I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1701: Drone dispatch (Part 1)

Before the launch, everyone had a preliminary estimate of the explosion effect, but when the Hurricane missile actually exploded, everyone was stunned. Under the monitoring of the Sky Eye system, only a flash of white light was seen, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The entire city disappeared directly from the surveillance screen of the Sky Eye system at that moment. That huge mushroom cloud can be clearly seen even from Hangzhou, hundreds of kilometers away. After the explosion was over, the R&D team immediately sent people to conduct detailed data surveys. When the investigation team arrived at the explosion site, they were stunned by what they saw. The degree of destruction at the scene was much higher than imagined, and its destructive power was even much greater than that of a nuclear bomb of the same size. However, the damage caused by the Hurricane energy missile is actually not as high as that of the nuclear bomb. Because in addition to the damage caused by a nuclear bomb when it explodes, its subsequent radiation is the most fatal damage. Compared with nuclear bombs, energy missiles do not have the same radiation damage as nuclear bombs. It seems that energy missiles are much worse than nuclear bombs, but for Xingchen Group, this is the best choice. In this way, they can use energy missiles at will without worrying about causing damage to the environment. If nuclear radiation is produced, even if those **** zombies are finally killed, human beings will only be able to live under nuclear radiation for a long time in the future, and they will not be able to worry about it all day long. Energy missiles, which can produce sufficient lethality without causing damage to the environment, are the best choice. Of course, it is said that energy missiles can be used at will, but in fact it is quite difficult to create an energy missile as powerful as the Hurricane. It’s not that the manufacturing process is difficult, it’s that the raw materials are hard to find. Because the Hurricane energy missile is made of level five energy crystals, and it is not one energy crystal. It requires five energy crystals, and nearly one hundred kilograms of level five energy crystals to create a Hurricane. Energy missiles. This shows how precious the Hurricane energy missile is. If it weren't for the limitation of raw materials, Zhao Xuekun would have led people to create energy missiles using level six energy crystals as energy sources. After all, there are indeed level six energy crystals at the company headquarters. In fact, the weight of level six energy crystals is enough. The sixth-level energy crystal comes from Godzilla, and Xingchen Group owns more than one. Both Godzillas died in the hands of Xingchen Group, plus the zombie king at Jiacheng Sports Center. In fact, the Xingchen Group headquarters now has three level six energy crystals, which is more than enough to create an energy missile. However, Ye Qingxuan did not approve it. The use of level six energy crystals is not only for making energy missiles. There are also many people who need level six energy crystals for experiments. The energy bomb created by the fifth-level energy crystal is enough for the time being. If push comes to shove, Ye Qingxuan will definitely contribute the level 6 energy crystals. After all, for everyone, survival is the most important thing, and other things must come later. The final test power of the Hurricane energy bomb, which was made from level five energy crystals, far exceeded everyone's imagination. With the Hurricane energy missile in hand, the whole person feels much more at ease. The Xingchen Group's defense capabilities have always been very strong, especially the energy defense shield outside the base, which can well defend against the invasion of foreign enemies. But relatively speaking, the means of attack are relatively lacking, and they can only use the weapons Liu Mingyu brought from the real world to fight back. Against ordinary zombies, these ordinary weapons can also cause effective damage to them. But those high-level special zombies, especially zombies with physical fitness as the direction of evolution, even second-level zombies, can make them helpless. Facing those high-level special zombies, they can only carry out targeted attacks through the abilities of the awakened ones. There are not many awakened survivors among the survivors, and after awakening their abilities, the awakened abilities may not necessarily be effective on the battlefield. Now that we have energy missiles, in terms of offense, we are not as constrained as before and can only passively counterattack. The Hurricane energy missile is Xingchen Group's biggest trump card now. If the Zombie King can be found in Poyang Lake, it would be very worthwhile to launch a Hurricane energy missile there. To strike first is to be strong, but to strike later is to suffer disaster. After listening to Lu Haipeng's words, Liu Mingyu also agreed very much. Compared with others, Liu Mingyu knows more detailed information. He was 80% sure that the zombie king was still at the bottom of Poyang Lake. There should be something at the bottom of the lake that can prompt the Zombie King to evolve. However, it is still necessary to send a drone to observe carefully and verify the truth of the matter. Although the Hurricane energy missiles are only made of level five energy crystals, the number of Hurricane energy missiles produced is not very large. At present, there are only five pieces in total. Good steel is used in the blade. It cannot be used casually. Thinking of this, Liu Mingyu turned to Zhao Kun and asked: "Minister Zhao, how long will it take for the drone to enter Poyang Lake for exploration?" "It will take about five minutes. A drone has been set up near Poyang Lake. It takes about ten minutes to get to the drone manufacturing factory." Zhao Kun directly turned on his smart bracelet and projected the drone's surveillance screen directly into the conference room. Originally, this drone manufacturing factory was left over from the last battle. Later, even with the Sky Eye system for monitoring, the drone manufacturing plant was not dismantled and the factory was kept. It just comes in handy now. UU reading www. In the sky above the uukanshu.com conference room, everyone could clearly see dense numbers of drones flying across the sky, heading towards Poyang Lake. Poyang Lake is very big. You can already see the appearance of Poyang Lake in the drone surveillance footage. Even some traces of the battle left from the last battle can be seen, but many places have been overgrown with green plants because they have not been taken care of for a long time. Nature's ability to transform and adapt is quite powerful. No matter how many traces you leave on Mother Earth, as long as you give enough time, it will be restored to its original state. Everyone in the conference room did not continue the discussion. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the surveillance screen. No amount of discussion will be of any use without final confirmation. If the Zombie King is not there, what will happen even if a Hurricane energy missile is dropped at Poyang Lake? Apart from destroying Poyang Lake, it has no other effect. And it is very likely that it will disappear from the earth like West Lake. …

End of this chapter

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