I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1580: Cruise ship completed

Dad Wu doesn't know what's happening on the Internet at this moment. He is immersed in the joy of driving.

To be precise, it should be sitting in the car, because he gave the driving function of this car to the artificial intelligence, which is operated by the artificial intelligence.

The reason why this fully automatic driverless electric car of Xingchen Motors has attracted the attention of countless people is precisely because of the fully automatic driverless mode.

Dad Wu turned on the autopilot mode for the first time.

Coming out of the gate of the community, driving straight on the road in the city, Dad Wu didn't touch the steering wheel specifically, all were operated by artificial intelligence.

When I was watching the test video before, the precise operation of the autonomous driving was amazing enough.

This is the first time that Dad Wu has used the autopilot mode, and I don’t know how it performs.

Although the autopilot mode has been turned on, Dad Wu dared not put his hands down. Instead, he hovered over the steering wheel. This would ensure that he could regain control of the steering wheel as soon as he encountered any problems.

I still believe in the technology of the Star Group, but my life is my own, and it is still based on security.

But looking at a car in autopilot mode, in many aspects of operation, it is far more detailed than yourself.

Dad Wu's original hanging heart was also let go, and he couldn't let go of his hands, to truly experience the comfort brought by autonomous driving.

When the cool fully automatic unmanned electric car drove on the highway, it immediately aroused countless surprises from the crowd.

Although fully automatic driverless electric vehicles have been published on the Internet for a long time, apart from the original test, no real vehicles have been seen driving on the road.

When the fully automatic driverless electric car stopped at an intersection, a Ferrari 468 was also parked next to it, with a couple sitting on it.

The woman saw a car next to her that she had never seen before, and curiously asked the man next to her: "What kind of car is this car next to you? This model is too cool! It's like a sports car in a science fiction movie. ."

The man glanced sideways and said, "This is a fully automatic driverless electric car produced by Star Group, with an official price of 1.88 million.

"It's only 1.88 million. It's not as expensive as this Ferrari, but the shape of that car is really awesome, and it looks a bit in love with it." The woman looked at the car next to her with excitement.

The man on the side was a little bit savage, co-authoring the Ferrari 468 is not as attractive as the car next to him.

The man opened his mouth and said, "My dear, when it is officially on sale, I will reserve one for you."

In fact, he also took a fancy to the fully automatic driverless electric car produced by the Star Group, but unfortunately, his bad luck did not grab the spot.

Even if it was acquired at a high price in the market, it was not possible to acquire one.

You can only buy one when it is officially sold in the future.

"Really? Great."

The woman was surprised, and then she kissed the man deeply.

At this moment, the green light was on, and the two sides separated.

Under the operation of artificial intelligence, the car came to the previously set destination, a large square.

A car that had never been seen appeared near the square and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Although this car has never been seen on the road, it has been publicized on the Internet before.

Some people who know more about cars quickly learned the origin of this car.

After word of mouth, everyone soon learned about this fully automatic driverless electric car.

"This car is also so cool, it's just like an explosion of love."

"The shape is really cool, it is very eye-catching when driving on the road, if you drive to the school gate, it is simply a forceful weapon!"

"This seems to be a high-end version of a fully automatic driverless electric car. The official price is 1.88 million. Now the black market has sold more than 2.5 million.

At this price, there is still no market.

If you want to own this car, you need not only money, but also a certain amount of luck. "

"Or the number is too small, and I don't know how it performs?"

"You can already see this car on the road, and I must be able to see a lot of test videos on the Internet."

"I just searched the Internet, and there are indeed many test videos appearing on the Internet.

And there is also a live broadcast room that is being tested live, everyone can go and watch together.

If you can't own your own fully automatic driverless electric car, it's okay to check it out. "

Dad Wu didn't stay in the square for too long, and immediately let the artificial intelligence go home.

Along the way, the performance of the autopilot mode is very good, in many details, even better than ordinary people!

When people are driving, they may not notice, but artificial intelligence will not. When driving on the road, all the surrounding information is recorded, and the most perfect safe operation is carried out based on the information.

Back at the gate of the community, the onlookers had already dispersed, leaving only a few staff members dedicated to the delivery.

Dad Wu got out of the car, and the staff on the side came over and asked, "Mr. Wu, how do you feel?"

Dad Wu nodded slightly: "It feels good, especially in the autopilot mode, which is much more stable than ordinary people."

The staff laughed and said: "The automatic driving mode is based on our company's latest artificial intelligence research and development. I believe Mr. Wu also has a certain understanding of our company's artificial intelligence. There is absolutely no problem with artificial intelligence for assisted driving. "

After listening to this, Dad Wu nodded slightly. Regarding the technology of the Star Group, he can definitely rest assured that there is no need to worry about any problems.

The staff continued: "Mr. Wu, if there are no other questions, please sign for it."

"Wait for my wife and son first." Dad Wu temporarily rejected the staff member's acceptance agreement.

"Okay. Then take advantage of this time, let me introduce to you the situation of this car in detail..." The staff introduced it on the side.

Dad Wu didn't appear impatient because he had read the relevant introduction on the Internet, but listened carefully to the other party's introduction.

After all, this is about one's own personal interests.

Just when the staff had finished introducing them, Wu Ma and Wu Tianhua drove home.

The two people who got out of the car looked very excited.

It seems that they are very satisfied with the performance of this car.

Dad Wu walked over and asked, "My wife, how do you feel? But still satisfied."

"I'm so satisfied. With this car, I no longer have to worry about something popping out, and I'm scared at a loss."

As a female driver, Wu Ma does have many minor problems compared to most male drivers, but she felt it in the car and it was really great!

Never worry about other problems anymore.

