I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 158: Set up a company

June 10, 2115.

In the morning, the weather was not so good, and the originally clear sky suddenly rained heavily.

For this hot weather, it brought a bit of coolness.

Breakfast is still eaten in the Chinese restaurant, white porridge with pickled radish.

Because there were more than two hundred people yesterday, the entire Chinese restaurant was full of people, and they still couldn't sit down. Many people just took a bowl and ate while standing.

It’s good if you have food. Do you still care about sitting?

Especially the newcomer yesterday, was stunned, and never expected to have breakfast at the resort.

You must know that in a settlement, it is good to have one meal a day, and even many people cannot eat one meal a day. Starving is a common occurrence.

Unexpectedly, here, not only had a full meal, but also had breakfast, which is simply incredible.

Although the breakfast is just a bowl of white porridge with pickled radishes, it is definitely a delicious breakfast.

They are fortunate that they have chosen to believe, otherwise they can have such a delicious breakfast.

There is only one bowl, and everyone has it. Some people picked up the bowl, and it was all at once, while some people stood aside with the porridge. They didn’t move their mouths for a long time, but they didn’t move their mouths. I don't know when tears appeared on his face.

Liu Mingyu's porridge is not limited, and the supply is unlimited.

After he drank a bowl, he lost his appetite. A pot of porridge basically didn't move much. Liu Mingyu told Ye Qingxuan beside him: "Let's drink these for you."

He knew that Ye Qingxuan made it specially for him, but the porridge was too greasy, and there was bacon in it. He was not used to it, and it was not as good as other people's white porridge with pickled radish.

Ye Qingxuan nodded, Liu Mingyu was not used to eating, she had no problem, slowly drinking the bacon porridge with a spoon, it was delicious, not cooked?

She thought that the porridge she made was bad, so Liu Mingyu didn't drink it.

However, she also noticed that Liu Mingyu didn't like the taste of porridge, so she secretly made up her mind to cook the porridge in another way tomorrow.

To conquer a man, you must first conquer his stomach.

Ye Qingxuan just wants to live well in the last days, the boss, maybe a good choice.

Liu Mingyu didn't know that Ye Qingxuan would like to make porridge for him in a different way tomorrow. If he knew this, he would say, just come with a white porridge, don't do other tricks, the bacon porridge is too greasy.

Liu Mingyu asked Wu Junhao softly: "Brother Wu, has the contribution system updated yesterday?"

Wu Junhao put down the bowl and said, "The update is complete, and the official version can be released."

After half an hour, everyone finished their breakfast.

Liu Mingyu stood up and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, everyone also knows the importance of food now. With more people, the consumption of food is also increasing sharply. Naturally, it is impossible to open unlimited supply to everyone."

Before the voice fell, there was a burst of noise below, and they started talking.

The original old man didn't have much discussion, but stood quietly and waited for Liu Mingyu's following.

Most of them are slaves bought by Liu Mingyu. Whether they have food or not depends on their masters. What if they don't?

Their own lives are in the hands of the master. If they can survive, they also want to live. According to the situation of the master these days, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

In contrast to the old people in the resort, the newcomers yesterday started talking quietly after hearing Liu Mingyu's words.

It's just that no matter how quiet it is, there is a loud voice in the small space of the Chinese restaurant.

Especially Liu Mingyu's ears are amazing, and he can hear everything the newcomers are talking about.

"Isn't it? We just implemented reforms when we first came here, so let us eat well?"

"This won't be the last meal."

"Stop arguing everyone, the boss hasn't finished talking yet, let's see what the boss says."

"Don't be arguing, the boss only provides limited supply, and it's not that it's not. You think it's still before the end of the world, eat if you want."

"Yeah, that is, the main thing is to see how the supply is limited. Didn't those old people say nothing? Don't let the boss look down on us."

"I'm a chef. At the same level, I don't believe that we are better than those old people."

"I have great strength, I am good at killing zombies."

Liu Mingyu just stood on it quietly, without speaking.

The people below seemed to perceive the atmosphere, and slowly lowered their voices, and after a while, they returned to silence.

Liu Mingyu smiled and said: "Dear brothers and sisters have discussed it? If the discussion is not good, I will give you a little more time. When you have discussed it, I will announce the next thing."

When the voice fell, everyone below looked at each other, no one dared to speak, and the air was solemn.

Liu Mingyu looked around, his eyes were not aggressive, on the contrary, there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes, but the people he looked at ~lightnovelpub.net~ all lowered their heads and dared not look at them. .

After looking around for a week, Liu Mingyu said indifferently: "Next, I don't want anyone to interrupt me. If there is something, you will discuss it after I finish talking."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately paused for a while, and then continued: "If you want to enjoy the resort, you must pay the corresponding price. Of course, the price is not the price you believe. You only need you to help me. Work, work for the resort, you can get basic living supplies.

In order to better facilitate management, I decided to establish a company, and you are the employees of the company.

Complete your work content on time, you can get a certain basic contribution value, and these contribution values ​​can be exchanged with the company for materials.

According to the current settings, even the lowest level of work, completed on time every day, is enough for a person to eat three meals a day, a bowl of porridge for breakfast, and a bowl of white rice and bacon for lunch and dinner.

As for wanting a better standard of living, wanting to eat more meat and more meals, don’t worry, I have provided you with the corresponding channels.

You can complete the tasks issued by the company, complete the corresponding tasks, and get additional contribution values.

Well, these items are announced now, and related content will be released in the future, which will be released directly on the client. "

After speaking, without asking everyone to ask questions, Liu Mingyu pointed to Ye Qingxuan and introduced: "Now, everyone line up, register your identity information at Ye Qingxuan one by one, and receive a copy of the terminal."

Ye Qingxuan knew in advance that Liu Mingyu was going to set up a company and release a contribution system. She was already prepared.

Ye Qingxuan clapped her hands and said, "Dear colleagues, please line up here."

At some point, a machine was brought in from the side and put it aside.