I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1822: The 2nd wave of scoring starts (Part 1)

In the apocalyptic world, only by becoming stronger can we survive.

During this month, in addition to allowing them to receive continuous training, Liu Mingyu almost opened the genetic evolution potion at a very low price.

The reason why they didn't choose to be free was mainly because they were afraid that they would pursue the use of higher-level genetic evolution potions if their strength did not reach a certain level.

Gene evolution potion can help human beings move to a higher level, but if it does not reach a certain level, taking the same level of gene evolution potion will not be of any use, but will cause waste.

The Xingchen Group can make low-level genetic evolution potions, even if it is wasteful.

But those more advanced genetic evolution potions can only be exchanged in the system mall through Liu Mingyu.

The price of advanced genetic evolution potion is not cheap.

Gene Evolution Potion (Level 1): 100 points.

Gene Evolution Potion (Level 2): ​​500 points.

Gene Evolution Potion (Level 3): 2500 points.

Gene Evolution Potion (Level 4): 12500 points.

Gene Evolution Potion (Level 5): 62500 points.

At present, the highest level of genetic evolution potion that Liu Mingyu can buy in the system mall is level five.

One bottle requires 62,500 points.

This is not a small amount.

They can't afford to waste it at will.

And now Liu Mingyu needs to spend points everywhere, and the genetic evolution potion (level 5) has only been exchanged for a small amount.

The first- and second-level genetic evolution potions can be produced by the Xingchen Group itself.

Most of Liu Mingyu exchanged for three or four levels.

As long as they take it normally, they can increase their strength to the fourth and fifth orders.

Most of the monsters outside are only around the fourth rank.

As long as you don't waste it, you can normally rise to the fourth and fifth orders, and there is no big problem at all.

They lived up to expectations, and in this short month, almost all of them were able to reach the third-order level.

All the people here refer to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

In fact, with the healing potion, the number of sick and disabled people has basically been emptied.

Only the old and the weak remain.

And under the blessing of genetic evolution potion, these two types of people have also made great progress.

Except for some children because of their own inexperience, other aspects are very good.

Most of the others are in the fourth order, and most of the warriors have reached the fifth order.

When the strength of the warriors increased, the monsters outside suffered.

Liu Mingyu noticed that the group of monsters outside was actually growing.

But relative to their speed of strengthening, it is still a lot worse.

If Liu Mingyu hadn't specifically instructed them to use monsters to train themselves, they were afraid that in a month, a large number of monsters would die under their hands.

Liu Mingyu took a look at the monster's point brushing time, and there was less than an hour left.

As long as you wait for an hour, you will be able to kill yourself.

No, it doesn't seem to be able to kill off.

Now a monster can only get about 100 points.

If the upper limit of points is the same as before, then the number of monsters that need to be killed this time may exceed 4 million.

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During this month, although the monsters were being killed continuously, those monsters seemed to be endless.

However, is it really possible to scrape together 4 million?

Liu Mingyu expressed doubts.

With the seventh-order zombies around, Liu Mingyu didn't have to worry that he wouldn't be able to kill as many.

He was afraid that there would not be so many for him to kill.

Forget it, let's go step by step.

They can only send as many monsters as possible, otherwise it is impossible to complete this task.

And you must pay special attention to it, you can't let the seventh-order zombies appear at once, the other party is likely to see the powerful strength of the seventh-order zombies and will not dispatch troops.

The best way is to be evenly matched with the opponent, and make them mistakenly think that they can solve it with a little more effort, so that they will continue to send monsters to attack them.

After all, these monsters are different from ordinary zombies and possess obvious intelligence.

In this case, not only the seventh-order zombies can't appear immediately, I am afraid that even the sixth-order zombies can't appear.

But not being able to appear, does not mean that you cannot be on the battlefield.

With them on the side, they can save those soldiers who are in danger in time.

In the past month or so, even with the existence of healing potions, some people were too anxious and wanted to rely too much on external pressure to make themselves stronger, which eventually led to their death at the hands of monsters because they were not rescued in time.

There are not many, only a hundred people.

But it's all a life.

Of course Liu Mingyu also wanted to save them all, but he knew that if they couldn't become stronger.

Even if he can protect them for a while, he can't protect them forever.

You still have to walk your own way.

Having said that.

The time for training has passed.

Now is the time to fight the monster.

It's good to be able to save a life.

Looking at the time, with less than an hour left, Liu Mingyu knew it was time to get ready to fight.

Immediately let Feiyun publish an announcement on the broadcast.

"All combat team captains, please pay attention. After hearing the announcement, please gather in the square immediately."

"All combat team captains, please pay attention. After hearing the announcement, please gather in the square immediately."

"All combat team captains, please pay attention. After hearing the announcement, please gather in the square immediately."

The broadcast was repeated in the underground shelter, calling for the captain of the combat team to gather in the square.

After those combat team leaders heard the broadcast, they immediately put down their work and rushed to the square as quickly as possible.

Liu Mingyu was already waiting for everyone on the podium of the square for the first time.

After about ten minutes, the square was already crowded with people.

Everyone looked at Liu Mingyu on the podium, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was excited.

Is today the time to prepare for a counterattack on the ground?

I still remember that a month ago, the boss once gave up the easily available ground, and let them use these monsters to make themselves stronger in a month.

And during this month, not only did they become stronger, the warriors below and their families became stronger.

It's been a month now.

It looks like it's time to almost get ready to retake the ground.

It's not that the underground shelters didn't survive well, in fact their lives in the underground shelters weren't that bad.

Even because of this time, everyone has become stronger.

But who likes to live in the dark underground if they can live under the sun?

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