I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 234: failure

The four companies have almost assembled China's top players. This kind of invasion is different from the others. This is a fair attack.

In some hacker world, most of the network security defense tests use this form to test the security of their own software.

However, this time the test is huge, far from a security test done by a certain software before.

Various attack methods take turns in battle.

DDoS attacks, ping flood attacks, WinNuke attacks, OOB attacks...etc.

Liu Mingyu's office.

On a huge screen projected by holography, countless data streams are displayed on the screen, and Feiyun on the side is still explaining the methods used by everyone in the office.

However, most people in this office don't know much about this. The only one who knows a little bit better is Liu Mingyu, who has studied crazy in the virtual world.

Liu Mingyu knew that he knew, but now Feiyun was already holding himself up, there was no need to stand up and say it.

Although everyone didn't know much about the hacker's attack methods, they also knew that their men had not compromised this computer.

"Strong, it's really strong, I have already used super calculations, and still haven't broken the opponent's defense." Brother Dao flew his hands on the keyboard.

Ten minutes have passed since the start of the attack. In ten minutes, the junk data packets released have already exceeded the total amount of attacks that Ali received in a month.

However, even so, it still did not break the opponent's defense, the opponent's defense seemed like a tortoise shell, and the defense was impermeable.

Brother Dao also knows that not only he is using supercomputing to attack the other side, but Tencent, Huawei, and Inspur are all companies with supercomputing. That is to say, the other party is as strong as resisting the supercomputing attacks of the four companies at the same time. Rock.

Brother Dao was extremely impressed, and he admired the defenders on the opposite side.

He still doesn't know his opponent. In fact, an artificial intelligence has no so-called staff.

This is also to blame for Arima and the others for not telling them the situation, he mistakenly thought that the other party was a technician of Star Technology.

In fact, Feiyun can be regarded as a technician of Xingchen Technology, so he is not wrong to think so.

Alima in Liu Mingyu's office, when they saw Feiyun appear, they probably guessed that Feiyun should be the artificial intelligence developed by Xingchen Technology, but for some reason, none of them revealed this information.

Half an hour later, the offensive personnel changed another method after another, but none of them worked.

Brother Dao muttered to himself: "Since none of these work, let's see if this never-announced vulnerability can break the opponent's defense."

In fact, he didn't have much hope for this in his heart. After seeing the opponent's defense methods before, he knew that the opponent's defense methods were unpredictable and unpredictable.

In fact, most hackers have one or even more unannounced vulnerabilities in their hands, and these vulnerabilities can provide some help at critical moments.

Brother Dao has several vulnerabilities in each major system. Of course, most of these vulnerabilities are harmless vulnerabilities.

But now only need to break through the opponent's defense, even if the opponent fails.

Although knowing this kind of loophole, even if it breaks through the opponent's defense, it will not cause a threat, but at this point, he can no longer take care of that much.

According to the loopholes in his memory, Brother Dao began to attack, but when he officially attacked, he was trapped, and the other party was too powerful, so he filled these loopholes in advance.

This is also normal. If one person discovers a loophole, another person may also discover the same loophole, and when another person discovers this loophole, he will patch the loophole.

"It doesn't matter, one is not, I have another one." Dao Ge murmured.

In the next ten minutes, Brother Dao tried one vulnerability after another, but these vulnerabilities were completely filled by the other party.

No use at all.

What the hell, the other party's system is too powerful, there is no loophole.

Liu Mingyu's computer is the computer on the end of the world, leading the real world for nearly a hundred years.

The systems used are not the same system. Some common vulnerabilities have already been patched up. What's more, Feiyun is watching. Brother Dao wants to use the vulnerabilities to attack, so he can only say more.

It is better to use the data torrent openly.

However, even if it is a torrent of data, it is not very useful. Among other things, Liu Mingyu's computer performance is more powerful than their supercomputer, not to mention Feiyun is in control of the audience.

Now they are just training their troops in different ways.

The offenses of each company have lasted for two hours, and everyone can see that their own company’s personnel cannot pose some threats to each other.

As of now, everyone knows that the network security defense software in Star Technology is powerful.

We were still waiting in the office for three hours, one hour left.

It can be regarded as to witness the power of this software, they have reason to believe that ~lightnovelpub.net~ can defend against the unlimited joint attacks of four companies, it is absolutely safe software.

This software is not only available to them, but also to various platforms.

For example, in the banking system, don’t think that only Ali and their companies will be attacked by the Internet. In fact, major banks will also be attacked on the Internet. The amount of attacks is not even less than that of Ali.

With this network security defense software, everyone can sit back and relax.

In the last hour, Huawei’s President Ren and Inspur President Cao rushed over.

They had received a report from their vice president before and also knew about the ongoing projects in this office.

After Mr. Ren and Mr. Cao came over, they greeted everyone. After getting to know each other, they continued to observe the data on the big screen.

Failing to break the defense of the star cloud in the first two hours, even failing to break the outer shell, the next hour will become garbage time.

Because in the first two hours, all the methods that should be used have been used, and all the methods conceivable have been used, but it still failed.

In the remaining hour, everyone just did their best and used various means.

Brother Dao tried the methods he learned before attacking the super account and began to experiment on the opponent.

He also knew that the probability of his attacking methods being effective was very low, and there was no reason to give up before the time was up.

It was impossible to break Feiyun's defense before, and it was impossible to break Feiyun's defense before new technologies were developed.

Three hours passed quickly, and the combination of the four companies failed to break Xingchenyun's defenses.

This is not because the strength of the four companies is not good. It can only be said that this is the crush of the times, this is the crush of technology.