I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1738: The Assault of Invisible Zombies (Part 2

Just as they attacked, five figures appeared on the ceiling, avoiding the attack of the crowd.


Lao Zhang shouted loudly, and the machete in his hand slashed towards the shadow on the ceiling.

The main ability of stealth zombies is reflected in stealth and assassination.

After being forced to appear, they could only flee in the wild, and could not counter the attack of the crowd at all.


The machete Youying in Lao Zhang's hand followed closely with the other's figure, approaching step by step.

This group of zombies must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, more and more invisible zombies and even other types of zombies will enter the company.

At that time, it is not so easy to clean them up.

Right now, while they are all surrounded by everyone in this room, we must take the opportunity to kill them.

Just when Lao Zhang thought he was interested in the other party, the black shadow disappeared from Lao Zhang's field of vision again out of thin air.

Faced with this situation, Lao Zhang did not panic. According to the opponent's movements and the position of stealth, the machete in Lao Zhang's hand predicted the opponent's actions and slashed towards an unexpected position next to him.

Lao Zhang suddenly felt that his machete had hit an object.

A bright red blood flowed down the machete immediately.

Lao Zhang was immediately overjoyed, it seemed that his prediction was correct, and he shouted to everyone: "Brothers, the other party has the first stealth ability, as long as the prediction is made according to the state of the other party's actions, it is stealth, You can hit it as well.”

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The invisible zombie in front of Lao Zhang found that he could not avoid Lao Zhang's attack, so he stopped dodging everywhere and appeared directly in front of Lao Zhang.

It can be seen that this invisible zombie has a long slit from the shoulder to the abdomen, the skin is open and the flesh is ripped open, and the bright red blood spills on the ground along the wound.

The invisible zombie didn't care about the wound on his body, he raised his dagger and attacked Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang didn't do anything to dodge, the machete in his hand greeted him.


When you were invisible, you couldn't sneak up on me.

Are you still afraid of fighting against you in an upright manner?


Lao Zhang shouted, and the machete in his hand slashed head-on towards the invisible zombie.

The invisible zombie held a dagger and seemed to want to block Lao Zhang's machete.

The result was that Lao Zhang even took a knife and split it from top to bottom, and was directly split into two halves.

All of a sudden, I couldn't die any longer.

Lao Zhang seems to be able to see it in the eyes of the other party, and seems to be asking, what is going on?

How can the power of survivors be so powerful?

The invisible zombie wrongly estimated Lao Zhang's strength, and was split in half by Lao Zhang.

If he knew Lao Zhang's strength, he was afraid of how far he would flee.

How dare you face Lao Zhang alone like you did before?

Lao Zhang quickly solved an invisible zombie, and he turned his attention to the other four invisible zombies.

The other four invisible zombies found that there were too many enemies, and they were not as reckless as the previous invisible zombie, but used their high-speed movement and stealth ability to dodge back and forth among the many survivors.

There's even the ability to attack survivors while dodging.

The room was too cramped because of too many people.

They didn't carry out the action well, for fear that they would not cut the invisible zombies, but instead cut their own brothers.

Because of this daunting action, the invisible zombies did not kill one, but many survivors were injured.

"Everyone attacked with their backs against the wall or against their backs."

Lao Zhang found that it was not the way to go on like this, and immediately proposed loudly.

When the people around heard what Lao Zhang said, they suddenly realized, and immediately followed what Lao Zhang said.

In this way, although the invisible zombies cannot be attacked, the invisible zombies will never be able to cause harm to them.

In fact, in this state, the movement space of those invisible zombies is very narrow, and there is not much room for movement at all.

The four invisible zombies did not give up their attack and were constantly looking for opportunities to attack.

Lao Zhang is also looking for opportunities to attack.

Lao Zhang noticed that although invisible zombies can be invisible, they will definitely show up when they attack.

Lao Zhang was waiting for the attack of the invisible zombies, he slowed his breathing, but raised his vigilance.

The machete in his hand is always waiting for a fatal blow to the invisible zombies.

The surroundings fell into silence again, only the rapid breathing of everyone could be heard.

Lao Zhang is waiting, and the invisible zombies are also waiting for the chance of a fatal blow.

Suddenly, Lao Zhang deliberately exposed his back to the outside.

At this moment, Lao Zhang suddenly felt a murderous aura attacking him.

Lao Zhang knew it in his heart, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Very good, the fish is hooked.

I saw that Lao Zhang held a machete in his right hand, calculated the time, and slashed hard toward his right front.

A figure suddenly appeared, and the entire head of the other party was split in half by Lao Zhang.

The head was mortally wounded, and the invisible zombies were too dead to die.

The machete in Lao Zhang's hand didn't stop there. Instead, he attacked several times in other directions.

Immediately, the other three invisible zombies also appeared.

Lao Zhang discovered another situation, that is, when the opponent is attacked, he will also show up.

No wonder those zombies took the initiative to appear when they attacked the ceiling before.

I thought before that they were trying to escape, so they showed it on purpose.

At this time, the survivors around Lao Zhang also reacted immediately.

The machete in his hand immediately attacked the other three invisible zombies.

The three invisible zombies did not play their role, and were beaten to death by the machetes in the hands of the survivors, and they died.

Even the invisible zombie that Lao Zhang cut off by the way, also carried out the work of making up the knife.

So far, the five invisible zombies have been killed by Lao Zhang and a group of people.

Lao Zhang immediately reported the situation here to the top.

By the way, I also inquired about the situation of other bases.

It turned out that in addition to their place, the same type of zombies also appeared in other strongholds.

Because these zombies appeared too suddenly, many survivors did not have time to react and were fatally killed by a knife.

Not all of them are as vigilant as Lao Zhang is when they enter the battle alert.

To be honest, even if it was Lao Zhang here, if it hadn't been for Lao Zhang to remind them repeatedly, I'm afraid they would have followed in their footsteps.

Lao Zhang contacted several other bases one after another, and several people did not answer the phone.

I don't know if it was in battle or if he died. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!