype of the Xingchen mobile phone, and now I have saved 40,000 yuan. I don't know if it is enough? Anchor, if you know the relevant price, hurry up and break the news!"


   "The configuration has come out, the price should be coming out soon, but I can't wait, anchor, if you really know the price, announce the price, don't torture us anymore!"


   In the live broadcast room that day, looking around, the screen was full of news asking him to announce the price.


   It seems that the anchor will eat the anchor if he doesn't announce the price.


  Wang Weihua comforted in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, stay calm. Regarding the specific price of the Star mobile phone, I am also very anxious and want to get the specific amount.


   However, this price belongs to the highly confidential information of the Star Group, which is not information that I can obtain at all.


   But you don’t have to be discouraged. Although you have not got the final accurate price, you have also got a rough price.


   I can only tell everyone that this price will surprise most people.


   No, it should be said, beyond everyone's expectations.


   Let me check again these few days. If there are any latest results, I will broadcast it to everyone as soon as possible.


   If you are interested in Xingchen mobile phones, remember to pay attention to get the latest news at any time. "


  Wang Weihua certainly has the relevant selling prices in his hands, but it is impossible for him to announce these prices without being notified.


   If it is really announced, I am afraid his life will not be so easy.


   Besides, the Star Group can change the price at any time.


   After all, the selling price in Wang Weihua's hand is really unbelievable. Even if it is doubled, not many people believe it.


   Such a large price can be manipulated, how could he leak it before getting permission?


  Wang Weihua was able to become the official partner of the Star Group among many anchors. In addition to the reason why he was the first to interview Liu Mingyu, there is also a very important reason, that is, knowing how to advance and retreat, and know how to measure.


   If this were not the case, he would have disappeared among the host of Yang Yang anchors.


   The words he just said didn't tell the real price, but it gave people unlimited reverie.


   "Unexpected by everyone? What does this mean? Will the price of the Star mobile phone break through the sky?


   It is undeniable that the star mobile phone is high-end, but as a popular machine, if the price is too high, it may not be popular among the public. "


   "This is not necessarily true. When the mobile phone was first developed, a brick-and-mortar brother, priced at 10,000 to 20,000, was everywhere.


   You know, in that era, 10,000-yuan households could be called rich.


   Now there is a mobile phone that can satisfy the fantasy of most people. What if it costs 100,000 yuan?


   This first mobile phone must be a mobile phone that only a few people can use.


   Do you really think that ordinary people can afford the money?


   But don’t underestimate those who are rich. It’s totally worth it to spend 1080,000 on a mobile phone that belongs to you. "


   "I don't know about other people. The price for just rubbing outside is more than that.


   As long as the Star Group dares to sell, I dare to buy.


   As long as he has no restrictions on purchases, there is no problem with everything. "


  "Although there is no specific price, the approximate price can be guessed based on the cost.


   50,000 is definitely more than 50,000. Like some brothers said, 100,000 is not impossible.


   This is not a product that ordinary people can buy. Ordinary people might as well go to the event to see if they are lucky enough to get a star mobile phone. "


   Most people think that the price of Star mobile phones will be very high.


   After all, judging from the announced configurations, the overall price is no less than 35,000 yuan.


   Considering the R&D cost, selling for RMB 50,000 or 60,000 does not seem to be a big problem.


   How high is the research and development cost of Star Mobile?


   No one knows.


   But according to the previous prototype display, its price is definitely not too low.


  Wang Weihua watched the discussion among the water friends in the live broadcast room, with a helpless expression on his face, he had already said so clearly.


  Why these people discuss the price, but they go further and further.


  Wang Weihua actually agrees with this. If he hadn't seen the real price in advance, he would probably not guess small, but would only guess large.


   Isn’t anyone guessing in the right direction?


   Just as Wang Weihua was guessing, a barrage flashed by.


  " To say something presumptuously, the previous anchor said that the real price was beyond the expectation of most people, and a sentence was added later, which was beyond everyone's expectation.


   Make a bold guess.


   The real selling price of the star mobile phone is actually much lower than the price that everyone guesses now.


   Otherwise, there is no way to explain it, the anchor's sentence pig is all unexpected. "


   "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible.


   Guess the younger one?


   Do you think Star Group is a charity company?


   Sell to everyone at a loss? "


  "Don't tell me, the Star Group is really a charity company. The Star Fund was established less than a year ago and has helped thousands of families.


   Compared with other companies, those false charities.


   Xingchen Group is definitely a charity company. "


   "Well, this is my slip of the tongue.


   But to return to before, the Star Group manufactures the Star mobile phone to make money, not to lose money.


   Although I don’t know what the real cost of the Star mobile phone is, according to the configuration table provided and the evaluation of many great gods, the overall cost will not be less than 35,000 yuan.


   How much do you think it will sell? It will surprise everyone.

  30,000 yuan.


   Even 20,000 yuan.


   The more you sell, the more you lose.


   No one would do such a loss-making business.


   No matter how big the family property is, if it loses like this, it will be lost. "


   "In spite of this, apart from this explanation, no other price can be called beyond all people's expectations."


   After all, there are only a few people who feel that the price is low, and most people still think that the final price will be very high.


   During the heated discussion, Wang Weihua silently turned off the live broadcast. He was afraid that if he watched it like this, he could not help but report the real price.


