I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2136: Sent the wrong information? (superior)

Pan Jianguo looked at the information on the screen and was in a state of confusion.

At the beginning, Pan Jianguo guessed that Zhang Maocai invited them to stay because he wanted to poach them.

After all, they are also leaders in the field of quantum computers.

If Xingchen Group wants to vigorously develop and miniaturize quantum computers, it will inevitably need to recruit troops.

And they are each other's best choice.

Even though their research and development direction is different from that of Xingchen Group, they also believe that they have an advantage over other ordinary people.

But when they visited the quantum computer R&D department of Xingchen Group, this idea instantly faded away.

Indeed, compared to other ordinary people, they do have much more knowledge in the field of quantum computers.

But in fact, in terms of real quantum computer manufacturing, it seems that there is no big enough situation to only choose them.

Of course, if given the choice, I believe Xingchen Group would still give them priority.

Before visiting, Pan Jianguo felt that there were still some possibilities.

After the visit, this possibility suddenly dropped a lot.

At least there is a slight chance.

But when he saw the information in the USB flash drive delivered today, Pan Jianguo had completely rejected the idea in his heart.

Because there is no need at all. With the strength shown by Xingchen Group, it can completely crush many teams including itself.

It is truly an admirable team that has developed a real quantum computer.

To be honest, it was hard for Pan Jianguo to imagine that his former student had such a high talent in quantum computers.

It seems that he is still not suitable for educating people. When he was in school, his talent was not discovered.

If the other party's talent had been discovered earlier, would the title of the first real quantum computer fall on one's own head?

But he quickly shook his head.

Even if you discover the other person's talent, if you follow him, you may not be able to achieve anything.

Because the real quantum computer and the quantum computer he is currently studying are completely different directions.

Even if Zhang Maocai follows him, the most likely thing is that he will spend his time together, wondering when he will be able to develop a real quantum computer.

Perhaps the best choice is that he did not discover the other person's talent in quantum computers.

Because only in this way can Zhang Maocai show his talent and develop a real quantum computer.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Maocai seemed to be grateful to himself for not forcing him to stay.

Thinking of this, Pan Jinguo couldn't help but smile bitterly. Sometimes the choices in life are like this.

If we go forward two years, if Zhang Maocai had chosen to follow him, it would indeed have been the best choice at the time.

But looking at it now, two years later, following myself is the best choice.

What is going on with the information in front of me?

Is it really just for yourself?

This is a complete set of information.

There must be something else that I haven't seen.

Did Maocai copy the wrong information?

I was originally given a part of the information, but ended up copying the entire set of information?

It's not impossible.

Pan Jianguo, who was about to carefully check the information inside, immediately stopped.

Thinking of this, Pan Jianguo immediately dialed Zhang Maocai's phone number.

The phone just rang and was answered immediately.

"Teacher, good morning! Did you have a good rest yesterday? Did you drink the medicine I asked Assistant Li to bring?

If you haven't drunk it yet, drink it quickly.

Can help teachers relieve hangovers. "

Before Pan Jianguo spoke, Zhang Maocai's concerned voice immediately came over the phone.

Hearing Zhang Maocai's concern, Pan Jianguo was very pleased. This student was well worth the money, so he should not let him go astray.

Pan Jianguo smiled slightly and said: "Maocai, thank you for the medicine. After taking the medicine you sent me, my whole body is full of energy and I feel that I have endless strength.

By the way, Maocai, where did you buy this medicine?

Is there any way to purchase it?

Or buy a few bottles for the teacher? "

I originally thought about asking Assistant Li to communicate with Zhang Maocai.

Now I just had something to talk to Zhang Maocai, so I told him directly.

Zhang Maocai laughed loudly and said: "Teacher, this is an internal medicine of our company and is not for external sale.

But if the teacher needs it, I can still give you a few bottles.

I'll ask my assistant to send you a few more bottles later. "

"Shouldn't it be sold to the outside world? If such a good medicine is not sold to the outside world, wouldn't it be a waste?" Pan Jianguo couldn't help but raise his voice.

If there are only a few bottles, how can it be enough?

After enjoying the effects brought by the energy potion, no one can refuse it.

Especially for technicians like Pan Jianguo, who want to break their time in half, energy potions are simply a panacea for them.

Zhang Maocai explained: "Teacher, you don't know that our company, Xingchen Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of our group company, has developed many kinds of special drugs. One or two drugs are used internally. For our company, it is nothing. It’s a big deal.”

Zhang Maocai did not tell lies. Indeed, as he said, Xingchen Pharmaceutical has produced dozens of medicines in the past two years.

And most of the medicines are special medicines for difficult and complicated diseases.

In particular, all the ten most difficult and complicated diseases in the world in the 21st century that have been recognized by the scientific community have been solved by Xingchen Pharmaceutical.

Plus other bits and pieces of difficult and complicated diseases.

Even if Xingchen Group did not intentionally raise prices, these drugs were enough for Xingchen Group to make a lot of money.

Even in terms of profitability, Xingchen Pharmaceutical ranks among the best among the subsidiaries of the entire group company.

"If you don't sell such a good thing, it's not..."

Pan Jianguo had nothing to say until the end.

You can't force people to sell to outsiders, right?

It's their right to sell it to outsiders.

To be honest, Pan Jianguo was a little envious of Zhang Maocai at this time for being able to enjoy these resources at will.

If you have such resources, will you be able to research and develop as you wish? It may even increase the success rate of research and development.

Perhaps the reason why Zhang Maocai was able to successfully develop the first real quantum computer in such a short period of time.

Maybe it has a lot to do with this hangover potion.

Alas, I couldn't find a place to buy it, so if I just gave away a few bottles, it would be of no use to me if I gave away more than a dozen bottles.