I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1621: Building a new video platform (Part 1)

Chapter 1622 Creating a new video platform (Part 1)

If you look around the official forum, there are all posts discussing this tutorial.

Obviously, these people are the first batch of students to enter the holographic film learning center and come out to rest.

Almost everyone is praising this tutorial.

However, most of these people are students or professionals in related majors. They have a certain professional foundation, which is relatively easy for them to understand.

If it's an ordinary person, it won't necessarily be the case.

However, as many have said.

No matter how good the tutorial is, if you don't take the initiative to learn, you won't be able to master that knowledge.

For those who want to develop in this area, this tutorial is definitely the best tutorial.

So far, there is no tutorial that can compare with it.

Just learning the first part here is enough to beat the market, and the rest requires tutorials.

Lu Wenbo expressed great agreement with these posts that boasted about this tutorial.

In this regard, he feels the same way. As long as you listen carefully and study hard, you will definitely be attracted by the humor and knowledge of the virtual teacher.

Looking at various posts, an hour flies by.

Lu Wenbo couldn't wait to enter the second world and went to the Holographic Film Learning Center as soon as possible.

But when I came again, the number I received had already reached more than 500,000 people.

It can be seen that during the time he was studying and waiting, he attracted many interested people.

After waiting inside for nearly an hour, it was finally his turn.

Lu Wenbo was once again immersed in learning and couldn't extricate himself.

It’s not just Lu Wenbo. As many posts said, most people will be deeply attracted after entering.

The holographic movie project is a long-term plan because it involves the shooting of a brand-new movie and cannot be reflected in a short time.

However, it can be seen from the public's enthusiastic learning status that a new holographic movie will be released soon.

Liu Mingyu has also been paying attention to this holographic film project, and he was very pleased to see so many people participating in the event.

However, while I am pleased, I also feel that if the only platform for playing holographic movies is the holographic cinema I just built, it may still be too little.

You know, this event is under the banner of universal participation, and everyone can shoot their own holographic movie.

After filming, a broadcast platform should be built so that everyone can see the creator's work, instead of just enjoying it yourself.

Liu Mingyu thought of this and immediately called Zhao Qingsong.

After a while, Zhao Qingsong came to Liu Mingyu's office.

Liu Mingyu first asked how the National Holographic Film Creation Plan was being implemented.

Although judging from the market response, it is indeed very popular, but some details still require special software to view.

It's impossible for Liu Mingyu to manage things so carefully.

Zhao Qingsong had made preparations before receiving a call from Liu Mingyu, and answered Liu Mingyu's questions very easily.

As Liu Mingyu sees it, so far, more than two million people around the world have participated in this event.

According to surveys, among these two million people, ordinary people and professionals account for half each.

This also shows that this national holographic movie project is still feasible and has attracted enough attention.

According to their learning progress, it is estimated that they will be able to start shooting the first holographic movie in a week.

If the speed is fast, the shooting can even be completed in one day.

The holographic cinema is still under construction. If the holographic movies they shoot are not played back by professional software, it will be impossible to tell the difference from ordinary movies?

Liu Mingyu did not express his thoughts immediately. Instead, he asked: "Qingsong, how do you think it should be handled better?"

Zhao Qingsong smiled slightly and said: "Boss, there are currently two solutions to solve this problem."

"Oh, tell me." Liu Mingyu looked a little surprised. He knew that Zhao Qingsong already had a plan, but he didn't expect that there were two more plans.

Zhao Qingsong nodded and said: "The first option: Our Xingchen mobile phone has a holographic projection function. We can completely take advantage of this and update a function so that the Xingchen mobile phone can directly play the holographic movies they shot.

The second option: In fact, we still need to use the holographic projection function of the mobile phone. We can build a platform so that all creators can upload on this platform, so that others can see the holographic movies they uploaded and want to watch. People can watch it directly through the holographic projection function of their mobile phones.

In fact, the second option is more in line with our requirements.

When we build a platform, it should not only be able to play holographic movies, but also support ordinary movies.

After all, there are still relatively few people who own Xingchen mobile phones.

When mobile phones become more popular in the future, this problem will disappear. "

Liu Mingyu laughed loudly and said: "Actually, it is said to be two plans, but it is actually one plan.

There is actually no need to build an additional platform.

Star Assistant is our best platform.

We can put the holographic movie on the Star Assistant so that all users can see it directly. "

Liu Mingyu originally wanted to build a brand new platform, but then he thought about it, isn't his Xingchen Assistant the best platform?

Wouldn’t it be foolish to abandon a platform with billions of users and build a completely new one?

The former Penguin Group had the big killer Penguin, and no matter what they did, they were bound to Penguin.

Penguin is the best user resource.

In this way, you can get twice the result with half the effort on any project.

Liu Mingyu himself never thought about building a platform with Xingchen Assistant at the beginning~lightnovelpub.net~Now that he thinks about it, this is his trump card.

With billions of users, this is a waste of resources.

"The boss is still thoughtful."

Zhao Qingsong smiled slightly from the side.

Does Zhao Qingsong really not know?

Of course it's impossible. As early as when he took over, he was very aware of the power of Xingchen Assistant.

Many subsequent activities revolve around the Star Assistant.

Compared with Penguin and Xin of the Penguin Group, Star Assistant is larger and more appealing.

You know, Star Assistant has more than 4 billion users so far.

Even with such a huge user payment rate, it still remains over 50%.

This terrifying ability to attract money makes people feel scared just thinking about it.

The rapid rise of Xingchen Group is inseparable from the killer weapon of Xingchen Assistant.

(End of chapter)