I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1968: No bonus if not completed (Part 1)

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Liu Mingyu looked at Cai Wenhua quietly, and said calmly, "Who knows? The universe is so big, and it is normal for alien creatures to exist.

Maybe one day in the future, you can really find evidence of the existence of alien creatures through the exploration equipment you made. "

Although Liu Mingyu has not seen the existence of alien creatures in the real world, but in the end world, the existence of alien creatures has been proved.

The real world is very similar to the apocalyptic world.

Maybe, at this moment, in a certain part of the starry sky, there is also such a group of Zerg living.

"Boss, please rest assured. Now that we have a certain technical foundation, we must use the fastest method to research the exploration equipment that the boss needs."

Cai Wenhua didn't bother about whether there are alien creatures in the outer space of the earth. The only thing he needs to do now is to create the exploration equipment that the boss needs as quickly as possible.

Liu Mingyu nodded, "Very good, just have this spirit, I hope you can make persistent efforts.

If you encounter any problems, you can come to me.

Maybe it might help a little. "

"thank you boss."

Cai Wenhua does not think that Liu Mingyu is bragging. You must know that Liu Mingyu has provided a lot of technical information before, which shows that Liu Mingyu still has a lot of relevant information in his hands.

Although he didn't understand why the boss didn't take out the relevant information, it didn't hinder his admiration for the boss.

Maybe the boss is testing him, after all, if the simplest things can't be done.

Then what reason is there to be the head of the Communication Exploration Technology Department.

It wasn't long before other researchers entered the office.

When we first came to the conference room, everyone was still a little excited.

After all, after contacting and fighting for more than a month, they finally developed a new generation of communication exploration technology.

Compared with the previous communication exploration technology, the new generation of communication exploration technology is not known by how much higher.

Being able to develop such an efficient communication exploration technology is enough to make them proud.

You know, more than a month ago.

Everyone here, including Minister Cai Wenhua, are from other positions.

They never imagined that they could one day become a high-tech researcher.

And it has successfully developed advanced technology that is ahead of the world.

How can they not be excited?

They have imagined receiving approval from their bosses, approval from their peers.

It's just that they were a little unexpected, how did the atmosphere in the conference room become so weird?

That feeling as if you did something wrong?

The people behind came in one after another and found a place to sit down.

"What's going on? Why does the atmosphere feel strange?"

"I don't know, the atmosphere is like this as soon as I come in."

"Isn't there something wrong with the technology we developed?"

"This is really possible. After all, the creatures we are developing against do not exist at all, and it seems normal to be denied."

"That's not just an empty joy."

"Happy, nothing, I'm afraid the entire Communication Exploration Technology Department will be removed."

"It's impossible. How could the just-established Communication Exploration Technology Department be removed all of a sudden? It's hard to find a field that I'm good at, but I don't want to leave like this."

"Who knows? It's the same, it's hard to find a job that you are good at and like, and you can't just give up like this."

There were people coming in one after another.

But no one knows what happened?

Why is it different from what you imagined?

It's just that I went to take a shower, and this change has changed too fast.

When everyone sat down, their eyes could not help but glance at Cai Wenhua next to him.

It's just that Cai Wenhua's face is expressionless, and he can't see other expressions from it.

In fact, the reason why Cai Wenhua is expressionless is that his mind is not in the conference room, but is constantly doing thought experiments in his own mind, wanting to see where the development is going and how can he achieve Liu Mingyu's needs.

All thoughts are in his mind, so from the outside, Cai Wenhua is expressionless, as if he is not paying attention to anything.

If Cai Wenhua knew that it was because of his own thinking that the meeting in the entire conference room had become extremely serious, how would he feel?

Liu Mingyu sat very leisurely on the chairman's seat. Due to Liu Mingyu's status as the boss, others did not dare to say hello to Liu Mingyu.

So the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became a lot more serious.

Liu Mingyu checked that the number of people had arrived, and tapped the table lightly.

Everyone was shocked and all sat up straight, as if they met the head teacher in elementary school.

And Cai Wenhua, who was on the side, finally withdrew from the thought experiment in his mind.

Seeing everyone's serious looks, Liu Mingyu laughed softly: "Everyone, relax a little, don't be so serious."

Although I heard Liu Mingyu say not to be so serious, but in the atmosphere just now, who would dare to laugh.

Liu Mingyu didn't care, and continued: "First of all, congratulations to you, you have worked all night for more than a month and completed the basic work of the new generation of communication exploration technology, which is worthy of praise here.

I'm announcing that this month, the rewards for all employees of the Communications Discovery Technology Department have been doubled. "

The voice fell, and there was thunderous applause in the conference room.

You must know that their group of technical researchers is not only high in salary, but also highly rewarded after research is done.

Now the reward is doubled, even higher than their own salary.

"This is too cool. I just did a rough calculation. The salary plus bonus this month is higher than my salary last year."

"Just scared me to death, thought there was something wrong with our technology?

It turned out to be giving us a bonus, which is awesome. "

While everyone was whispering, someone suddenly shouted: "Long live the boss!"

Immediately afterwards, others also shouted: "Long live the boss!"

The cheers lasted for nearly a minute.

It was not until Liu Mingyu stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop that the voice gradually subsided.

The cheers of the conference room spread outside.

The logistics staff outside looked at the technicians enviously.

Although I don't know why they cheered long live the boss, but I guessed in my heart and knew what was going on.

Must have been given a high reward.

To be honest, for these people getting high rewards, they are not jealous except for envy.

Because they understand better than anyone how crazy this group of people has been in the past month or so.