I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1618: Activities (below)

Those theater owners thought that the Star Group was just cooperating with Director Zhang alone.

Even if Director Zhang's movie can attract thousands of viewers, there is only one movie.

And it is not known when this movie will be shot, and whether the effect is as they thought.

Let them spend a lot of money to renovate the existing movie theaters, and the gains outweigh the losses.

But they didn't know that Liu Mingyu had already prepared a large number of holographic films, and waited for Director Zhang to shoot the first holographic film before it began to show.

With the resources in Liu Mingyu's hands, there is no problem in taking turns for several years or even more than ten years.

And these holographic films are all classic films that have passed the test of history.

If you put some slightly worse movies on it, it will be even more countless.

Therefore, Liu Mingyu is just one reason behind it.

However, these theater owners don't know about these things. If they know that Liu Mingyu has so many resources in his hands, even if he spends more money, he must first transform his own theater.

When a new genre of film appears, everyone knows that this is likely to be the future trend.

Just like when 3D movies first appeared, it was the same. Although they all knew that 3D movies would be favored by many people, at the beginning, only a few people followed because of the high prices.

Only after spreading the stalls, those people will rush to see the benefits of 3D movies.

This is normal.

Just as the first 3D movie can be traced back to 1953, but it will be half a century after the real 3D movie becomes popular.

Even if the Star Group makes a move and shortens this time a lot, it is not something that can be done in one or two years.

Taking advantage of this time, it is better to find a way to earn the existing benefits.

Some theater owners actually did so.

According to their thoughts, this holographic film is at best to bring you a conceptual thing, let everyone know what is called a holographic film.

It may take a few years or even longer for holographic movies to become popular.

These people did not have the idea of ​​building holographic movies, but instead built more 3D cinemas.

But they want to make a difference. The Star Group is doing something, and it never delays for a long time, and most of it will move ahead of schedule.

When those theater owners thought about continuing to build 3D cinemas, a new announcement shocked the entire network again.

"Dear creators:

The Star Group Group is already building holographic cinemas and will play holographic movies in these cinemas in the future.

Many people may not have much idea about holographic film.

Because of the limited length and inconvenience, I will explain them one by one here. Creators who need to understand relevant knowledge can discuss the topic in detail.

Our company has established a holographic film fund and sincerely invites creators to actively participate.

Star Group.

January 15, 2021. "

At first glance, there is nothing special about this announcement, it seems that it is just inviting creators to create holographic movies together.

But when they entered the topic, they were all stunned by the large-scale work of the Star Group.

Xingchen Group intends to make this event a long-term event and make long-term contributions to the holographic film.

The whole activity is carried out in four phases on an annual basis.

In other words, each quarter is a period.

In each issue, a best film is selected, which can receive a reward of 20 million.

Of course, in addition to the best film, there are various other lists, and the rewards on the list are also extremely rich.

Everyone will be tempted to see this reward.

For a time, the holographic movie that hadn't stopped for a few days, once again, exploded on the Internet.

"The first place rewards 20 million, and this event is held once a quarter. This is too bold. It is indeed an event organized by the Star Group. The event rewards are always so bold."

"Don't look at the first place. There is only one place for the first place. No matter how much it is, you won't be able to get it.

Look at the other lists, there are many rewards above.

If you can be selected, you can get a reward of more than 100,000 at least. "

"The rewards are indeed very rich, with the taste of the Star Group, but it is a pity that this time the event is too targeted, ordinary people have no chance at all. I knew that when I was in school, I would also choose the director department. , Even if you can’t get the first place, it’s not bad to mix up the next few places."

"There is one thing to say, it is really too targeted, and ordinary people have no chance at all."

"Who said ordinary people don't have a chance, didn't you take a closer look?"

"This is shooting a movie. Do you really think that ordinary people can shoot it? Without sufficient professional knowledge, without enough professional team, how can it be possible to make a good movie?

Of course, it is undeniable that there are very few people, even without a professional team, they can make a movie by themselves.

However, that kind of person is a genius level person, it is absolutely impossible to be you. "

"At first glance, I know that you didn't take a closer look. At the very beginning, the Star Group reminded everyone that with the information provided by the Star Group, you can shoot a holographic movie of your own with a little learning.

Do you think the Star Group is telling lies? "

"It should not be fake, and the image of the Star Group has never been faked.

What is the situation?

It allows an ordinary person to shoot a holographic projection through short learning. "

Don't think that shooting a movie is very simple.

Even shooting a documentary is quite difficult.

Not to mention a movie.

There are too many things to consider.

People who have not received professional training, UU reading www. uukanshu. It is impossible for com to master this knowledge all at once.

Many people don't really believe that ordinary people called by the Star Group can shoot their own holographic movies through simple learning.

But there are also quite a few people who believe in the words of the Star Group, because the Star Group has never deceived consumers.

If ordinary people can acquire such skills through short-term learning, it will definitely be an earth-shaking change.

Many people think that this may be just a gimmick to get more people involved.

The real winners must be those professionals.

The emergence of this activity, especially those high bonuses, stimulates a group of people.

Those professionals can't help but get involved.

Just as many people think.

Don't expect to win the first place, as long as you can get on some ordinary lists, it's fine.