I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1574: new record

Almost everyone will install Star Assistant on their mobile phones, and the participation threshold is not a big problem for the majority of netizens.


   A handwritten number can participate in the lottery, and there are a lot of prizes, which has attracted the participation of countless people.


   Since the event started, in less than one hour, more than 100 million domestic and foreign netizens have participated.


   This kind of powerful appeal, I am afraid that only the platform of Xingchen Assistant can have it.


  The number of participants is constantly increasing.


   At this moment, it has come to 11 pm on August 31, and there is only less than an hour left before the final announcement.


   At this time, basically all the people who should participate in the activity have already participated in the activity. The remaining people either don’t know that there is this activity, or they don’t even bother to participate in this activity.


   This can be seen from the change in the number of participants.


   The Star Group always pays attention to the actual data, and disdain to falsify.


  You can see real-time data on the official website.


   Up to the present position, more than 1.6 billion people have participated.


   This number is more than the total population of Huaxia, and it can be seen that everyone loves this activity.


   In fact, many people are not going for rewards.


   Although there are many rewards issued by the Star Group, these rewards are still a drop in the bucket for the activities that more than 1.6 billion people participated in.


   They mainly go to create new records.


   For this reason, Star Group even opened a live broadcast room on its official website to witness this historical moment.


   There is one hour left before the countdown, but more than 200 million people gathered in the live broadcast room.


   Such a grand occasion, I am afraid that it can only be seen in the official live broadcast of the Star Group.


   Let’s not talk about whether there are so many people watching on other platforms. Even if there are so many people watching, their servers will not be able to drive so many people.


   It’s not the first time that there are such an exaggerated number of people in the Star Group’s live broadcast room.


   Almost every time a live broadcast is launched, it can attract tens of millions of people to watch.


   When those live broadcast platforms saw such a powerful server of the Star Group, they had secretly consulted the Star Group, but they did not get any results.


   Because the server that can withstand so many people uses Feiyun hosting, it is impossible to sell Feiyun hosting to other people.


   Other platforms can only give up temporarily, enviously watching the terrifying traffic and drooling.


   "Does the above figure refer to the cumulative sales in August?"


   "Are you illiterate? Isn't it written on it?"


   "As expected of the Star Group, an anniversary event has arbitrarily blocked more than 3 trillion yuan."


   "Brother, are you dazzled? Look at the number above? That's 33.45 trillion."


   "No way, I always thought it was 3.345 trillion yuan. Fuck, I actually got one zero. Then I won't have my share in this quiz."


   "What? Isn't it more than 3 trillion? I filled in the number and filled in 3.6 trillion, which is far from the real sales record."


   "I went, it turned out that I was not the only one who misread the numbers."


"Puff, let me laugh for a while, more than three trillion yuan, this record broke as early as the third day. In other words, you don't want to think about the hot search that just started in August. The cumulative sales in one day are as high as 13,86 thousand. Billion, do you think the monthly sales may be only more than 3 trillion yuan?"


   "Really, if there is data for you to copy, it is wrong, and you deserve no luck in winning."


   "By the way, is it too late for me to change the number?"


   "Brother, you think too much. If everyone can modify the numbers at will, what kind of quiz is there? Just now, the quiz has ended."


   "Hey, I didn't expect such a big mistake to happen, it really shouldn't be."


"If you didn't guess, you didn't guess. With so many people participating in the event, do you think you are the lucky one? Don't think about it so much, let's witness this historical moment together. Take a look at the monthly sales records of the Star Group What a terrifying number can be reached."


   The barrage in the live broadcast room was very lively. Many people chose the wrong number because they read the wrong number.


   There are not a few people like this.


   don't know if they are really guessing, or deliberately making funny on the barrage.


   It is estimated that it is mostly funny, and a small number of people misunderstand it. There is excuse for it, and it is impossible for most people to misunderstand it.


  The cumulative monthly sales are as high as 33.45 trillion, and this number is still increasing.


   Feiyun, the mascot of the Star Group, temporarily appeared as the host in the live broadcast room.


   Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this naive panda Feiyun.


   Feiyun is still very strong in funny aspects. As Feiyun who has been absorbing the information of this world, the funny jokes on the Internet are easy to come by, just like a natural fit.


   Feiyun is not only a network porter, but also the creator of network slogans.


   There are a lot of jokes on the Internet today, all of which come from its handwriting.


   Feiyun, as an intermediate artificial intelligence, is far from being comparable to low-level artificial intelligence in terms of learning ability and anthropomorphic ability.


  In the real world, there is only Feiyun, an intermediate artificial intelligence. Here it can absorb knowledge from the Internet recklessly. It constantly observes and imitates humans on the Internet, making itself more human.


This is its advantage. After a year of development, Feiyun has gone farther and farther in intermediate artificial intelligence. Perhaps one day in the future, it will unknowingly upgrade to advanced artificial intelligence, even the legendary one. Intelligent life.


   Feiyun was in the live broadcast room, and everyone did not look bored while waiting for the final result.


   On the contrary, in Feiyun's constant funny, time flies quickly.


After Feiyun finished a brand new joke, he said to the camera: “It’s 23:58 on August 31, 2020. There are only two minutes left before the final time. Let’s take a look at our final month. Sales have reached 33.49 trillion, and there is less than 0.01 trillion left from 33.5 trillion. Can this figure be broken at this critical moment? Let's wait and see."


   said that the difference is 0.01 trillion yuan, in fact, only less than 100 million yuan in sales.


   But this is less than 100 million in sales. It seems like an obstacle, preventing this number from jumping up.


   By this time, everyone who should buy it has already bought it.


