I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2315: Ice Age (Part 2)

If it lasts longer, the consequences will be more serious.

But this is also inevitable.

Unless the planetary mothership is allowed to leave.

In that case, the gains outweigh the losses.

Eventually the earth will still encounter the base of a super solar storm.

Judging from the intensity of the solar storm during this period, the intensity of the solar storm was higher than initially monitored.

Liu Mingyu didn't know how long the follow-up would last.

If the planetary mothership is really evacuated, I am afraid that the entire earth's civilization will really re-enter primitive society.

Instead, it continues to remain this way.

More advantageous.

The only thing left to wait now is for the super solar storm to end.

Faced with this special situation, various countries have held emergency meetings.

There was almost no interruption.

But there is nothing anyone can do about this situation.

We can only preserve the current facilities as much as possible.

Many countries have already mobilized people to prepare to live underground.

Suddenly, there are more discussions about the end of the world on the Internet.

Everyone is worried about the end of the world.

"When will it start? The temperature outside is so low that the air conditioner can't even heat it."

“You still have air conditioning to enjoy, and you still have heating to enjoy.

I wish we had heating here and could enjoy it. "

"It's been two hours, and the solar storm hasn't ended yet."

"This crisis is no longer a question of whether the solar storm will end.

Even if the solar storm is over.

The planet in the sky is still there.

As long as that planet still exists, I'm afraid the real end of the world is coming. "

"This is no longer coming, this is the end of the world."

"God! Come and save us!"

"It's up to God. I'm afraid God doesn't have time to take care of himself at this moment."

"Actually, you don't have to worry. This planet that suddenly appeared may really be the guardian of the earth.

As long as the solar storm is over, it will leave on its own. "

"What are you thinking? You left on your own. Do you really think this is an alien spacecraft? If it is really an alien spacecraft, it would be pretty good without invading the earth. How can it protect the earth?"

"Don't tell me, it really might be an alien spacecraft.

Although I don’t understand why these alien spacecraft come to help the earth?

But if it is really an alien spacecraft, then the end of the world we are worried about will become another end of the world. "

"Isn't that the end of the world?"

"That's different. Compared to freezing to death like this, I still think the end of the world when alien creatures attack the earth is better."

“Whether it’s the attack of a super solar storm, or the planet blocking the sun’s light, causing the earth to enter an ice age, or aliens invading the earth.

No matter which one is the same, it is enough to bring the world into a world-level doomsday countdown to destruction. "

There is a lot of panic on the Internet.

Compared with the news that the communication network was paralyzed a few hours ago, the news that the world has entered an ice age is even more frightening.

From the very beginning, there have been incidents of vandalism, looting, and burning for zero-yuan purchases in many countries.

After a few hours, there was no need for the government to send people to suppress it.

Those who rioted could no longer stand the cold outside and hid inside the building.

The temperature didn't drop even a little bit.

Especially for those humans near the equator.

That was really the first time they saw snow where they were.

Enjoy the snowy scenery.

No one would enjoy such beautiful scenery if they had a choice.

Unfortunately, this is not a choice they can make.

Many people even speculate that there have been several ice ages in the past.

Could it be that it was because of such a situation at that time?

This can't help but make people suspicious.

According to geologists' exploration of the earth, there have indeed been several ice ages in the past 4.6 billion years.

During these ice ages, almost 99% of all living things on the earth were wiped out.

Is it the same this time?

Can humans still survive in this environment?

If this is really the case, there may be hope.

No one knows whether the emergence of the Ice Age was like this?

No one knows whether we will truly enter the glacier world this time.

In just a few hours, the whole world has entered an era of panic, and everyone is eager to hoard more food.

However, the terrifying low temperature outside is prohibitive.

12 hours have passed.

The super solar storm is still not over.

The sky still bursts into brilliant colors.

It’s just that no one appreciates this wonderful scenery anymore.

No exposure to sunlight for 12 hours.

The earth seemed to be covered with a thin layer of snowflakes.

Most rivers and lakes on land are frozen.

Even ice has appeared on the sea surface.

If it continues at this level, I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire earth becomes a land of ice and snow.

Liu Mingyu also noticed the changes that had taken place on the earth, but he was unable to do anything at this moment and could only wait silently.

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Waiting for the solar storm to end.

24 hours passed.

The solar storm above our heads is still continuing.

And it seems to be getting worse.

According to the monitoring results, the intensity of the solar storm at this moment is three times higher than the intensity of the initial solar storm.

And if it continues at this level, the degree of enhancement will become even more outrageous.

Through satellites in the sky, you can see that the entire earth has truly entered the Ice Age.

All rivers and lakes on land have frozen.

Even on the edge of the beach there was a large area of ​​ice forming on the surface of the sea.

Widespread temperature drops have also led to widespread power outages.

Even heating and other supplies~lightnovelpub.net~ have had problems one after another.

These infrastructures were never designed with such low temperatures in mind.

It's pretty good that some of the infrastructure is barely functioning.

Missing heating and electricity.

Many people can't wait to wrap themselves tightly in the quilt.

Fortunately, the ice age only lasted less than 24 hours.

The impact on humans is not as great as imagined.

But for those infrastructures and those buildings, it is definitely a huge test.

After receiving the photos of the Earth taken by Xingchen-1 from outer space, Liu Mingyu was speechless.

Originally, I wanted to resist the solar storm and save the earth.

Unexpectedly, it actually caused the earth to enter an ice age ahead of schedule.