I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1639: The Spring Festival of the End Times is

Chapter 1640 The Spring Festival of the End of the World is Coming (Part 1)

The news that "The Witcher World: The Witcher Begins" has been completed has aroused the attention and curiosity of countless people.

The big reason for this is that it is director Zhang's film, and also because I was shocked by his extremely fast completion speed.

Although some movies are shot very quickly, the vast majority of movies are shot relatively slowly.

This new shooting method has greatly improved the original shooting speed.

Many people are waiting to see how far this new shooting method can reach.

Since the film was completed, Star Group has increased its promotional efforts for "The Wizarding World: The Witcher Begins".

It's simply overwhelming propaganda.

You can see relevant promotional pages when you open almost any app.

There are also various push advertisements.

The already extremely popular movie has made more people know that you can watch Guoshi's movie for free on Xingchen Video on the first day of the new year.

This wave of promotion not only promoted the movie, but also promoted the Star Video.

Kill two birds with one stone.

No one would despise his work if too many people pay attention to it, he would only despise his work if not enough people pay attention to it.

On the night when the movie was finalized, Liu Mingyu invited Director Zhang and many other stars to hold a grand celebration party at the nearby Hangcheng International Hotel.

Liu Mingyu didn't expect that they were so talented that they actually finished shooting a New Year's movie in ten days.

This is three or four days more free time than originally expected.

With these three or four days of free time, editing is relatively easy.

However, Director Zhang is obviously a workaholic, or he can't wait to complete the film.

After the closing party, the editor was urged to start editing early the next morning.

Seeing Director Zhang's work attitude, Liu Mingyu gave him a thumbs up. He was really impressed.

But at the moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to Director Zhang's work.

Today is the last day of January 2021.

A seemingly ordinary day, but in the apocalyptic world, it is a grand day.

Because today happens to be New Year’s Eve in 2117.

Originally, after the arrival of the zombie virus, the survivors in the apocalyptic world had already forgotten what New Year's Eve was.

Being able to survive tenaciously is already quite remarkable.

Where is the time to remember these times?

However, since the establishment of Xingchen Group last year under the leadership of Liu Mingyu, everyone had an unforgettable Spring Festival.

This year is different. This year, Xingchen Group has changed to a new headquarters. Compared with the days when we were struggling to survive in the past, everyone's life is getting better and better.

The new headquarters has strong defensive measures, so there is no need to worry about zombie attacks from outside.

In fact, after moving into the new headquarters, we encountered several waves of zombie attacks.

When we encountered the zombie siege for the first time, everyone was still quite nervous, and an unspeakable feeling spread in our hearts.

Because they had experienced a zombie siege before, the scene at that time was still vivid in their minds.

How can we not make them worry?

Although they successfully defended the base at that time, the price they paid at that time was also quite high.

Now they are being besieged by zombies again, why don't they get nervous?

However, they soon discovered that these zombies posed no threat to them at all.

Because after the city fortress released the energy shield, the zombies could not attack at all, and even the first layer of energy shield was not broken.

The energy shield enveloped the entire base, turning it into a fortress.

Even those flying zombies are unable to break through the energy shield.

The soldiers in the base can easily kill the besieging zombies.

It's better to say it's a massacre than a defense.

At that time, the number of zombies that were besieged by zombies for the first time in the new headquarters was also quite terrifying. Afterwards, statistics were made based on the energy crystals collected.

The number of zombies involved in the attack reached 5 million.

They are all curious, how did such a large number of zombies come about?

Later, according to the Sky Eye system, it was discovered that these zombies were teleported directly to the headquarters through the portal to attack.

They were very confused as to whether these zombies had sensing capabilities, or else why they could locate their locations so accurately.

They were not very surprised by the appearance of the portal.

There is everything in the world.

Whether it is zombies or humans, they can acquire various abilities after evolution.

It is not impossible to understand the power of teleportation.

Five million zombies came from an unknown space to the vicinity of the new headquarters in Hangzhou through a portal.

However, 5 million zombies did not have much impact on the new headquarters.

In addition to consuming the base's ammunition depot, it also added a huge amount of energy crystals to the Star Group.

Although it did not pose much of a threat to the new headquarters, it did suffer for those survivors who were attached to the new headquarters.

Because the zombies appeared so suddenly, even if the survivors wanted to escape, it was impossible.

Fortunately, those survivors were allowed to temporarily enter the new headquarters. Otherwise, the fate of those people can be imagined.

They have no energy shield to protect them.

Not to mention energy shields, even ordinary firearms don't have much.

Most people still use cold weapons.

Facing the surging zombies, if the Xingchen Group hadn't opened a hole for them, how would they have had the chance to survive?

However, their supplies are relatively poor.

Most of the supplies were smashed to pieces by the zombies.

But he was lucky enough to be able to save his life.

How dare they ask for more. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In fact, they didn't know that the reason why they encountered the zombie siege was actually because Liu Mingyu had received a special mission at that time.

This is also the reason why there are such a large number of zombies appearing near the new headquarters in Hangzhou.

If it were a zombie in the apocalyptic world, even if it had the ability to teleport, it would not be possible to organize such a large number of zombies to attack.

Anyway, so far, I have never seen any zombies that can organize such a large number of zombies to carry out specific activities.

Since the Sky Eye system went online, we have seen scenes of small groups of zombies fighting in groups.

But it was far less terrifying than the zombie siege they encountered.

Moreover, the survivors have never stopped killing zombies.

The four exploration teams sent out before have been moving in their own directions.

Except for some scattered zombies, all the zombies nearby have been eliminated.

(End of chapter)