I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1858: Like a Dream (Part 1)

If this sentence is what the boss said, then this sentence is true.

Everyone in the audience decided that since they have decided to join this department, does it really matter whether they have the so-called talent?

It can be said that it is very important, and it can be said that it is not very important.

Depends on how you understand it.

Everyone here decided to join this newly established department.

May all have their own reasons.

But since you have decided to join, just listen carefully and work hard.

Sitting on the rostrum, Liu Mingyu easily took in everyone's demeanor.

He didn't explain too much. As many people thought, since they have joined, they don't have to worry about them running away.

Because when they joined the new department, they all signed expensive breach of contract.

When they were hired, they actually saw this contract, but in fact, they didn't take it to heart.

For them, being able to join this new department and enjoy excess benefits means that they need to take certain responsibilities.

Liu Mingyu continued on the podium: "Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter much.

Now that you have just joined the new department, your first task is to study, to learn relevant theoretical knowledge and so on.

The Mr. Cai Wenhua next to me is the technical director of the Communication Exploration Department, and he is also the teacher who teaches you the class.

In the next period of time, Mr. Cai Wenhua will teach you relevant knowledge.

I hope you can learn the relevant basic knowledge in the shortest possible time. "

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden sadness from the audience.

Unexpectedly, after graduation, I have to learn new knowledge again, and it is an unfamiliar professional knowledge in a new field.

For a time, everyone had a headache.

But there is no way.

Right now, I don't know if I want to study or not.

Because they have already signed a contract, it is impossible to let them go like this.

Liu Mingyu did not make too many plans for the communication exploration department. Before he fully studied, he said that no matter how much he said, it would be false.

After Liu Mingyu said a few words of encouragement, the whole meeting was dissolved.

After the meeting, Cai Wenhua whispered to Liu Mingyu: "Boss, I have never been a teacher, how can I teach them? Or should I find another special teacher to teach them?

When there is a problem, I will explain it again. "

He was very flustered now. He thought that he only needed to be a simple technical person in charge, but he didn't expect that after coming here, he would have to take on the responsibility of teaching.

Although, the copy mode allows him to master a lot of related technologies.

But for him to teach the technology in his mind, he didn't have a clue for a while.

I know myself, but I don't necessarily know how to teach others.

Now, Cai Wenhua is in this state.

He clearly understands a lot of knowledge, but if he is asked to teach this knowledge to others, and it is taught from scratch, for a while, he has no way to start.

You ask him to explain some intractable diseases, and he may be able to explain it clearly with the knowledge in his head.

However, educating people, he really does not have this ability.

Liu Mingyu patted Cai Wenhua's shoulder lightly and said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, there are special teaching materials, and they are all taught through virtual reality technology, so you don't need to go up and explain in person.

You just need to be able to explain to their problems when they encounter problems.

I believe that with their learning talent, at most there are some doubts at the beginning.

In the back, it is estimated that there will not be too many problems.

I have an important task for you on your side. "

The materials produced from the system are all entered into the virtual world for learning.

This teaching method enables students to learn knowledge faster and more accurately.

Any problems can be solved in time.

It is basically impossible to find Cai Wenhua.

After Cai Wenhua heard Liu Mingyu's explanation, he was also secretly relieved.

It was really embarrassing for him to educate people.

However, when he heard that there was an important task assigned to him, Cai Wenhua immediately cheered up.

This is the first important task that the boss has explained.

It must be done well.

"Boss, I don't know what the task is? Make sure to complete the task."

Cai Wenhua patted his chest and answered loudly.

Liu Mingyu laughed: "You don't even know what the mission is, so you dare to pat your chest and promise to complete the mission?"

Cai Wenhua smiled awkwardly, and then said loudly, "No matter what task the boss gives, it must be completed."

Liu Mingyu gave a thumbs up and praised: "This attitude is very good, what I want is your attitude.

As long as you believe that you can complete the task, you will be able to overcome the difficulties and complete the task. "

"Boss, don't assign super-difficult tasks all at once. You see, it's hard for me to get started all of a sudden."

Hearing Liu Mingyu's words, Cai Wenhua was a little cowardly.

Liu Mingyu laughed and said: "You brat, before you even started to assign tasks, you started to admit your cowardice.

But don't worry, UU reading www. The task of uukanshu.com should not be too difficult for you.

Besides, there will be more than 100 people helping in the future. "

Cai Wenhua listened attentively.

Liu Mingyu continued: "You should already know the information copied into your head now.

The task is very simple, which is to find out more advanced and efficient search technology by copying the information given to you. "

Hearing Liu Mingyu's words, Cai Wenhua's face suddenly collapsed, and he said with embarrassment: "Boss, your task is too difficult, isn't it?"

After a period of memory sorting, Cai Wenhua has basically integrated the technical data copied in his mind.

It is precisely because he has mastered it that he knows how difficult the boss's task is.

Although he doesn't know how powerful the top communication exploration technology in the real world is?

But he knows how powerful the technology shown in the technical data in his mind is.

It can be said that he can absolutely crush all the technologies he has seen in books and on the market.

And it is a leap-forward lead, leading, I don't know how many grades.

However, even with such an advanced technology, the boss was still not satisfied, and let him continue to develop more advanced exploration technology on this basis.

Doesn't this cost his life?

is it possible?

Maybe possible.

But the time it takes is absolutely astronomical.

The thought of continuing to develop new technologies to this extent made Cai Wenhua's scalp tingle. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!