   After Wang Weihua left, a black screen was left, but the water friends in the live broadcast room did not leave there, but discussed more intensely in the black screen.


   Everyone has their own opinions, and even some big guys will come up with a series of data to prove the possibility of the final price of the Star mobile phone.


   The fierce discussion in Wang Weihua's live broadcast was also carried by some media to his social platform, which aroused more people's participation.


   Suddenly, the star mobile phone, which had already fallen out of hot topics, once again appeared on the hot topics of major social media.


  #星辰手机 REAL priced#


  #Wang Weihua revealed that the price of Xingchen mobile phones is beyond everyone's imagination#




   People who follow Star Mobile are not only Chinese netizens, but also many international consumers.


   Their guesses about the real price of Star mobile phones are basically as big as most people think.


   Only a very small number of people guess small, but they don’t guess too small, basically around 30,000 yuan.


   These people were quickly brainwashed by a group of people, and only a few people insisted on their guesses.


   believes that the final price will be less than expected.


  No, they don't believe in the cost given by the big guys, but they believe that the Star Group has the ability to reduce the cost to a lower level and still have a certain profit.


   If this phone is not a phone released by the Star Group, no one will guess at all.


   Only the products of the Star Group, they dare to guess in small ways.


   It’s just that people like them don’t know, even if they guess too small, there is still a long way to go from the real price.


  Wang Weihua watched those comments on the Internet during this time, and it was so hard to hold back!


   When no one knows the truth, it feels so cool that only one knows the truth!


   The real price of the star mobile phone, only a few people know.


  Before the official announcement, no one knew that the real price of the Star Mobile Chaos 2.0 was so low!


   July 20th.


   The big goal of 10 trillion originally planned was broken today, ten days earlier than expected.


   The two revelations of Wang Weihua played a very crucial role in achieving this goal ten days in advance.


  Especially the second ambiguous answer, it made the originally sluggish market active again for a few days.


   It is precisely because of this that this big goal can be accomplished so quickly.


   When sales exceeded 10 trillion yuan, Wang Weihua, as usual, broadcasted live broadcasts about Star Group products.


   Because of the recent popularity of star mobile phones, Wang Weihua often compares the test results of previous prototypes with the information now published.


  Even Wang Weihua has a prototype. This is a mobile phone specially given by the Star Group, so that Wang Weihua can continue to promote the star mobile phone.


  Wang Weihua also lived up to expectations. The live broadcast this month can be said to have driven a huge amount of traffic to the second world.


   Although Wang Weihua did not continue to break the news solo broadcast news, but the Star Mobile Chaos 1.0 in his hand also attracted many water friends to visit.


  Wang Weihua is holding Xingchen Mobile Chaos 1.0 to show the unique function of Xingchen Mobile, the holographic projection call technology.


  Wang Weihua said: "Brothers, this holographic projection call technology can only be carried out between star phones for the time being. After everyone buys their own star phones, then they will be able to truly realize holographic calls.


   In addition to holographic calls, there are many other aspects that everyone can look forward to, such as..."


   Before Wang Weihua finished speaking, he saw a screen full of bullets.


   "Anchor, Star Group's second-stage sales have exceeded 10 trillion yuan. On this important day, is it necessary to announce an exclusive news for everyone to have a good time."


   "Sales have exceeded 10 trillion, and it is time to announce the price of Star Mobile."


   "The 10 trillion target has been reached, when will the price be released?"


   "Achieve, send."




The barrage behind    became more and more concise.


   until the back, the text filled the entire screen.


   Seeing the barrage of the water friends, Wang Weihua also went to the official website to check the data immediately.


  Opening the official website, the sales have exceeded 10 trillion yuan, and this data is still rising rapidly.


  Wang Weihua shouted at the screen: "Brothers and sisters, wait a moment and come back soon!"


   After finishing speaking, he left his seat without waiting for everyone to react.


   "Don't! Anchor, you haven't announced the price of the Star mobile phone yet, so you just left. Isn't it too unkind?"


   "Anchor, come back soon, don't avoid us on purpose."


   "Hurry back! This is not the time to pretend to be dead."


  Wang Weihua went out for about three minutes. UU read www.uukanshu.com back to his seat and apologized: "Brothers and sisters, I'm sorry, I'm back."


   "When you come back, hurry up and break the news, I can't wait."


   "When I saw the news of breaking 10 trillion on the official website, it came as soon as possible. Don't talk about those that have nothing, and announce the price quickly is the kingly way."


   "That's right! I'm finally looking forward to breaking through 10 trillion. It's time to announce it, don't hide it anymore."


   The screen is full of barrage urging Wang Weihua to announce the price of the Star mobile phone.


  Wang Weihua looked helpless and said: "Dear brothers, I never said that the sales exceeded 10 trillion, so I will announce the price of the Star mobile phone to everyone."


   "Brothers! Did you hear that?


The meaning of    anchor, that is to say, he has the real price of the star mobile phone on hand.


   Everyone united and typed the text on the public screen. "


   Almost instantly, the entire screen was occupied by the word "fa".


  Wang Weihua also didn't expect that, just like that, the information would be used in this way.


   However, he himself wanted to take this opportunity to announce the real price.


   The reason why he just left the screen for a few minutes was to call the matcher and apply for the announcement of this news.