I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1608: Internet hot discussion

Liu Mingyu stayed there for a while, and after explaining the matter, he returned to the company.

When Liu Mingyu returned to the company, a shocking announcement appeared on the official website of Star Group.

"Congratulations to the Star Energy Controllable Nuclear Fusion Technology Research Institute, a subsidiary of our company, for successfully manufacturing a controllable nuclear fusion device, which has now passed the formal acceptance.

After three days, we will invite friends from the news media to the Star Building to participate in the press conference. At that time, friends from the news media who have been invited are invited to participate. "

All the media know that by guarding the official website of Star Group, they will be able to get the latest news.

Therefore, some people are paying special attention to the official website of Star Group at all times.

The Star Group did not disappoint them, and new news appeared almost every day.

Of course, not every piece of news can cause a huge sensation.

However, with such a stable news source, no one wants to miss it.

From time to time, you can also see some explosive news.

Although they were used to it a long time ago, when they saw the latest announcement of the Star Group.

Everyone was suppressed.

Subsequently, the announcement was forwarded as quickly as possible.

"Controllable nuclear fusion technology has been conquered by the Star Group, and a new era is coming."

"The first controllable nuclear fusion device is officially completed."

"Xingchen Group's black technology reappears, and the controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successfully developed."

All kinds of titles were forwarded wildly on all platforms of the whole network at once.

The topics related to controllable nuclear fusion technology are rising at a frantic rate, and within half an hour, they have already occupied the hot topics of major social media platforms.

"No? I'm not mistaken, am I? The Star Group actually developed a controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

"Xingchen Group is mighty and domineering."

"The availability of controllable nuclear fusion technology does not mean that the interstellar age is coming."

"The solar system has not yet gone out, and I still think about the arrival of the interstellar age. Even if we have initially mastered the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, it is still far from the interstellar era. It is basically impossible for our generation."

"That's not necessarily true. You don't want to think about who invented this controllable nuclear fusion technology?

This is the technology developed by the Star Group.

It can definitely be achieved in the lifetime. "

"That's right, if it's another company, maybe I don't dare to have such an extravagant idea, but this is the Star Group, a company that has changed the entire society in just one year, what is it impossible?"

"Virtual reality technology has been realized. Before that, many people did not say that real virtual reality could not be realized in their lifetime.

The same goes for controlled nuclear fusion technology.

It may have just been developed now, but we have to believe in the abilities of the Star Group, and believe that the abilities of those scientists, with them, can definitely be realized in our lifetime and truly enter the interstellar age. "

"As expected of the Star Group, it is too powerful, all kinds of black technologies, as if they don't need money, are desperately scattered outside."

"In fact, you don't have to be happy too early. Perhaps this controllable nuclear fusion device is not as good as everyone thinks.

Only by using the energy produced by nuclear fusion can we truly master nuclear fusion.

Like before, a certain research institute in China has successfully controlled the nuclear fusion reaction for nearly two minutes.

It is very likely that the same is true for the controllable nuclear fusion device of the Star Group.

It may just last a little longer. "

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the approval of many people.

Not all people on the Internet are optimistic about controllable nuclear fusion devices. There are always some people who sing the opposite.

Perhaps, they are not optimistic about the controllable nuclear fusion device, but they are not optimistic about the controllable nuclear fusion device developed by the Star Group.

They feel that the so-called controllable nuclear fusion device is very likely to be similar to other research institutes. The time for nuclear fusion is only a little longer, and there is no essential difference.

"Three days later, the Star Group is about to hold a press conference in the Star Building, and we will know what the situation is."

"That's right, no matter how much we discuss here, it's useless."

"I really want to know, what exactly is the controllable nuclear fusion device manufactured by the Star Group?"

"Curious +1, this is the first controllable nuclear fusion device. If it is true, it will definitely be a machine in the annals of history."

"It's not wrong. If it is true, it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history, just like the first computer. This is an epoch-making mark."

"Now that the development of society is developing too fast, it is almost impossible for me to react, and all kinds of high-tech products have generally appeared around us."

"Don't say that you didn't react. Many people didn't react. Unknowingly, it has become like this."

Three days.

The news on the Internet about the creation of a truly controllable nuclear fusion device by the Star Group was frantically discussed. From the beginning of the heat, it reached the top of the hot topics on major social media in less than an hour.

Many popular science workers also took the opportunity to publish popular science videos on controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This operation also allowed them to gain a large number of fans.

This also made them overjoyed.

You know, it is quite difficult for them to increase their points for science popularization workers.

Unexpectedly, after a few simple popular science videos were released, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Many popular science authors have enjoyed this wave of benefits.

Even after the heat of controllable nuclear fusion technology drops, as long as they can publish high-quality videos, they can still attract more fans' attention.

During these three days, I basically just made a video randomly, all about topics related to controllable nuclear fusion technology.

However, there are also many video authors who just want to catch the heat~lightnovelpub.net~ and talked about some related topics about controllable nuclear fusion technology.

For a while, whether it is a child or an elderly person, no matter what is said is correct, they can say something about the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This shows from the side how powerful the influence of the material exploded by the Star Group this time is.

However, during these three days, the discussion was mainly online.

Some mainstream media have no real reports.

Before verification, they dare not report easily. They represent the last line of defense. They must be fully confirmed before they dare to report.

They have the responsibility to pass on the correct knowledge to everyone.

Their attitude also represents the attitude of the government.

In many cases, you can see the attitude of the government as long as you look at their reports.

The discussion on the Internet is very lively, and those mainstream media invited by the Star Group are rushing to the Star Tower at the fastest speed.