I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2065: Assist, close the net (Part 2)

Sun Zhengkang has returned to his normal state. He stared at the Zerg and zombies who were fighting fiercely below, and said calmly: "Wait a minute, isn't it? There are still some portals that are still sending zombies over, wait a minute. , there are probably many more.

Moreover, they are evenly matched now, and we can wait until the zombies gain the upper hand before we take action. "

Isn't the reason why they activated so many zombie portals just to obtain more energy crystals?

Now that you have this opportunity in front of you, how can you not make the most of it?

The zombie portal is not capable of transporting zombies unlimitedly.

Depending on the size of the portal, the number of zombies transmitted varies.

After such a long time, no new zombies have been sent to the previously activated portals.

Only a door of light is still standing there and has not disappeared.

The teammates stood nearby, silently waiting for the flying car behind them.

The materials they exchanged were placed inside. If they wanted to kill the zombies below the valley, they would have to rely on the energy missiles inside.

Just because they exchanged some energy missiles, even if all the Zerg in the valley were wiped out and replaced by zombies, they would not have any worries.

Even if there are zombies all over the mountains and plains, two third-level energy missiles fired at him are enough to kill them.

Precisely because of this trump card, his teammates did not raise any objections to Sun Zhengkang's proposal.

The large portal is indeed powerful enough. When no zombies are sent through other small portals, the large portal is still sending zombies over in a steady stream.

Sun Zhengkang and the others only waited for less than an hour. Almost all the territory below the valley was occupied by zombies. If not for the fact that many zombies discovered Sun Zhengkang and the others during the process, they sent many zombies to attack.

I'm afraid they will occupy it even faster.

In the valley, the number of zombies is rising sharply, and the number of Zerg is declining sharply.

It's not that the Zerg have been wiped out.

This number has dropped sharply, referring to the number in the valley. Outside the valley, there are still a large number of Zerg that are constantly attacking this place.

The fierce fighting here almost attracted the Zerg within several kilometers.

The Zerg race has always been based on quantity.

As long as there are enough resources, they can reproduce on a large scale.

Obviously the time for the Zerg to appear is far shorter than the time for the zombies to appear.

But the number of bugs far exceeds the number of zombies.

Even within a radius of a few kilometers, the number of Zerg has reached a quite terrifying level.

Sun Zhengkang looked at the situation below and asked Su San: "Let's go and prepare the energy missiles."

Everyone immediately killed the zombies that rushed up, forming a short vacuum state.

This is enough time for them to rush into the flying car and leave here.

A few seconds.

The two teams each got into two flying cars.

The zombies had just appeared on the hillside, and two flying cars soared into the sky.

Those zombies that could only walk on the ground could only wave their arms helplessly when facing the flying car that was quickly leaving, but it had no effect.

On the contrary, some flying zombies saw the figure of the flying car and rushed towards the flying car.

However, before the flying zombies could rush over, the flying car had disappeared from their sight.

Based on previous experience, the flying car chose a height of 1,000 meters this time, which is enough distance to avoid the shock wave of energy missiles.

At an altitude of 1,000 meters, they were unable to see clearly the specific conditions on the ground.

However, looking from a distance, one can still see the general traces of zombies and Zerg.

The two sides have already entered a state of deadly combat, where it's either you who die or I live.

As long as there are still living beings on either side, this battle may never end.

Densely packed zombies and zerg.

For Sun Zhengkang and others, this is the best time to attack.

Sun Zhengkang asked indifferently: "Are the energy missiles ready?"

Su San immediately replied: "Captain, we are ready."

"You aim at the center of the Zerg, and I'll aim at the center of the zombies." Sun Zhengkang ordered.

The power of an energy missile explosion is enough to level the entire valley.

"Copy that, Captain." Su San replied again.

Then the flying cars flew in the designated directions.


Sun Zhengkang gave an order, and two level three energy missiles flew rapidly downward from the air.

I saw two rays of light flashing below, followed by two very close explosions.

In Sun Zhengkang's field of vision, he saw only two clouds of dust rising into the sky.

What followed was a fierce shock wave.

The height of the two flying cars is high enough. After the violent shock wave reaches this height, it will not cause much damage to the flying cars.

The shock wave only caused a little shaking to the flying car~lightnovelpub.net~ Sun Zhengkang and the others did not rush down immediately, but waited for the smoke to dissipate before driving the flying car down.

While waiting, they don't have to worry that other teams will take their credit.

They had been fighting here for several hours. According to the rules set by the company, this area had already become their team's territory without their permission.

No other teams are allowed to enter without permission, no matter what happens here.

And with these two loud noises, even if the people next to you hear them, they will understand what is happening here?

It is even less possible to **** away their credit.

However, this time limit is not permanent.

Theoretically, they can stay in this area for 12 hours at most.

If it exceeds 12 hours, you can enter even without Sun Zhengkang's permission, and you can even collect the loot in this area.

Under normal circumstances, 12 hours is enough to solve most things.

Unless there are special reasons, it is absolutely sufficient.

Just like Sun Zhengkang and the others, it took a long time this time, nearly four hours.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Sun Zhengkang would not want to come down so quickly.

But in the next two hours, it will get dark soon.

At night, it becomes very troublesome to collect energy crystals.

In order to avoid working at night, Sun Zhengkang decided to come down as soon as possible to find out the situation and collect energy crystals as soon as possible.

When they came down, they could see that the entire valley had been flattened. No, it should have been blown into a deeper valley.