I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2175: 2 goals (Part 2)

Prince Merkel believes that under such strict protection measures, it is impossible for anyone to break through such strict protection.

This kind of strict protective measures is not only to protect Liu Mingyu's safety, but more importantly, to protect his own safety.

Prince Merkel knows that if she appears at the airport tomorrow, the risk factor will be no lower than Liu Mingyu, or even higher.

He was afraid that if those killers failed to obtain the intended target, they would probably kill him easily.

While Prince Merkel was conducting an intensive search, killers from all over the world also began their preparations.

Since Buell decided to carry out this task, he has immediately started collecting various information.

By the time he arrived at the desert kingdom, he had already made four plans using the available information.

Soon, Bull and Brooke met at the agreed upon location.

The location agreed upon by Bull and Brooke was not in the capital, but in a city next to the capital.

This city is not very far from the capital, only more than a hundred kilometers.

This can minimize the chance of being discovered.

In fact, it's not just Bull and Brooke who do this, there are many killers who do this. If they really want to reach the capital directly, they will just deliver food to each other.

Although this city is only more than a hundred kilometers away from the capital, compared to the prosperity of the capital, this city seems a bit down and out.

Bull and Brooke came to the coffee shop and sat in a relatively remote corner.

Because the city is not particularly prosperous and there are not many people coming here to drink coffee, they don't have to worry about their communication being discovered.

When Brooke saw Bull, he gave him a big hug from a distance: "Brother, welcome back to the team."

Bull hugged Brooke tightly, then separated and said with a smile: "Just one order."

Brooke smiled mysteriously: "I think we can do two orders."

“Brooke, I had already agreed before coming here that I would only complete one order, and it would be over after this order is completed.

Are you thinking about continuing to do it?

Regardless of whether you do it or not, I will only complete one.

I will never touch again after that. "Bull frowned slightly and his tone became a little unhappy.

He felt that he had been cheated by Brooke.

Although Brooke gave him hope, he didn't want to make the same mistakes again.

He has seen very clearly that the assassin industry is not permanent.

Seeing Bull's look, Brooke knew that the other party had misunderstood, and quickly explained in a low voice: "Bull, you have misunderstood. If you complete this task, you will end your career.

I already have so much money, so why should I continue to do this job? "

Bull frowned slightly: "Then what do you mean?"

Brooke quickly opened the darknet and handed it to Bull: "Look at this reward order, Prince Merkel is the representative sent by the Desert Kingdom, and he will also appear at the scene tomorrow.

If we could, we could take out both of them.

In this way, we have another bounty invisibly. "

Bull was also very surprised that there was a bounty mission, and the bounty amount was not low.

If it weren't for Liu Mingyu's goal of accumulating a bounty of more than 2 billion U.S. dollars, the bounty order for Prince Merkel would also be a bounty order that could rank high.

When he was collecting information before, he didn't look at other reward orders, so he missed this reward order.

"You should have told me earlier. Tell me now, I'm afraid it's too late."

The first thing Bull needs to confirm now is Liu Mingyu's specific itinerary. If he collects information about Prince Locke now, it may be too late.

The plans he made were all targeted at Liu Mingyu, and many details were also targeted at Liu Mingyu.

Now suddenly there's one more target to kill, and everything needs to be re-planned.

This is not an easy job.

The most important thing is that he is afraid that he will not be able to make it in time.

Brooke said in a low voice: "If that doesn't work, then give up on Prince Merkel for the time being. After all, his reward amount is still far from enough."

Brooke also knew that he reminded him too late. If he had to choose a target, it would definitely be Liu Mingyu, whose cumulative amount exceeds 2 billion US dollars.

Prince Merkel is nothing more than a passing target.

Bull didn't speak. He turned on the computer he carried with him and began to quickly collect information. He saw various windows on the computer screen jumping crazily, as if he was a hacker in a movie.

It is so dazzling that one cannot see the detailed content inside.

In fact, Bull has another identity, that is, the world's top hacker.

It is precisely because of the hacker's identity that he can search for all kinds of useful information at will.

Only then can we find the best implementation plan based on the existing data.

Brooke sat silently next to him and didn't speak.

Suddenly, Bull said: "Go get a sniper rifle and wait here for two hours."

"Okay, I understand. I'll be right back."

Brooke nodded in response, then turned and left.

Bull is responsible for collecting information and formulating implementation plans.

Brooke is responsible for collecting weapons and executing the plan. UU Kanshu www.uukansshu.com

As a legendary killer who has been in the killer world for more than 20 years, it is relatively simple to get a sniper rifle.

In almost every country in the world, he has the ability to get the weapons he needs as quickly as possible.

Of course, there is one country in the world that must be excluded.

That country is not something he can mess with.

If that man hadn't left that country on his own initiative, he wouldn't have taken the risk and taken that mission.

An hour and a half later.

Brooke returned to the coffee shop with a box and sat quietly next to Bull.

After a while.

Bull turned the computer to Brooke, "Theoretically, we can still complete two orders.

This is the action plan I have drawn up for you, take a look at it first.

I'll explain it to you in detail later. "


Brooke took the computer and began to read it carefully.

This is related to whether he can complete the task and whether he can escape intact after completing the task.

You must be very energetic.

According to his own habit, Bull still provided Brook with four execution plans.

The benefits of each execution plan vary.

Brooke quickly read the above plan, and then pushed the computer in front of Bull.

"I've finished reading it."

"Very good, let me explain to you some special points that need to be paid attention to in these plans?

Option A: What needs special attention is that you need to know the runway where the other party will land. Regarding this point, I will inform you when the time comes...

Option b:…

Plan c:…

Plan d:…

That’s it, do you have any questions? "

Brooke shook his head slightly and said, "No, it's already very detailed."