I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2217: The king wants a replica? (Down)

Although the Star Group has a high degree of freedom, it still needs to pay taxes to the Desert Kingdom.

In order to be able to introduce the Star Group, the king of the Desert Kingdom also made certain concessions in terms of taxes.

Although it has not reached the level of tax exemption, it is almost the same as tax exemption.

Only 10% of the normal tax is payable in the first year.

Pay 20% of normal tax in the second year.

40% of normal tax is paid in the third year.

Pay 80% of normal tax in the fourth year.

Taxes are paid as normal in the fifth year.

Although Xingchen Group has just settled in the Desert Kingdom for less than a year, the tax paid is still 10% of the normal tax.

But just this 10% tax payment is enough to turn the city's tax revenue in Beijiang into a medium-sized city among all cities.

It is conceivable that in a few years, Northern Xinjiang may become the most prosperous and wealthy city in the desert kingdom.

The entry of an enterprise not only increases its own tax revenue, but also promotes the development of the entire city.

Xingchen Group pays a low tax rate, but other companies pay normal taxes.

Xingchen Group is like a leading enterprise, leading the entire city into rapid development.

This is why Xingchen Group clearly only needs to pay 10% tax, but Beijiang's tax revenue has caught up with and surpassed that of most cities in a very short period of time.

This time, because Xingchen Group needed to build a place that could accommodate millions of people training at the same time, the resources required reached a very large and terrifying figure.

Because his boss had an agreement with the king of the desert kingdom, Chen Xuyong did not keep any confidentiality at all in the construction of the new training facility except for keeping the oil field secret.

Therefore, Chen Xuyong purchased all kinds of needed resources generously.

The resources needed to build a refinery are also mixed in.

Even if someone comes to check these resources, it is impossible to get any results.

This model of Xingchen Group gave the king of the desert kingdom a taste of the sweetness.

Since the worst northern Xinjiang can be transformed into a wealthy city.

So can other cities replicate this model?

Facing the king's inquiry, the ministers around him were suddenly speechless.

Doesn’t the king take this too naturally?

Do you really think this model is so easy to replicate?

The reason why Northern Xinjiang has been able to achieve its current achievements.

Mainly because of Xingchen Group.

Without the achievements of Xingchen Group, even if those companies were brought in, there would not be much change.

And for those companies, if certain conditions are not given, I am afraid not many companies will be willing to develop here.

Seeing the silence around him and no one replying for a long time, the king couldn't help but yelled loudly: "Look at you, what do you look like?

Let me ask you to come up with an idea. No one has one.

Doesn't it even work in the simplest copy mode?

Just stare at that little thing.

Is this how you run the country? "

At the court meeting, only the king's filial voice could be heard.

The king looked around. Everyone who was glanced at by the king lowered their heads involuntarily, for fear of being named by the king.

When the king saw these ministers, he almost wanted to kill them. After looking around, he finally focused on the Minister of Economic Affairs and said, "Tell me something."

The Minister of Economic Affairs knew that he could not escape because he was in charge of this area. He cleared his throat and said, "Your Majesty, I think this model can indeed be copied.

Perhaps no company can reach the level of Xingchen Group, but we can definitely demarcate an area as an industrial zone.

It's like a newly built city by Xingchen Group.

There is only one company in Xingchen Group, and the other place can completely follow the same pattern. If one company cannot do it, then invite a few more companies, and then provide certain conditions and resources, and it must be able to develop. "

"That's right. Then I'll let you take the lead on this matter. After the meeting is over, you can discuss with each other and see where this model can be replicated.

As the first test after getting rid of the Xingchen Group.

I authorize you to give sufficient authority to handle this matter.

But I hope you can do this well. "

The king didn't waste any time and assigned the task directly to the Minister of Economic Affairs.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will do my best to complete this matter."

The Minister of Economic Affairs also knew that he could not escape, so he could only agree to it.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, today's meeting will be dismissed."

With the king's announcement, today's meeting was dissolved.

In fact, whether it is the Minister of Economy, the King, or other ministers, they all know that it is not easy to replicate this model.

Not all companies can have such great courage.

Build a city in a strange country.

If you are a little careless, you may lose all your pants.

The cost of building a city, as well as various human resources, management resources, etc.~lightnovelpub.net~ are all terrifying data.

At present, I am afraid that except for Xingchen Group, which can produce such terrifying cash flow, it is impossible for other companies to produce it.

As for what they said, various companies can be recruited to form an industrial park.

This approach is not impossible.

In fact, there are similar practices in many countries.

Put some similar industries together to form an industry chain.

But in reality this effect is minimal.

It is simply impossible to reach the level of Xingchen Group.

Regardless of whether it is possible or not, since the king has issued this order, the Minister of Economy can only do it truthfully.

Liu Mingyu never thought that when he asked Chen Xuyong and the others to build a brand new training facility, the king of the desert kingdom would want to copy this model.

If Liu Mingyu knew about it, he could only tell them that you still think too much.

Even if we could find companies like Xingchen Group, those companies would not be able to build as fast as Xingchen Group.

In this case, it would be impossible to generate such a huge tax.

For those companies, it may take them three to five years, or even longer, to complete the construction of an industrial park.

In terms of their construction speed, how can they be compared with Xingchen Group?

The reason why they are able to receive such a huge amount of tax revenue is actually equivalent to concentrating the work of other companies for several years.

If several years of taxes are concentrated in half a year, the amount of tax generated will reach a terrifying figure.

Would the king not know about this?

of course I know.

What he wants is to replicate this model.

Let the country develop at a high speed.