I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1762: Protection or restraint? (Down)

This all seems perfectly normal.

The invisible barrier is still protecting the zombie king.

But now the zombie king feels to Liu Mingyu, why does it seem like he is going to die?

It turned out that when Liu Mingyu was observing, the shaking of the zombie king became even louder.

I don't know if it was Liu Mingyu's illusion. He felt that the zombie king's body seemed to have become smaller.

It's better to be dead now, and just let yourself get the job done.

If anyone is the happiest to see the death of the zombie king, it is undoubtedly Liu Mingyu.

Originally, Liu Mingyu's mission was to prevent the zombie king from completing the evolution. If the zombie king died because of some accident.

That's overdone.

So when Liu Mingyu saw the zombie king, it seemed like he was going to hang up at any time.

But unfortunately, that **** invisible barrier is still faithfully protecting the zombie king.

"This **** invisible enchantment, after Huang Lao's purified energy, you will feel better." Liu Mingyu muttered.

Although Liu Mingyu was very dissatisfied with the invisible enchantment, he couldn't do anything in a short time.

Because no matter what type of attack has been tried, the defense of the invisible barrier cannot be broken.

The invisible barrier seems to block the external attack, but in fact, on the other hand, maybe this invisible barrier may just be the cage that surrounds the zombie king.

As soon as Liu Mingyu's idea came out, he looked at the scene in front of him, and it was as if he was enlightened.

Yes, looking at it the other way around, this invisible barrier really looks like something was specially set up to prevent the zombie king from leaving.

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It is not unreasonable to think so.

You see, now the zombie king is clearly inside, as if he is about to die.

But it is because of this invisible barrier that the Zombie King is trapped inside and unable to move.

If this is the case, should we let Huang Lao open the invisible enchantment?

For a while, Liu Mingyu didn't know what to do.

Liu Mingyu decided to ignore it for the time being. Anyway, mastering the purification technology is a good thing for Liu Mingyu.

The reason why the use of Hurricane energy missiles was very cautious before was because the fifth-level energy spar was limited and could not be used without restrictions.

Now with the purification technology, the fourth-level energy spar can be purified into fifth-level energy.

Although the number of fourth-level energy spar is not much, it is still a lot more than the fifth-level energy spar.

The Hurricane energy missile can be used a little more in the future.

If there are enough Level 5 energy spar, it is not impossible to come up with Level 6 energy missiles.

Just like this time, facing an invisible barrier like invincibility.

Maybe giving him a sixth-level energy missile can solve it, but not necessarily.

Liu Mingyu looked at the ferocious Zombie King, and said lightly to the staff on the side: "Let's go out and continue to do the observation work. Unless the Zombie King breaks free from the inside, or else just keep observing outside, and don't need to go inside."

"Okay, boss."

The staff also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, standing here all the time, facing the zombie king who may burst out at any time, he is still a little nervous.

Although he is a zombie, he still wants to continue to live if he has a chance to live.

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly, and then left the cage where the zombie king was being held.

After such a long time, I don't know if Huang Lao's seventh-level energy has been purified.

Liu Mingyu looked at the time and found that nearly an hour had passed.

Why hasn't the successful result of this experiment come yet?

According to previous experiments, it seems that one round of experiments only takes about half an hour.

It's been almost an hour now, and there's no result yet, so there won't be another accident, right?

Liu Mingyu couldn't help speeding up his pace and came to the door of the No. 2 laboratory.

I just saw Huang Yi walk out of the laboratory with a smile on his face, holding a bottle of red solution in his hand.

Seeing Liu Mingyu, Huang Yi shouted at Liu Mingyu: "It's better to come early than to come by chance, boss, luckily, the sixth-level energy was successfully purified into seventh-level energy."

When Huang Yi spoke, he did not forget to pick up the red solution in his hand and show it to Liu Mingyu.

"Is this the seventh-level energy? Is such a small amount enough? Do you still need to continue to provide the sixth-level energy spar?"

Liu Mingyu looked at the bottle in Huang Yi's hand, and it was probably less than 500ml.

The diameter of this invisible enchantment is more than 50 meters. Is this little solution enough?

Liu Mingyu couldn't help but secretly doubted.

Huang Yi laughed loudly: "Boss, if you want to dissolve all the invisible enchantments, this amount is certainly not enough.

But if it is just to dissolve the invisible enchantment around the zombie king, this amount is more than enough.

And according to my guess, the invisible enchantment is a whole.

Its defenses are strongest when it presents integrity.

But as long as a certain point is breached, its defense capability is greatly reduced, or even not at all.

If a place dissolves, there is a good chance that a chain reaction will occur in the place based on it.

When the seventh-level energy solution is not needed, he will collapse on his own. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Boss, let's try it now. "

Although it had only been a short time, Huang Yi had done enough to deal with the invisible barrier.

Otherwise, he wouldn't boast about Haikou, and he would definitely be able to crack the invisible barrier.

This invisible barrier is like an energy defense photo on the periphery of the base.

When presented as a whole, its defense capability reached its peak state, and even if there was a nuclear explosion nearby, it would not be able to explode.

If it is in a semi-integral state, its defensive ability will also be greatly reduced.

Now this invisible enchantment is a similar situation.

Liu Mingyu quickly grabbed Huang Yi and said, "Wait a minute, something unexpected happens now."

Huang Yi stopped quickly, looked at Liu Mingyu, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on? What happened?"

He's been experimenting and doesn't know what's going on.

Normally speaking, this zombie king is covered by an incomparably sturdy invisible barrier, and it is impossible for an accident to happen.

If it is really so simple to break the invisible enchantment, he does not need to work hard to purify the sixth-level energy.

Just a little bit of material will do it.

Perhaps it was an accident in other ways.

He absolutely didn't believe it was because of an accident at the invisible enchantment.

Liu Mingyu immediately told Huang Yi about the situation just now, and at the same time told his guess again.

Huang Yi nodded slightly and said, "This is a troublesome thing. According to what you said, it is true. If this invisible barrier is what traps the zombie king, we will help the zombie king by breaking the invisible barrier." Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!