I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1613: Unexpectedly low price

The end of science is theology.

As far as Liu Mingyu is concerned, he believes that science is never-ending, perhaps more appropriate.

Science is on the road of pursuing the truth, constantly conquering one problem after another, never ending.

After the press conference, the headlines of the major media, without exception, chose the Star Group to develop truly controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology, this concept has been put forward in the last century.

More than half a century has passed since it was first proposed.

Every time when someone asks when can a truly controllable nuclear fusion technology be realized?

There will be such an answer, which can be realized in the next 50 years.

It has been nearly 20 years since I first said this sentence.

This is true every time.

As a result, everyone is not convinced that controllable nuclear fusion technology can be truly realized.

I thought it would continue like this.

But I didn't expect that the Star Group had risen in a different army, developed a controllable nuclear fusion technology at a very crazy speed, and reached the commercial stage in a very short period of time.

This crazy speed is something that many people have never expected.

After all, in the past two decades, every time it is said that in the next 50 years, truly controllable nuclear fusion technology can be realized.

At the beginning, everyone was full of confidence and felt that it could really be achieved in the next 50 years.

But when this sentence is said too much, no one believes it anymore.

Of course, scientists in related fields have never given up related research.

It is precisely because of their research that some news can also be released from time to time.

Therefore, many people still have a certain understanding of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Not only are many scientists interested in controllable nuclear fusion technology, even ordinary people probably know the relevant knowledge about controllable nuclear fusion technology.

In particular, recently many big coffees have come out to tell you about popular science knowledge on small videos.

In a very short period of time, content related to controllable nuclear fusion technology has been bombarded wildly on major network platforms.

Even people who are not interested in this can often hear relevant discussions in their ears.

Tengxun News: "Tengxun News reported that Star Group has successfully mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology and has reached the commercial stage.

Under the team of scientists headed by Professor Huang Jianguo, the Star Group successfully manufactured a controllable nuclear fusion technology device, and it has reached the commercial stage.

This heralds that a new era is coming.

Xingchen Group has always made significant contributions in the field of high-end technology.

This time, Star Group has made such an achievement in the field of controllable nuclear fusion. "

The Times: "A new era is coming, and Star Group has achieved outstanding results in the field of controlled nuclear fusion."

Sun Daily: "Xingchen Group has successfully manufactured a controllable nuclear fusion device, and a new era has arrived.

We must seize the opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, we will be infinitely lagging behind. "

The New York Times: "The Star Group officially announced that it has conquered controllable nuclear fusion technology and has achieved a certain degree of results in this field.

Where are our people?

Don't work hard.

It's too late. "

In the next period of time, almost everyone was discussing controllable nuclear fusion technology.

It seems that everyone has turned into a scientist, and there are endless topics.

The entire network, even the real world, is covered by overwhelming news.

It is said that if anyone can master controllable nuclear fusion technology first, who will be the hegemon of this world.

This sentence is definitely not just talking.

Liu Mingyu also knows that if it is announced, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation.

But he did not hesitate to announce it.

Controllable nuclear fusion technology cannot be hidden deeply because of fear.

This is only the first generation of controllable nuclear fusion technology. In the future, higher-level controllable nuclear fusion technology, or even other more powerful technologies, will be required.

Can it just be left unused?

That is impossible.

Moreover, Liu Mingyu's previously released technology is not inferior to the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Such as virtual reality technology, artificial intelligence and other related technologies.

When each technology is taken out separately, it can create the existence of a giant company.

All technologies are concentrated in one company, even if they don't want to provoke others.

Others will provoke him.

Fortunately, because of the previous relationship and the current controllable nuclear fusion technology, there is no absolute advantage, and it can barely survive.

However, many people also know that there will be no huge impact in a short period of time, but as time goes by, controllable nuclear fusion technology becomes more and more mature, and irreconcilable contradictions will inevitably erupt.

One by one, undercurrents, surging up all over the world.

But there is still a soothing zone.

That is, Star Group has opened up cooperation on controllable nuclear fusion devices, which has relatively slowed down this undercurrent a lot.

But it's just relative. Someday in the future, more powerful energy will inevitably burst out.

Liu Mingyu is not afraid. For these undercurrents, if he wants to deal with them, he can even press them down before they erupt.

However, Liu Mingyu felt unnecessary. As long as he didn't really provoke him, he didn't care.

If you really provoke him, hehe, then I'm embarrassed.

Feiyun's development during this time has already included the entire real-world network. As long as he wants to, there is nothing he doesn't know.

In this case, what else does he have to worry about?

Although controllable nuclear fusion technology has reached the commercial stage, it still has a long way to go before it becomes popular.

The cooperation of related parties ~lightnovelpub.net~ is also under constant discussion.

Those who come to talk about cooperation are not only ordinary enterprises, but also large-scale enterprises. They can even see negotiations represented by the state.

The Star Group does not refuse these people.

As long as you are willing to accept the terms of the Star Group, everything is easy to talk about.

The people they came to talk about cooperation, in order to be able to grab the spot in front, they just glanced slightly, and directly signed for confirmation.

In fact, there is nothing to compete for the name of this first cooperation.

For the first batch of cooperation lists, there is not much difference between them.

Both are able to obtain cooperation with the Star Group in the first time.

The reason why they can talk about cooperation so quickly is actually related to the conditions given by the Star Group.

Unlike what everyone thought, the Star Group did not set too harsh conditions, on the contrary set relatively relaxed conditions.