I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 168: 5th generation virtual reality technolog

After talking about the fourth-generation virtual reality technology, Luo Wenyong suddenly stopped introducing it. Instead, he looked at Han Yuanhua and said: "Han, the fifth-generation virtual technology will be introduced by you. I don’t know much about the new-generation technology. "

Of course, it is not that he does not know the development direction of the next generation of virtual technology. He has said so much, and he should let others play a role.

Han Yuanhua heard Luo Wenyong's big brother, and quickly got up and said: "Don't dare to be, but since Manager Luo will not continue to explain, then let me continue to explain."

Speaking of his professional knowledge, although he hasn't touched it in five years, the knowledge in it has already been deeply engraved in his mind.

Slightly sorted out: "In fact, the research and development of the fifth-generation virtual reality technology is very simple, that is, to increase human perception to 100%, and the other is to initially realize the time ratio between the virtual world and the real world.

Regardless of the fact that the third and fourth generations continue to increase human perception by 40% to 50% at one time, the fifth generation has only increased by 20%. This difficulty is different.

The last 20% are more difficult than the first 80%.

When the perception ability reaches 100%, it means that humans truly have a virtual world. It can even be said that this is no longer a virtual world, but a real world. "

Having said this, Han Yuanhua's voice involuntarily increased a bit, and the whole person became excited.

Luo Wenyong raised his own question on the side: "The virtual world is far from becoming the real world. It is difficult to solve the nutritional problem of the real world alone."

Regarding this, Han Wonhua confidently said: "With regard to this problem, the future human company already has a solution to it, and the nutrition cabin is one of the ways to solve the problem you mentioned."

Luo Wenyong shook his head and said: "No, as far as I know, the nutrition capsules on the market now support three days at most. Once they exceed three days, they can replenish nutrition."

Han Yuanhua smiled and said: "That is on the market, just because the fifth-generation virtual technology has not yet been fully developed. After the real development, a batch of new nutrition capsules will naturally be released, and the new generation of nutrition capsules can last a month. , Even if someone outside operates it, theoretically it can live forever. Is this a new world?"

Liu Mingyu asked on the side: "So where is the research on the fifth generation of virtual reality technology? And what you said about adjusting the ratio of the virtual world to the real world, has there been results?"

In fact, for the fifth-generation virtual reality technology, he is more concerned about adjusting the time ratio.

It doesn't matter whether the perception ability can reach 100%. Now it is possible to have up to 80%. After all, not everyone likes to increase their perception ability.

After all, increasing the perception ability means that if you get hurt inside, you will feel the same pain.

At present, the highest perceptual ability is 80%. Many people actually choose less than 50%. Only those who really need to use the virtual world to do things that cannot be done in the real world will choose the higher perceptual ability.

Han Yuanhua replied: "The development of perception ability has reached 95% when I came back. If it were not for the zombie virus, I think it has been developed to 100% by this time.

As for the time adjustment ratio, although there are ideas in this regard and a certain foundation, there is still a long way to go before it can be realized. "

Liu Mingyu regrets that he has not developed it. If this function is developed, it will take a lot of time out of thin air.

Even if real time adjustment is achieved, it is even possible to create a virtual world in the virtual world, so that layer after layer is superimposed, a lot of time can be created out of thin air.

Don't say too much, just use a time ratio of 1:2. One hour in the real world is equal to two hours in the virtual world.

Then if you create a virtual world in the virtual world, it will also achieve this ratio.

In this way, one hour in the real world is equal to four hours in the virtual world in the virtual world.

As long as the computer can withstand such computing power, the real-world time index will rise exponentially, which is terrible to think about.

However, it is currently impossible to realize such a world. Even if the current computers have developed extremely rapidly, they cannot afford such computing power.

The method of constructing the virtual world in the virtual world is a bit like in "Inception", with layers of dreams superimposed.

The real world may only have passed for a second, while the deepest dream has already passed for decades, hundreds of years or even longer.

Putting away his thoughts, Liu Mingyu tapped on the table with his right hand and asked: "Now let you restart the development of this fifth-generation virtual reality technology, are you sure to research it out?"

Han Yuanhua shook his head and said: "I am not very sure, or the R&D time will become very long~lightnovelpub.net~ Although I am the person in charge of the R&D project, a lot of the information is in the company, and I only have memory of some of the information. It’s not so easy to reproduce it completely."

Although he wants to say that he can succeed in research, so that he can get the job and his life is guaranteed, but he is not such a person, knowing that it takes a lot of time, and even in this world, it is impossible to research successfully. Also go to deceive people.

Liu Mingyu stopped his percussion and said: "Since you have a deep research on virtual reality technology, then you can cooperate with Luo Wenyong to develop games. When you have the opportunity in the future, go to your original company to find the corresponding information, and then let you continue to research. ."

Han Yuanhua nodded and said, "Okay, boss."

Then he stopped talking, paused for a while, and said, "Boss, in fact, some of the information I brought back when I went home from the holiday. If I can get that information, I can proceed to the fifth based on that information. The research and development of virtual reality technology."

Originally, Liu Mingyu had given up the research and development of virtual reality technology. As for I just said that I would go to the deep city to find information, it was just a comfort and leave a thought. Now even Jiacheng has not finished exploring, where can I go across more than half of China to find a copy data.

Now suddenly I heard Han Yuanhua say that a piece of information was left at home, and his heart became active again, and he asked with surprise, "Which area of ​​Hangzhou is your home in?"

He remembered that Han Yuanhua had said that his home was in Hangzhou. I don't know where it was.

Hangzhou city is close at hand, much more reliable than deep city.

"The city center of Hangzhou."

Liu Mingyu pondered for a while and said, "Hangcheng Center, there is no way in a short time. You can keep the specific address, and I will bring the information back when I have the opportunity in the future."