I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1857: You are very talented (below)

The Twin Towers of Sam Kingdom are just two ordinary square buildings

But the two buildings in front of Cai Wenhua were completely different.

In fact, it is two buildings, it is better to say that it is one building.

Because between the two buildings, there are corridors at certain distances.

The corridor turns two buildings into one.

In terms of appearance, it is also much better than the Twin Towers.

These two buildings are not so much like the Twin Towers, but more like the Yangcheng Tower in Yangcheng, but they are different.

Cai Wenhua has never been to Yangcheng, and it is even more impossible to climb the Yangcheng Tower, but he has seen the shape of the Yangcheng Tower from the Internet.

Cai Wenhua only felt that the buildings in the world today cannot be compared with them.

In the future, do you want to work in such a building?

Thinking of this, Cai Wenhua couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I never thought that I would be able to work in such an office one day.

At this moment, Cai Wenhua was so excited that he could not wait to scream in the sky.

Liu Mingyu patted Cai Wenhua on the shoulder: "Come on, let's go in."

Cai Wenhua got into the car reluctantly.

They just stopped at the door for a while and then drove inside.

After entering, they did not stop at the frontmost building, but drove all the way to the back.

Cai Wenhua couldn't help but asked, "Boss, isn't our office over there?"

Liu Mingyu smiled and said, "Of course not there, you are the research department and have your own building.

If you want to work there, ask them to give you a spot. "

"No, I'm just asking."

Cai Wenhua quickly waved his hand to refuse.

The new headquarters is very big, and after entering it, the driver also drove for several minutes.

About three minutes passed.

The car stopped in front of a low building.

Cai Wenhua looked at the building in front of him with disappointment. Compared with the building at the door, the building in front of him was indeed a bit shabby.

In fact, the building where Cai Wenhua and the others are located is not particularly short.

After all, there are ten floors on the ground.

It's just that compared to the towering buildings before, the ten-story building is really a bit shabby.

Li Siyan, who came early, was already waiting at the door, and when she saw Liu Mingyu's car approaching, she hurried over to greet him.

Liu Mingyu asked, "Has everything been arranged? Has everyone else come?"

"Everything has been arranged, and you can enter the office at any time.

Others have also been arranged properly, all came. "

Li Siyan answered quickly.

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly, then led by Li Siyan, he came to a large conference room.

The conference room was already full of people.

Before Liu Mingyu came in, the entire conference room was very lively, and there were noises everywhere.

When Liu Mingyu walked into the conference room, the whole conference room gradually became quiet.

Liu Mingyu walked straight to the rostrum. Seeing this, Cai Wenhua raised his legs and walked to the back of the conference room, preparing to find a seat at the back to sit down.

Seeing this, Liu Mingyu quickly grabbed Cai Wenhua: "Your position is here."

Liu Mingyu sat down on the rostrum, Cai Wenhua sat next to Mingyu, and on the other side were Xu Ranran and Li Siyan.

Liu Mingyu cleared his throat and said, "I believe everyone already knows the department you are about to join.

Our company is about to establish a communications exploration department, and all of you are members of this department.

Here, on behalf of the company, I warmly welcome everyone to join us. "

The voice fell, and the audience suddenly burst into thunderous applause, which was continuous and enduring for a long time.

After the applause gradually stopped, Liu Mingyu said again: "Much of the employees here may be very puzzled, why did the company choose him as an employee of the new department?"

As soon as Liu Mingyu's words came out, many people suddenly whispered.

Before Liu Mingyu came in, they had discussed it.

After a brief discussion, they found that their people came from all places, from all departments.

Some were previously in the logistics department.

Some were previously in the customer service department.

Some were previously in the security department.

Some had previously worked at headquarters.

Some of them worked at Xingchen Pharmaceuticals before.

Some people were working at Stars Materials before.

Among the 100 people in front of Liu Mingyu, they came from various subsidiaries and departments.

There are almost no people in the same department and in the same place.

After a simple conversation, they all did not understand why the company chose them as employees of the new department?

Judging from the name of the department, this is obviously a technical department.

Among these 100 people, only a very small number of people are barely able to have some relationship with technology.

Most of the other people have nothing to do with technology.

In fact, not only those in the audience were suspicious, even Cai Wenhua and Li Siyan next to Liu Mingyu were full of doubts.

Although Li Siyan is the handler, she actually doesn't know much more than others.

The work she did was done completely according to Liu Mingyu's orders, and she did not know the specific reasons for doing so.

The same is true for Cai Wenhua. Don't look at how he has mastered a lot of advanced technology through copy mode, but in his opinion, with this kind of black technology, even if it is replaced by anyone, it can also be used. achieve the same effect.

It doesn't seem necessary, you must let yourself do this.

Maybe there are other secrets in it.

Liu Mingyu coughed lightly, and the conference room suddenly became quiet.

Liu Mingyu continued: "Actually, it's not only you who have such doubts, the Mr. Cai next to him probably has such doubts in his heart.

I'm not afraid to tell you.

You are the ones who have been carefully selected by us.

You are extremely gifted in the field of communication exploration.

If you work and study in this area, your achievements are far higher than in other areas. "

small book booth

Much higher than others?

After Liu Mingyu's explanation, their doubts became even worse.

Because in this world, no one can know other people or even their own talent in some aspects.

Maybe some people can get a general idea of ​​someone's talent by accomplishing certain things.

But among these people, many of them have never been exposed to similar things.

How does the boss know that they have a high talent for this?

Is the boss able to pinch it?

No wonder they have such an idea.

Presumably anyone who heard someone tell him that you have a very high talent in a certain area, and now invites you to do this.

I'm afraid they will think that the other party is a liar.

If the person who said this was not the boss who paid them, I am afraid they would have been scolded long ago. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!