I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1643: Buffet Dinner (Part 1)

Chapter 1644 Buffet Dinner (Part 1)

Although the exploration team did not find any new survivors during this period, the number of people in the base was constantly increasing.

This is because Liu Mingyu's two zombie conversion factories work 24 hours a day.

All produce level 1 zombies.

Under normal circumstances, it takes ten minutes to produce a first-level zombie, and then another ten minutes to transform into a normal human state.

A zombie conversion factory can produce and transform at the same time. That is to say, except for the first and last zombies, the rest of the zombies can be produced every ten minutes by default.

Liu Mingyu's zombie conversion factory works 24 hours a day, which can basically be regarded as producing a zombie in ten minutes.

This is not the fastest speed. The Heart of the Base can also improve the efficiency of the zombie conversion factory.

The bonus for level one base heart is 20%.

The bonus of the second level base heart is 40%.

And so on.

Now Liu Mingyu's system level is level four, and he can build a level four base heart, with a work efficiency bonus of 160%.

This is quite a terrifying efficiency.

It is precisely because of the bonus of the Heart of the Base that people working in the new headquarters are more efficient.

With the addition of the fourth-level base heart, it only takes less than four minutes for the zombie conversion factory to produce a first-level zombie.

In one hour, about 16 people can be produced, and in one day, 384 people can be produced.

In the past six months, the two zombie conversion factories have been producing continuously.

Nearly 140,000 first-level zombies were produced.

Of course, these are 140,000 first-level zombies, and not all of them stay in the apocalyptic world. A large part of them are sent to the real world by Liu Mingyu.

It's probably a 50-50 split between the two.

There are about 70,000 first-level zombies left in the apocalyptic world.

Under the leadership of the exploration team, most of the zombies have upgraded themselves.

In this case, although the exploration team found no new survivors, in the eyes of others, new personnel continued to join the new headquarters.

The new headquarters in Hangzhou covers an area large enough. Not to mention adding an additional 70,000 people, there is no problem even if it is doubled several times.

Now there is a communication system and a Sky Eye system. No matter how far away you are, you can still contact us in time.

Even before the Spring Festival was approaching, the exploration teams had been ordered to come back early to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Although those zombies were created by Liu Mingyu, they are actually similar to many ordinary survivors. They have the same joys, sorrows, and thoughts of their own.

In fact, the thoughts they carry are their thoughts before the arrival of the zombie virus.

For Chinese people, the Spring Festival is the most solemn day of the year.

No matter where they are, they will try their best to return to their hometown.

China's Spring Festival has always been called the largest human migration in the world.

It is precisely because of the Chinese people's love for their hometown that this scene happened.

Because of the advent of the zombie virus and the rampant zombies, they can no longer return to the hometown they originally remembered.

Now, they regard the new headquarters in Hangzhou as their new hometown.

They were born in this city. Strictly speaking, this is their real birthplace and their real hometown.

After receiving the notice, they returned to the new headquarters in Hangzhou from all over the country.

With empty roads, they no longer have to endure the feeling of crowds.

It's just that deep down in their hearts, they long for that crowded feeling, rather than being empty and deserted like now.

Perhaps in the distant future, the world's largest human migration will occur again.

Zombies are sterile, and this hope can only be placed in the hands of the real survivors at the headquarters.

Or maybe one day in the future, the company will be able to solve the problem of zombie reproduction.

This is not impossible, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

Everything is possible.

Not only the out-going exploration team, but also the staff working in the Suzhou settlement, all returned to the Hangzhou headquarters in advance.

For many new employees who have joined the company, this is their first time to attend the company's Spring Festival Gala.

Deep down, they were full of curiosity about the Spring Festival Gala. No, they should be full of curiosity about the buffet at the Spring Festival Gala.

I have long heard that buffets can offer a lot of unprecedented and delicious food.

Many people could not wait to come to the square near the Star Building to wait.

This year's gala is different from last year's.

The main venue was placed on the square in the city center.

There is no other way. In addition to the staff, there are as many as 100,000 people participating in the banquet.

For 100,000 people to dine at the same time, the Star Building does not have enough space to place so many tables.

Fortunately, the central square is large enough to accommodate enough dining tables.

The party officially started at 6:00, and employees started arriving as early as 5:00.

The buffet banquet and gala party for 100,000 people are definitely unprecedented banquets.

If there was a Guinness World Record, this Spring Festival Gala would definitely be on the list if 100,000 people could eat at the buffet at the same time.

The table is a long table, which can accommodate many people for dining.

Next to the table is a variety of delicious food.

Various ingredients exude an alluring aroma under the chef's cooking.

From a distance, take a look.

It makes people drool uncontrollably.

However, everyone is still very well-behaved.

Before getting permission, everyone could only wait at the designated location for the official start of the banquet.

Even though many people were already salivating, they still suppressed their inner appetite.

It’s impossible not to suppress it.

They didn't want to be disqualified from participating in the buffet banquet because they didn't follow the rules~lightnovelpub.net~The entrance started at five o'clock, and soon the entire venue was filled with people.

Everyone is looking forward to and waiting for the arrival of 6 o'clock.

Waiting for the boss to arrive.

Only after the boss announced the start of the meal did they dare to start eating.

Finally, at 5:55, they saw the boss and his wife appear in the center of the stage.

With holographic projection technology, even people who are farthest away can see clearly.

Seeing the appearance of Liu Mingyu and Ye Qingxuan, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Because they know that after the boss speaks, the buffet dinner begins.

The aroma of various delicious foods that had been piled nearby blew in front of everyone with a breeze and hit their faces. One can't help but take a slight sniff.

Everyone couldn't help but praise: "It smells so good."

(End of chapter)