   The anniversary celebration of the Star Group lasted for three months, which almost squeezed the purchasing power of consumers.


  Many consumers are impulsive consumption, and Star Group does offer very affordable prices, so they can't help but buy.

   Looking at the beating numbers, all the people in front of the computers and mobile phones held their breaths, for fear that their breathing could disturb the changes in the numbers.


   Feiyun looked at the numbers behind him and began to count down: "There are only ten seconds left, let's count down together."














   At the end of the count, Feiyun closed his eyes and did not look at the numbers behind.


   After the countdown ended, Feiyun opened his eyes and looked at the screen and shouted: "The quiz is over, everyone will type the final number on the public screen."


   "33.50 trillion."


   "33.50 trillion."


  A barrage covered the entire screen, and everyone was typing this number.


   Feiyun also turned his head subconsciously at this time, saw the number on the screen, and immediately became excited, as if it was the first time he saw the number.


   In fact, as far as Feiyun is concerned, no matter if he opens his eyes or closes his eyes, these data cannot escape his monitoring.


Feiyun shouted towards the camera: "Thank you everyone, everyone has witnessed this historical moment together. In the third phase of the Star Group’s anniversary event, the cumulative monthly sales of the second world of the Star Group exceeded 33.50 trillion. Without your full support, I would like to thank you again on behalf of the Star Group."


   Feiyun continued: "I don't know how many friends guessed this number? Let's take a look together."


   then displayed a series of account names on the screen behind it.


Feiyun said loudly: "Congratulations to the above 100,000 lucky ones. You will receive a beautiful gift from Star Group. Please check it in your mailbox in time. Thank you again for your support. This live broadcast is here. Hope Feiyun can spend a nice evening with everyone next time."


  The amount of guessing varies from person to person.


   After all, no one can be as accurate as single digits.


   These 100,000 lucky people are the ones closest to the real numbers.


   "Feiyun, don't go, the number I guessed is clearly more than 33.50 trillion, but the decimals at the back are different. There is no my name. This is unscientific."


   "Without your name, it means that the accuracy of your numbers is not enough. It is also 33.50 trillion, but there are still several numbers behind."


   "I knew that I was like those people, stuck in time to guess, so that the guessed numbers would be more accurate, and not like those of us who guess first. This disadvantage is really too great."


   "Other people can think of this method, why can't you think of it? It's not your own problem."


   "Don't say it, I was thinking about the time of the card, but when I filled it out, it showed timeout."


   "Who told you to be so greedy, you have to be stuck for a few seconds. Wouldn't it be okay to be a minute or two early?"


   "These are destined, not yours, you can't grab them. Compared with this, I care more about what is in the exquisite package."


   "That's right, 1.6 billion people participated, and 100,000 people were selected. The chance of winning is extremely low, and it is normal to fail to draw."


   "Is there any uncle who won the prize, share what is in the package, let us also open our eyes."


   "Master, I won the lottery. Come, let the master tell you that there is actually a Star Chaos 2.0 mobile phone in the exquisite package."


   "Is it real? A Star Chaos 2.0 mobile phone, it sounds like it is real, and the exquisite gift package presented by Star Group before seems to be this."


   "This uncle is lying, the exquisite gift package is not such a thing at all, it is actually a second-generation virtual helmet."


   "Neither of them are right, but it is actually a fully automatic driverless electric car."


   "Damn, it's getting more and more outrageous, none of them are reliable. Why don't you say giving away cash?"


   Although Feiyun is gone, there are still countless people in the official live broadcast room staying here to brag.


   No one knows what is in the exquisite gift package.


   The prizes on the barrage are simply getting more and more outrageous, basically talking about the products under the Star Group.


  This leads to no one knowing what is inside.


   Someone may have said the real prize, but if it is tricked by many people who deliberately spoof, no one will believe it.


   "Don't brag here, the real gift package has already been exposed on the official forum. To be honest, seeing the reward in the gift package, I left tears of disappointment, why didn't I have such a good life?"


   Sending barrage in the live broadcast room can only send text, but in the official forum, you can put anything.


   As soon as the bullet screen came out, it immediately attracted many netizens to watch.


Soon, under the top post of the caring person, as soon as you enter the official forum, you can see the red post. A burning fire character is next to the post, which means that there are more than a million people in this post. Reply or like below.


"Hello everyone, I didn't expect to be one of the lucky ones again this time. Maybe many people are guessing what rewards are in the exquisite gift package presented by Star Group, so let me show you now~www. lightnovelpub.net~ As many people have guessed, you can choose items that accumulate no more than 20,000 yuan under the Star Group.


   At the same time, the most important point is that when the Star Group launches a new product next time, it will be eligible to buy it at half price.


   The above is the reward for the entire exquisite gift package, I don’t know if it has caught everyone’s eyes.


   One lucky person stays. "


   is different from others. When explaining this post, it also released the background of my winning, which is more convincing than others.


   The post was published in less than five minutes, but millions of people responded.


   "Look, I'm right, Star Chaos 2.0 is also one of the exquisite gift packs, I didn't lie at all." The person who responded to this post should be the person who first proposed that the Star Chaos 2.0 mobile phone is one of the gifts.


   But there are too many people like this, and it may not be that person.


"You can pull it there. Didn’t you see that the landlord said that the product of the Star Group is optional for 20,000 yuan? If you just say a product of the Star Group, it also meets. The exquisite gift package presented by the Star Group, think with your toe I also know that it is a gift of my own company's products. Do you still want to advertise for other companies?"


   "Since you know, why didn't you say it? It's not that I don't know. Now that I see the real gift package, I say that. To put it bluntly, we are not the same kind of people?"