I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1730: petrification (below)

What kind of look is that?

It was a breathtaking look.

As if staring at those eyes a little longer, the whole person's spirit will be sucked in.

The staff on duty in the monitoring center can feel the terrifying oppressive force of the Zombie King just through the eyes they see on the monitoring screen.

After just staring for a few seconds, the officer on duty was sweating profusely and his whole body stiffened. He wanted to control his eyes and move away, but there was nothing he could do.

It was as if someone was controlling his body.

At this time, when the companion who just went to report came back, he saw the strangeness of the staff on duty, and quickly ran over and patted the other person on the shoulder: "Brother, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

With such a beat from the companion, the duty officer seemed to come to life, turned around quickly, and gasped heavily: "Hu, brother, thank you."

After regaining control of his body, he immediately adjusted the monitoring screen to another screen, he was afraid that if he stared at the other person's eyes again, he would fall into that strange state again.

The companion still felt inexplicable, and quickly asked: "What happened to you? Seeing that your state is not very good, you go to rest first, and I will monitor it here."

Although it was his turn to rest during this time period, looking at the weak body of his companion, he was still very willing to go off work.

"No, don't look at that surveillance."

The officer on duty quickly stopped his companion's movements, for fear that the other party would fall into a strange state like himself.

"What's wrong with you? Just say it if you have any questions. It's not like I won't help you." The companion was speechless.

After taking a few deep breaths in a row, the person on duty slowly said, "Just now, just now, the zombie king suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes seemed to have a breathtaking feeling.

Just staring into his eyes for a while, I felt like I was paralyzed, unable to control my body at all.

If you hadn't just pushed me, I'm afraid I'd have been stuck in that weird state. "

"Isn't it that strange? Could it be that the zombie king has the ability of Medusa to turn people into stone?" The companion obviously didn't believe it, but instead joked.

Saying that, he also turned on the surveillance screen.

When he turned on the surveillance screen and his eyes met the eyes of the zombie king, at that moment, he believed it.

In this world, there really is a power like Medusa.

At that moment, he could only think, but he had no control over his body at all.

When the officer on duty saw the appearance of his companion, he immediately raised his weak arm and pushed towards his companion, who finally regained control of his body.

"This... this is too scary, I never thought that there would be zombies that have the ability of Medusa.

I never thought that this ability could actually affect the people on the other side through the surveillance screen.

It's terrifying. "

If you want to say what kind of damage this ability has caused them, it's really nothing.

It only needs an external force and a light touch to release this state.

But the feeling of being unable to control one's body, like being petrified, is really uncomfortable.

If it's just like this, maybe it's nothing, but who knows what the aftermath will be?

"Hurry up and report it. You must report it in time. The boss is still there. At this moment, there is no one else around the boss who can help relieve the state."

The staff on duty is also aware of the horror of this ability. He can only encounter this situation through the monitoring screen. What will happen to the boss who bears the brunt.

"Yes, I will report it immediately, please pay attention, stop staring at the glasses of the zombie king, no one will come to save you later."

"Don't worry, go quickly, if it's later, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

The staff on duty immediately passed the latest information to Ye Qingxuan who was on the Poyang Lake side.

After Ye Qingxuan heard the news, she was in a hurry and wanted to jump in to save Liu Mingyu.

However, before Ye Qingxuan started to move, she was immediately stopped by the people next to her.

This is the personal bodyguard that Liu Mingyu assigned to Ye Qingxuan to protect Ye Qingxuan anytime, anywhere.

Ye Qingxuan didn't move, and Chen Pengfei, who was beside him, jumped down immediately and moved towards Liu Mingyu's direction at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Liu Mingyu was not actually petrified as they thought.

The zombie king suddenly opened his eyes, which really startled Liu Mingyu.

But it was only a shock. The other party's special ability did not bring substantial harm to Liu Mingyu.

Thinking about this ability should be based on the level of mental strength of both parties, it will produce different effects.

The strength of the zombie king is indeed higher than that of Liu Mingyu, but in fact it is not much higher.

It has not reached the level of controlling Liu Mingyu.

The Zombie King also seemed to have noticed his eyes and did not cause substantial damage to the other party, but at this moment, he was powerless and could only stare there.

At this time, Chen Pengfei, who came down to rescue Liu Mingyu, also came to Liu Mingyu's side.

Liu Mingyu was just thinking about countermeasures, but Chen Pengfei thought that Liu Mingyu also had the petrification ability of the zombie king. After swimming over, he pushed directly at Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu had already seen Chen Pengfei's figure, but because he saw Chen Pengfei's figure, he had no defense against Chen Pengfei.

Chen Pengfei was very relaxed and pushed Liu Mingyu several meters away.

Liu Mingyu was pushed a little inexplicably, and looked at Chen Pengfei with astonished eyes, as if asking, what the **** are you doing?

Suddenly, Liu Mingyu remembered that he could contact Chen Pengfei through the system's communication method, and immediately asked, "What are you doing?"

Chen Pengfei opened his mouth to explain, but found that he couldn't answer in the water. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com quickly opened his smart bracelet and typed on it.

"Boss, the eyes of this zombie king have petrification ability. Only through external forces can people who have been hit by petrification ability recover."

"Petrification? You mean that the zombie king has the petrification ability similar to Medusa? I didn't feel petrified just now."

Liu Mingyu asked with a puzzled face.

"There was news from the monitoring center that there were two officers on duty when they saw the eyes of the zombie king and immediately entered an abnormal state similar to petrification."

Chen Pengfei quickly explained.

"It turns out that the zombie king's ability should be related to the other party's spiritual power.

The staff on duty are just ordinary survivors, and their mental strength is not particularly high.

So even through the monitoring screen, they can fall into an abnormal state. "

After Chen Pengfei's report, Liu Mingyu quickly analyzed the general situation of the zombie king's ability.