Wu Tianhua also has an excited look. Compared to Wu Ma's timid, he appears bolder. Even if he has just obtained his driver's license, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, he drives as safe as a decades-old driver.

After confirming that there are no problems, Dad Wu signed with the staff to confirm the receipt.

After the staff confirmed the information, they smiled and said, "Thank you very much for Mr. Wu's cooperation. I hope you have a pleasant weekend."

These days are the delivery time of fully automatic driverless electric vehicles. Now in major first-tier cities, you can often see this cool model driving on urban roads and even highways.

Autopilot mode is the characteristic of this car.

Judging from the current performance, the performance is very stable, even more stable than the old driver who has been driving for many years.

This means that even people with less advanced driving skills can easily control this car.

This is undoubtedly a great boon for many drivers who are not very skilled.

However, the current number is still too small and can only be used as a reference.

After the number gradually increases in the future, it will be more valuable for reference.

During this period of time, almost all of the 24-hour hot lists on major social media platforms have been taken over by Star Group.

Sometimes even if it is not directly related to the Star Group, there is also an indirect relationship.

Star Group has become the most influential company in the country and even in the world.

The reason why the Star Group has such a huge influence is because the products produced by the Star Group are very popular with the public.

However, there is a message that quietly appeared on the 24-hour hot list of certain music again.

"Extraordinary news, extraordinary news. According to reports, President Liu has booked a world-class private cruise ship, and President Liu's wedding will be held on this private cruise ship soon."

One is a small video, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people on a certain sound.

In this small video, you can see Liu Mingyu showing up at the gate of a certain shipyard with his wife Huang Yu.

Through the video, we can clearly see the appearance of Liu Mingyu and his wife.

"Wow, it's really Mr. Liu. Hasn't Mrs. Liu already obtained the certificate from Mrs. Liu?"

"Accepting the certificate belongs to the certificate, and holding the wedding is the same as holding the wedding. Some people hold the wedding after receiving the certificate, and some people get the certificate after the wedding. The customs are different in each place.

Obviously, Mr. Liu’s custom should be to hold a wedding after obtaining the certificate. "

"Is President Liu's wedding going to be held on the cruise ship?"

"As expected of Mr. Liu, grandeur. Hold a wedding and directly customize a cruise ship privately."

"I'm very curious what kind of cruise ship Mr. Liu has booked."

"What about a world-class cruise ship?"

"Go and search on the Internet for yourself. It is said that the private cruise ship reserved by President Liu may be the largest cruise ship in the world today."

"It's normal to build the world's largest cruise ship. This is worthy of Mr. Liu's net worth."

"My relatives are shipbuilders from Shipbuilding Heavy Industries. According to him, they are indeed building a world-class cruise ship. It has entered the final stage. It is very likely that this cruise ship is the one customized by Mr. Liu."

"I don't know when the wedding will be held. This is definitely a century wedding that will be recorded in the annals of history."

"If you can participate in this wedding, then Sansheng would really be lucky."

"For your wealth, let's forget it. It is estimated that people without any identity are not eligible to participate."

"That's hard to say, maybe ordinary people have the opportunity to participate, but it's not necessarily."

"You can pull it down, unless Mr. Liu invites some lucky people to participate, as before, otherwise, ordinary people won't get up."

"Rather than relying on that slim chance, it's better to look at quickly applying for a ship job, maybe there is still a chance to apply for success."

"This is a good suggestion. If Mr. Liu really booked a world-class cruise ship, there would definitely be a lot of staff and sailors needed. Taking this opportunity to apply for, maybe there is a chance to board the ship."

This video has aroused discussion among many people. Some are guessing the size of the cruise ship, some are guessing when the wedding will be held, and some are always thinking of ways to see how they can participate.

In fact, Liu Mingyu knew when this person was shooting the video.

Liu Mingyu didn't particularly care, and his own identity did not need to be hidden.

Moreover, the person who made the video is an ordinary citizen, and there is no need to care about him.

At that time, Liu Mingyu received a message from Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. that his private customized cruise ship had been officially completed and invited him to board the ship for acceptance.

He immediately took Huang Yu to Shipbuilding Heavy Industry.

He is not a shameless person, as long as he is not specifically targeted at him, it doesn't matter.

As for those who specifically targeted him, I am afraid that they have already been dealt with before they take action.

Taking a step back, even if it is not solved, Liu Mingyu's current strength does not have the slightest fear.

Now unless it is an intercontinental missile or a nuclear bomb that explodes directly next to him, and his ability to pass through must also be restricted, otherwise, it will be useless.

When Liu Mingyu and Huang Yu came to the door of DSIC, the general manager of DSIC Yang Wenzhong and a group of people had already waited at the door in advance.

This is the God of Wealth of their company, just booked a cruise ship ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ with a total value of up to 15 billion Chinese currency.

Almost occupies the order volume of the entire factory for nearly half a year.

Faced with such a God of Wealth, as the general manager of Shipbuilding Heavy Industries, of course, he welcomed him with the warmest welcome ceremony.

When Liu Mingyu appeared, the drum horn of the band suddenly sounded.

Liu Mingyu was speechless when he saw this scene, which is too exaggerated.

Yang Wenzhong brought the following group of managers to Liu Mingyu quickly, and reached out to shake hands with Liu Mingyu: "Thank you very much, Mr. Liu, for taking the time to come over during his busy schedule."

Liu Mingyu smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Yang is polite. You still need to come and see in person for such big things as cruise acceptance. This relates to whether my wife and I can hold the wedding as scheduled. ?"

Liu Mingyu came over this time, not just him and Huang Yu.

Other professionals have already arrived at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. and are inspecting and accepting them in the manufacturing plant.