I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 1976: Zerg, looking for a demon comet (Part 1)

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After Liu Mingyu's denial, Cai Wenhua did not continue to investigate.

The more important thing now is to find out whether there are only Zerg in that place, or there are Zerg in other places as well, or the existence of other creatures.

Liu Mingyu said: "Continue to increase the detection range and see if there are any Zerg in other directions."

"We are already expanding the scope of testing, and I believe the results will be available soon."

There is no need for Liu Mingyu's special instructions, Cai Wenhua has already let the communication detection equipment continue to improve the detection range in advance.

Now there is no need for a very precise location, just to be able to know whether there is a Zerg in a certain direction.

A round of testing takes about ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Cai Wenhua looked at the report brought up by the person below, and then handed it to Liu Mingyu next to him, "Boss, apart from the total of 365 Zerg detected earlier, no other creatures have been found."

Liu Mingyu looked at the report, which was exactly the same as the data he had seen on the big screen before.

That is to say, apart from the group of Zerg discovered at the beginning, no other creatures have been found.

This is a good thing for Liu Mingyu.

However, Liu Mingyu does not think that there are really only traces of the Zerg around the solar system.

Now that the Zerg has appeared, the "devil comet", the culprit that caused the entire earth to become the end of the world, has not yet been found in the apocalyptic world.

Perhaps this demonic comet, like Halley's Comet, is in an unknown corner of the solar system, waiting for many years to appear in the public eye again.

If you look at the time line on the end of the world, it will take 88 years in the real world.

Now, where does the devil comet stay?

However, if that demonic comet really belongs to the solar system like Halley's Comet, I am afraid it would have already turned the earth into a world of zombies.

Judging from what I learned from the end of the world, the culprit's demon comet does not seem to be a product of the solar system, but a product from outside the solar system.

If it is a product from outside the solar system, it will take 88 years to arrive, and with the size of the demon comet, it is really difficult to find it in the vast universe.

Liu Mingyu still remembers the direction the demon comet flew, but with the current exploration technology, he might not be able to find the body of the demon comet.

Communication exploration technology may not be able to observe the demon comet, but Liu Mingyu thinks that he can still try it.

After all, there shouldn't be much matter outside the solar system.

If the exploration technology is strong enough, it should be able to clearly see what the comet looks like.

Of course, this is only the ideal state.

Whether it is actually useful, Liu Mingyu does not know.

After all, there is a gap of 88 years between the two.

And it's not just the Earth that's moving, the sun is also moving around the Milky Way.

If you want to capture the demon comet, you must calculate the position of the sun after 88 years. After calculating the position of the demon comet, you may be able to find the exact location of the opponent.

In fact, this method of finding a demon comet is not difficult, but not easy.

Liu Mingyu decided to let Feiyun try to determine the location of the demon comet.

In the real world, Feiyun's host is undoubtedly the most advanced host in the world today.

For Liu Mingyu, determining the location of the demon comet requires a considerable amount of calculation.

But for Feiyun's host, it's not a big problem at all.

Liu Mingyu immediately uploaded the relevant data to Feiyun's server, then contacted Feiyun immediately, and said, "Help me calculate the current position of the demon comet."

A simple and honest panda jumped out of Liu Mingyu's smart bracelet, showing a simple and honest smile: "Master, according to your needs and the data provided, it will take about ten minutes."

Cai Wenhua, who was beside him, was not too surprised by the sudden appearance of the panda.

The company logo of Xingchen Group is a simple and honest panda. As the owner of the company, it is normal for Liu Mingyu to turn his mobile assistant into a panda.

Now that Xingchen mobile phones have become popular among the public, many people will turn the mobile phone assistant wizard into their favorite appearance.

Cai Wenhua thought that Liu Mingyu was the same, but what he didn't know was that this simple and honest panda was the real Feiyun, not just an ordinary elf assistant like others.

The behemoth in front of Liu Mingyu is still in constant operation and wants to explore more Zerg.

On the big screen, more and more Zerg were simulated, and even the environments they brought were simulated one by one.

Liu Mingyu carefully checked the environment they were in, and it seemed that they were all hosted on meteorites floating in space.

And by looking at their appearance, it seems that they are currently sleeping. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

If it hadn't been probed through communication exploration equipment, I'd probably think it was a dead creature, floating there following the meteorite.

The location where this group of Zerg stayed, if you don't observe carefully, it is impossible to find their existence.

Even if they have communication exploration equipment, they are specifically investigating the Zerg before they find out their specific locations.

Maybe this is why the Zerg stayed here and were not discovered by humans for a long time.

Of course, there is also a possibility.

That is, in fact, the Zerg has been discovered in the next 88 years.

But for some reason, it was hidden.

Only very few people know.

This is also an important reason why ordinary people do not know about alien creatures.

Now Liu Mingyu has no time to guess why the Zerg has never been found in the apocalyptic world. Now he just wants to make sure that the Zerg will not wake up the Zerg because of his unintentional exploration this time.

After repeated confirmation, Liu Mingyu found that he might be too nervous.

Those Zerg did not have any changes, and remained motionless all the time.

If it weren't for the fact that the communication exploration equipment could detect the active cells in the Zerg, they would have thought that the Zerg had died.

Now it seems that those Zerg are not dead, but dormant.

It seems that they have to wait for some kind of opportunity to wake them up from their dormant state.

According to Liu Mingyu's experience in the apocalyptic world, Liu Mingyu guessed that the opportunity for those Zerg to awaken is likely to be the demon comet from outside the sky.