I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2403: No progress (Part 2)

Everyone faced the red blade again.

After a fight, everyone frowned. .

This red blade is much more difficult to deal with than imagined.

We have just entered the Washington area and are still a long way from the central area.

Even before they officially entered, they were already intercepted at the edge.

Several times, they thought about just forcing their way through.

But, it's no use.

The closer they get to the central area of ​​Washington, the more powerful the red blades they encounter become.

At the beginning, although the red blade was fast, its damage was limited. Even if it was accidentally scratched by the red blade, it would not have much impact.

But as it gets closer to the central area, the damage of the red blade becomes more and more powerful.

In just a short time, wounds of various sizes appeared on all four of them.

“No, if we continue like this, it will be impossible to reach the central area.

How about we choose to retreat temporarily? "

"I think it's okay. There's no need to sacrifice here for no reason."

"I agree."

"I agree."

The four of them almost reached a consensus.


With a loud shout, the four people quickly moved towards the suburbs of Washington.

Although the four people were all seriously injured, if they wanted to escape, there was really nothing they could do to stop those red blades.

When the four escaped from the Washington area, the red blade that was chasing after them instantly disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared in this world.

Only when they step into the shrouded area again will they appear in everyone's sight again.

"Let's go find the captain quickly. I don't know what's going on with the captain?"

"The captain is over there."

Everyone saw where Zhao Ziliang was at a glance.

There was no other way, Zhao Ziliang was like a bright light in the dark night, constantly attracting moths to fly towards him.

As long as you see a place where a large number of zombies gather, that's where Zhao Ziliang is.

Zhao Ziliang didn't go too far. He basically stayed on the edge of the suburbs of Washington, traveling back and forth.

Soon, the teammates arrived not far from Zhao Ziliang.

Zhao Ziliang, who was attracting monsters, soon discovered four teammates covered in blood.

He still chose to lure the monster away, and finally came to his teammates as quickly as possible.

Zhao Ziliang quickly asked: "How is it? Have you found out the truth of the matter?"

"Captain, let's leave here first and report to you slowly when we get back." One of them said with a wry smile.

Zhao Ziliang didn't say much, and said to his teammates: "You should go back to where you were before and wait for me. After I lead them away, I will go look for you immediately."

"Okay, Captain, take care of yourself."

Then several teammates immediately went to where they were before.

Zhao Ziliang chose the opposite direction and left this place with a large number of zombies.

Zhao Ziliang estimated that his flight distance had probably led a large number of zombies away for nearly three to four hundred kilometers.

After estimating the time, it should be almost done.

Afterwards, Zhao Ziliang never contacted them again.

Immediately launched the furthest teleportation.

One teleportation can move several kilometers.

After Zhao Ziliang teleported away, the originally crazy zombies fell into a state of confusion.

Suddenly, a large number of zombies were wandering around, seemingly looking for Zhao Ziliang.

However, they searched hard for a long time but could not find Zhao Ziliang.

All the zombies disbanded on the spot.

Zhao Ziliang didn't pay attention to the appearance of the zombies behind him.

Now he just wants to return as quickly as possible.

After dozens of teleportations, Zhao Ziliang had returned to the top floor of the building where they were before.

Zhao Ziliang asked: "What happened to you?

Aren’t there no zombies anymore? Why are you still in such a mess? "

He has lured away a large number of zombies around Washington. Basically, it can be said that at this moment in Washington, except for the large number of zombies in the center of the city, there are not many zombies left in other places.

How come it only took a while?

They became so embarrassed.

The teammates quickly explained: "Captain, those zombies have indeed disappeared.

But the red blade you mentioned before is too powerful.

We only advanced less than a kilometer, and it was difficult to resist the red sharp blade.

As it gets closer to the central area, the red blade becomes more powerful.

If we continue walking like this, I'm afraid we will fall down on the way forward within 500 meters. "

"Those red blades are really so powerful? Something feels wrong."

Zhao Zi had some doubts in his conscience.

It's not like he himself has never faced those red blades.

When he arrived at the central area, he was trapped by a cage composed of red blades.

Those red blades are indeed very powerful~lightnovelpub.net~, but they are not far beyond the point of being irresistible.

But if you think about it carefully, when you were covered by a cage made of red blades, the red blades were indeed smaller than the red blades outside.

Maybe it's because of the gap between them.

Zhao Ziliang did not dwell on this for too long and said, "It seems that if you want to find out what's going on inside, I have to come."

Zhao Ziliang also knew very well that if this situation continued, he would be the only one with teleportation, and might be able to reach the central area.

Even if others want to go through, they don't have enough ability.

After listening to Zhao Ziliang's words, everyone couldn't help but lower their heads.

"I'm sorry, Captain, for not being able to help Captain."

"Captain, how about we attract those zombies? This can also reduce your burden."

The team members were unable to help Zhao Ziliang and felt very ashamed.

The captain has clearly attracted a large number of zombies away, but just a red blade can't solve them.

It's difficult because they are zombies with a seventh-level intermediate strength.

Zhao Ziliang frowned slightly and said, "If you don't have special marks, you may not be able to attract their attention.

I'd better go on my own. "

Zhao Ziliang didn't dislike them for not being able to help.

It's just that the help it can help is very weak.

It's better not to go.

You can go there alone.

Attracting some zombies to leave does not have much effect on Zhao Ziliang.

With Zhao Ziliang's ability to teleport, there is no big difference between being attacked by one zombie or by multiple zombies.

The only thing I need to think about now is, if I encounter space enhancement and cannot use teleportation again, how should I deal with it?