I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1642: Preparations for the Spring Festival Gal

The eschatological world.

Liu Mingyu appeared out of thin air in the lobby of a villa, his hand still waving.

Liu Mingyu has experienced this kind of experience many times, and the transformation of time and space has not brought him much dizziness.

As soon as Liu Mingyu crossed over, he saw Ye Qingxuan sitting in front of him.

The moment Ye Qingxuan saw Liu Mingyu, before Liu Mingyu could speak, she rushed over, hugged Liu Mingyu's head and kissed it fiercely.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"Husband, you are finally here."

Ye Qingxuan muttered to herself.

One sentence you finally came, a simple sentence, all Ye Qingxuan's lovesickness.

She didn't even know that her love for Liu Mingyu was so deep.

Perhaps it is because of the support found in this world of zombies.

Or maybe it is for other reasons.

No one knows.

"Well, I'm here."

Liu Mingyu's face was full of tenderness.

The same simple sentence gave Ye Qingxuan a great sense of security.

"I just made a pot of West Lake Longjing, you can taste it, how does it taste?"

Ye Qingxuan pulled Liu Mingyu to sit down on the sofa and handed her tea cup directly to Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu didn't dislike it either, he took it directly, took a sip, and then gave a thumbs up in praise: "It is indeed the tea made by my wife. It is delicious and full of aftertaste."

"It's delicious, I'll make it for you."

Ye Qingxuan's face was as sweet as she had eaten honey.

Although she knew that her tea making skills hadn't improved much, she felt a hint of joy in her heart when she heard her man praise her.

Liu Mingyu asked, "How are the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala? Is there enough food? If there is not enough, you can make a few more trips while there is still time."

It has been almost half a month since the last time I came here, the end of the world.

This is also the reason why Ye Qingxuan saw Liu Mingyu and rushed forward.

Ye Qingxuan gently shook her head and said: "Enough, completely enough, let alone holding a Spring Festival gala, even if it is held several times, there is no problem."

Although Liu Mingyu's frequency has decreased a lot, the food he brought has not decreased at all, but has increased a lot.

In addition, you can also go into the sea to catch fish and shrimp to increase the types of food in the headquarters.

If it were not for deliberate control, even if the survivors were allowed to eat for a few months, there would be no problem.

"If there is no problem, please contact me at any time." Liu Mingyu nodded slightly.

"I want to contact you." Ye Qingxuan looked at Liu Mingyu with a grimace.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Liu Mingyu's face. She was in another world, even if Ye Qingxuan wanted to contact her, she couldn't.

Generally speaking, the frequency of coming by myself is too low.

Liu Mingyu said quickly: "My wife, you also know that I was busy there in the past few months, and the number of visits was relatively small. You still need to be more concerned.

I assure you that the frequency of coming will definitely increase in the future. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled sweetly: "Fool, you just need to follow your rhythm, don't care, even if there is any problem, I will make sure that I can make it through the time until you arrive."

Looking at Ye Qingxuan in front of him, Liu Mingyu looked moved, suddenly thinking of something, and asked: "When does the Spring Festival Gala start?"

"Starting at 6 o'clock, do you need to advance or postpone it? We can set it according to the new time."

Ye Qingxuan didn't understand, so she thought he had something important and needed to change the time.

Although it has been notified that the Spring Festival Gala will start on time at 6:00, if Liu Mingyu has other ideas, it is normal to change the time.

Who calls Liu Mingyu the boss?

"It's only 3:30 now, and there is still some time before 6:00, wife, look."

Liu Mingyu looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile.

Ye Qingxuan still doesn't know Liu Mingyu's thoughts.

They hadn't seen each other for nearly half a month, and the two of them burned like firewood.

It's five and fifty.

Star Building.

Ye Zhanqing looked at the time anxiously, and hurriedly dialed Ye Qingxuan's phone, but no one answered.

It's six o'clock in ten minutes.

Neither the cousin nor the cousin's husband showed up.

So how will this Spring Festival Gala go on? Is it going according to the established plan?

But the boss and the proprietress are not there, so what about this Spring Festival Gala?

"Director Ye, are the boss and wife boss here? It's coming soon, it's 6 o'clock."

"I haven't contacted yet, I'll call again to see."

Ye Zhanqing said quickly.

Later, she dialed Ye Qingxuan's number again.

Sometimes I just contacted me by phone. It was clear that the phone was connected, but no one answered.

Ye Zhanqing made a few more calls, but still couldn't get through.

Ye Zhanqing said to the other party: "Wait a while, I'll go to the boss's wife's house to have a look."

Not yet, when she finished speaking, she heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears.

"Sister, what's the matter? What happened?"

Ye Zhanqing turned back suddenly, and it was Ye Qingxuan and Liu Mingyu who stood in front of her.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you are finally here, you are almost scared to death, I thought something happened to you, no one answered the phone, and I was about to go to the villa to find you."

Seeing the appearance of the two protagonists, Ye Zhanqing secretly let go of the originally hanging heart.

Ye Qingxuan glanced at Liu Mingyu, then smiled softly at Ye Zhanqing: "Isn't this your brother-in-law just came back? You need to dress up."

The reason why it was so late was precisely because the guy next to him, fortunately, was too late.

Liu Mingyu also smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, even if the two of us haven't come, you can still hold it as usual.

The Spring Festival Gala is not a gala for the two of us, but a gala for everyone. "

"Without you, how can it be done?"

Ye Zhanqing pouted.

Chinese New Year Gala, UU Reading www. Uukanshu.com is indeed everyone’s gala, but the boss and his wife are not there, who dares to give an order to start the Spring Festival gala.

This is not just the Spring Festival Gala, but there is also a dinner buffet.

The food involved is quite abundant.

Even if the preparations are made in advance, ordinary people dare not act rashly.

"Let's go over, don't make everyone wait in a hurry."

Ye Qingxuan took Liu Mingyu's hand and walked to the lobby.

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly, he also knew that now is not the time for greetings, the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin.


Liu Mingyu and Ye Qingxuan appeared in everyone's field of vision.

When the host saw the appearance of the two, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, there were no accidents.